Publications (5649)
Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Aqueous Extract of sarcocephalus latifolius (sm.) Bruce Fruit in Rats
Da Filkpièrè Léonard, Koussoubé Ignace, Doukouré Maya, Soudré Albert, Bayala Balé, Belemtougri G. Raymond
The roots, stem, and leaves of Sarcocephalus latifolius are widely used in pharmacopoeia to treat various
inflammatory diseases. However, few studies have been performed on the fruits of this plant. This study set out
to assess the aqueous extract of Sarcocephalus latifolius fruits' innocuity against female rats and mice. Six
female mice, e(...)
Fruit, Sarcocephalus latifolius, Toxicity, Rats
Establishment of reference values for prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen in adults in Burkina Faso
Koumpingnin Nebie, Salam Sawadogo, Catherine Traore, Jerome Koulidiati, Donatien Kima, Florence Alida Wendyam Ouedraogo, Myriam Wendkuni Nikiema/ Minoungou, Salifo Sawadogo, Awa Oumar Toure, Eleonore Kafando
Background: The ordering of clinical haemostasis tests is increasing in Burkina Faso due to the newly emergence of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, appropriate local reference values (RV) are
lacking. Our study aimed to establish RV for prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and fibrinogen assays. M(...)
haemostasis, reference values, PT, aPTT, fibrinogen
Serum Transthyretin Profile in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure on Hemodialysis at Souro Sanou University Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso
Arnaud Kouraogo, Ollo Da, Aoua Semdé, Alice Kiba, Fabienne Soudre, Raoul Karfo, Amidou Sawadogo, Emmanuel Zongo, Fatou Gueye Tall, Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo, Elie Kabre, Jean Sakande
Introduction: Transthyretin (prealbumin) is a protein secreted by the liver that is involved in the assessment of
undernutrition and nutritional intake. Undernutrition in hemodialysis patients is associated with a worsening of vital prognosis.
The main objective of this study was to investigate the transthyretin profile in hemodialysis patie(...)
Assessment of Undernutrition, Prealbumin, Albumin, Chronic Renal Failure, Dialysis
High-Risk Abortions at University Hospital Bogodogo: A Comprehensive Study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Ouattara Adama a++*, Bako Lankoande Natacha b, Tougma Sanou A. b, Sawadogo Yobi Alexi a, Kiemtoré Sibraogo a, Ouédraogo Issa c and Ouedraogo Charlemagne Marie Ragnag-Newende a
Objective: To study high-risk abortions at the University Hospital Bogodogo (UTH-B) in Ouagadougou.
Patients and Methods: We conducted a prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional survey over 12 months from June 2021 to May 2022. Our study included 111 patients admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology department during the study period and di(...)
Unsafe abortion; CHU; Bogodogo.
Problématique des incorrections linguistiques dans le roman Le Prix de la stigmatisation de Ounténi Félix NATAMA
NATAMA Tilado Jérôme & NEBIE Boukary
Cet article traite de la problématique des incorrections linguistiques dans le roman Le Prix de la stigmatisation de Ounténi Félix NATAMA. L’article montre que le roman présente des incorrections linguistiques relatives à l’orthographe lexicale, aux accords, aux constructions syntaxiques et au lexique (contresens et pléonasmes). Sur la base de(...)
incorrections linguistiques, mots outils, lexique, pléonasme
Serum Transthyretin Profile in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure on Hemodialysis at Souro Sanou University Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso
Arnaud Kouraogo, Ollo Da Aoua Semdé, Alice Kiba, Fabienne Soudre, Raoul Karfo, Amidou Sawadogo, Emmanuel Zongo, Fatou Gueye Tall, Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo, Elie Kabre, Jean Sakande,
Introduction: Transthyretin (prealbumin) is a protein secreted by the liver that is involved in the assessment of undernutrition and nutritional intake. Undernutrition in hemodialysis patients is associated with a worsening of vital prognosis. The main objective of this study was to investigate the transthyretin profile in hemodialysis patient(...)
Assessment of Undernutrition, Prealbumin, Albumin, Chronic Renal Failure, Dialysis
Low Birth Weight Newborns: Epidemiological Aspects and Neonatal Prognosis within Yalgado Ouédraogo Teaching Hospital, Burkina Faso
Dantola Paul Kain, Hyacinthe Zamané, Yobi Alexis Sawadogo, Sibraogo Kiemtoré, Ali Ouédraogo, Blandine Thiéba/Bonané
Introduction: In Burkina Faso, frequency of low birth weight has remained significant hence the interest of our study in order to assess the epidemiological aspects and neonatal prognosis of low birth weight to better target health actions.
Methodology: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study carried out from July 1st to D(...)
Low birth weight; Epidemiology; Prognosis; Yalgado Ouédraogo Teaching Hospital.
High Late Presentation to HIV Care Among HIV-Infected Adults in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Background: Because of its negative impact on HIV-related morbidity and mortality, late presentation to HIV care (LP) can be an obstacle to the HIV epidemic elimination by 2030. We assessed the prevalence and associated factors of LP in HIV-infected adults enrolled at the “Centre Medical oasis”, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Methods:(...)
