Publications (5656)
Translation and Identity : Norms in Working Languages in Burkina Faso
F. Emilie Georgette Sanon/Ouattara
Colloque international en hommage aux enseignants chercheurs retraités des départements d’Etudes anglophones (DEA), de Traduction/Interprétation (DTI) et du laboratoire Langues Littératures et Civilisations anglophones (LaLiCa) N° 1, sur le thème « Langues, littératures et identités : nouveaux enjeux et perspectives » - Ouagadougou- Université(...)
Translation, Identity, Norms, Languages, Burkina Faso
Performance of Food-Feed Maize and Cowpea Cultivars under Monoculture and Intercropping Systems: Grain yield, Fodder Biomass, and Nutritive Value
Sanfo A, Zampaligré N, Kulo AE, Somé S, Traoré K, Rios EF, Dubeux JCB, Boote KJ and Adesogan A
Livestock feeding in Burkina Faso is characterized by a recurrent deficit in both
the quality and the quantity of fodder during the dry season, which affects
animal performance. To overcome this, quality fodder/forage production is an
alternative. Therefore, this study evaluated food- and feed-improved cultivars
of maize and cowpea in inte(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Hospital prevalence and etiological profile of bronchiectasis in Burkina Faso
OUEDRAOGO Abdoul Risgou, ZIDA Dominique, BOUGMA Ghislain, SOURABIE Adama, OUEDRAOGO Armel, OUEDRAOGO Georges, BIRBA Emile, BONCOUNGOU Kadiatou, BADOUM Gisèle, OUEDRAOGO Martial
Introduction. Once considered an orphan disease, bronchiectasis represents a real public health problem because of its disabling nature. Its prognosis depends on etiology and early treatment. The data in the literature come mainly from West-ern countries. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and etiological profile of bronchiec(...)
Bronchiectasis; etiologies; tuberculosis; Burkina Faso; prevalence; bronchiectasis; etiology
Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment Using Water Quality Indices in West Africa: Challenge and Perspectives
Lallébila Tampo, Idrissa Kaboré, Seyf-Laye Alfa-Sika Mande and Limam Moctar Bawa
Water quality indices are important tools for ecosystem health assessment and potential water security indicators, but still missing in Togo. To fill this gap, biological and water quality indices performance in a basin of Lake Togo watershed were investigated. Fifty sampling sites were selected in three sections of rivers/streams (upstream, m(...)
water quality, indices, West Africa, water management, aquatic ecosystem, pollution
Avec Dibi Kouadio Augustin, repenser le lien politique
Contrairement à une conception du pouvoir dans laquelle l'individu est assujetti à une force transcendante, avec le contrat social, la modernité le situe au cœur du projet politique. Avec la complexité de nos sociétés contemporaines marquées par l'accroissement des demandes de reconnaissance mettant à rude épreuve l'idée d'un pacte originaire,(...)
Réconciliation, Pardon, Dialogue, Modernité
Breeding Behavior of the Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus) in the Sudano-Sahelian Area (Garango, Burkina Faso)
Clément Daboné, Adama Ouéda, Jacques Boco Adjakpa, Peter D. M. Weesie
Knowledge of Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus) breeding behavior is important for monitoring purposes and to understand factors that may impact their breeding rates. In this study, we describe the breeding behavior of 65 Hooded Vulture pairs during two breeding seasons (2013/2014 and 2014/2015) in the Sudano-Sahelian area, Garango, in cent(...)
Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus, breeding behavior, breeding phenology, nesting, reproductive rate, West Africa
Zoïnabo Savadogo, Stéphane Aimé Metchebon Takougang and Frédéric Nikiema
One of the main goals of social choice theory is the study of voting
methods. Voting allows for the aggregation of several individual
points of view in order to obtain a result that represents the generalinterest. Thus votes play a vital role in any society. Indeed, to elect
a president of a republic, or deputies, we go through votes.(...)
voting methods, arithmetic mean, assent voting
KEKELE Adama, OUOBA Pounyala Awa, TRAORE Diakalya, SOME Yélézouomin Stéphane Corentin
L’agriculture, dépendant aussi bien de la fertilité des sols, de la pluviométrie que de la pression démographique, contribue à la dégradation des ressources naturelles et à la création d’un déséquilibre entre les zones de cultures et la végétation naturelle. L’expansion de l’arboriculture fruitière a bouleversé le paysage de la commune de Orod(...)
Fruit trees, cereal crops, vegetation vulnerability, Orodara
La lutte contre les inégalités et le lien social
Ouédraogo Hamado
Dans l’article « la lutte contre les inégalités et la question du lien social », nous sommes partis d’un constat que la démocratie moderne repose sur quelques piliers : l’État de droit, la liberté, le pouvoir du peuple et l’égalité. Mais on assiste depuis quelques années à la montée des inégalités dans nos démocraties, par exemple des inégali(...)
Inégalités juste-distribution-stabilité sociale
Hygrothermal Study of a House Made of Local Biosourced Materials Based on Clay: Experimental Study
Sayouba Sandwidi, Abdoulaye Compaore, Kayaba Haro, Téré Dabilgou, Souleymane Sinon, Oumar Sanogo, Jean Koulidiati, Antoine Bere
The purpose of this study is to experimentally analyze the thermal behavior of the walls of a prototype experimental house. A Datalogger and thermocouples were used on the experimental house to determine the temperatures of the exterior and interior walls. Also, “MSR” type HygroPuce was used to determine the exterior and interior temperatures(...)
Thermal Dephasing, Damping Factor, Thermal Comfort, Bioclimatic House
Measures To Enhance The Characterization Of Internet Exchange Points
Y. Dabone, T. F. Ouedraogo, O. Sie
The reliability of data transport on the Internet is one of the objectives of researchers in the field of computer science. Data such as videos and audio is becoming increasingly large. Therefore, transporting them over the Internet is becoming difficult. It has therefore been important to establish a method of locally interconnecting autonomo(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Aspects morphométriques du foie de cirrhose et prévalence de l’hypertension portale chez les porteurs chroniques du virus de l’hépatique B à Bogodogo (Burkina Faso)
Adjirata Koama Bénilde Marie-Ange Tiemtore–Kambou Alice Guingane Issouf Franck N’Dama Sieba Nina Astrid N’de Ouedraogo Madina Napon Ousséni Diallo Claudine Lougue Rabiou Cisse
Objectif : Etudier les lésions échographiques de cirrhose chez les porteurs chroniques du VHB.
Matériel et méthode : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale descriptive menée de novembre 2017 à octobre 2020 au district sanitaire de Bogodogo. Nous avons inclus tous les patients porteurs chroniques du VHB, qui présentaient à l’échographie des si(...)
Hépatite virale B, Cirrhose, Hypertension portale, Thrombose porte, Echographie
Structural and functional features of treatment-resistant depression: A systematic review and exploratory coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
Alessandro Miola MD, Nicola Meda MD, Giulia Perini MD, Fabio Sambataro
A third of people suffering from major depressive disorder do not experience a significant improvement in their symptoms