Late Presentation, Late Presentation with Advanced Disease, HIV
Évaluation de la qualité des eaux de forage de la commune de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Adama SAWADOGO, Hama CISSE, François TAPSOBA, Boureima KAGAMBEGA, Oumarou ZONGO, Laurencia OUEDRAOGO, Cheikna ZONGO et Aly SAVADOGO
L’eau est un élément vital pour tous les êtres vivants. Elle peut provenir de plusieurs sources dont les forages. Les eaux de forage sont souvent exposées à de nombreuses contaminations, elles peuvent donc présenter un risque pour la santé des consommateurs. Ainsi, cette étude s’était fixée pour objectif d’évaluer la qualité physico-chimique e(...)
Eau, forage, physico-chimie, microbiologie, qualité
Characterization of Typhoid Intestinal Perforation in Africa : Results From the Severe Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa Program
Megan Birkhold, Shrimati Datta, Gi Deok Pak, Justin Im, Olakayode O. Ogundoyin, Dare I. Olulana, Taiwo A. Lawal, Oludolapo O. Afuwape, Aderemi Kehinde, Marie-France Phoba, Gaëlle Nkoji, Abraham Aseffa, Mekonnen Teferi, Biruk Yeshitela, Oluwafemi Popoola, Michael Owusu, Lady Rosny Wandji Nana, Enoch G. Cakpo, Moussa Ouedraogo, Edgar Ouangre, Isso Ouedraogo,Anne-Sophie Heroes, Jan Jacobs, Ondari D. Mogeni, Andrea Haselbeck, Leah Sukri, Kathleen M. Neuzil, Octavie Lunguya Metila, Ellis Owusu-Dabo, Yaw Adu-Sarkodie, Abdramane Soura Bassiahi, Raphaël Rakotozandrindrainy, Iruka N. Okeke, Raphaël M. Zellweger, and Florian Marks
Background. Typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP) remains the most serious complication of typhoid fever. In many countries, the diagnosis of TIP relies on intraoperative identification, as blood culture and pathology capacity remain limited. As a result, many cases of TIP may not be reported as typhoid. This study demonstrates the burden of TI(...)
Salmonella Typhi; intestinal perforation; Africa; typhoid fever; severe typhoid
Alix TOUGMA, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé OUEDRAOGO, Mohamadi ZEBA, Sylvain ILBOUDO
Le manque d’hygiène et d’assainissement dans les quartiers précaires, mais aussi la recherche d’un cadre de vie agréable à travers les jardins, les piscines, les pots de fleurs dans les quartiers à niveau de vie moyen ou élevé sont à l’origine de la création des gîtes larvaires des moustiques responsables de la dengue. La région du Centre du(...)
dengue, urbanisation, analyse spatiale
Unusual Scalp Process Revealing a Thyroid Cancer: “Illustrative Case”
Background: Thyroid cancers commonly display slow evolution with local and or regional extension. The classic presentation is a painless nodule of the thyroid region in a euthyroid patient. Sometimes, the nodule is discovered
only on ultrasonography. Cervical lymph node is often seen in papillary thyroid cancer due to their propensity to inva(...)
Thyroid Cancer, Follicular Thyroid Cancer, Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Subcutaneous, Metastasis
Effet du génotype et du type de substrat sur la germination des graines de gombo [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] au Burkina Faso
Ouédraogo MH, Bougma LA, Kiebré Z, Ouoba A, Traoré ND, Sawadogo N, Sawadogo M.
Okra seeds are characterised by poor emergence marked by almost systematic reseeding. Few small-scale producers use germination tests, which do not seem to be within their reach. Indeed, blotting paper is the main substrate used for okra germination tests in Burkina Faso. However, the possibility of using inexpensive sand as a substrate for ok(...)
Seed, okra, quality control, sand, blotting paper
Distribution naturelle des principaux parasitoïdes larvaires inféodés à la chenille légionnaire d’automne (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith) au Burkina Faso
Diao Abdoul Gani, Ouédraogo Issoufou, Sanon Antoine
Objectifs : Dans cette étude, des échantillonnages ont été réalisés afin d’inventorier et d’identifier
les principaux parasitoïdes inféodés à la chenille légionnaire au Burkina Faso. Spécifiquement,
elle a visé à l’évaluation du taux de parasitisme ainsi que l’abondance relative de ces ennemis
naturels dans les agrosystèmes du Burkina Faso.(...)
Spodoptera frugiperda, lutte biologique, ennemis naturels, parasitoïdes
Devenir des patients atteints de la tuberculose pulmonaire à bacilles pré-ultrarésistants et ultrarésistants au Burkina Faso
BONCOUNGOU Kadiatou, HALIDOU MOUSSA Souleymane, MAIGA Soumaila, OUÉDRAOGO Abdoul Risgou, OUÉDRAOGO Guy Alain, OUÉDRAOGO Georges, BADOUM Gisele, OUÉDRAOGO Martial
Introduction. La tuberculose pulmonaire à bacilles pré-ultrarésistants (pré-XDR) et et ultrarésistants (XDR) sont des formes graves de tuberculose pharmaco résistante et constituent un problème majeur de santé publique du fait de leur morbidité et de leur mortalité. L’objectif de notre étude était de déterminer le devenir des patients atteints(...)
Tuberculose Ultrarésistante; Tuberculose Pré-ultrarésistante; Burkina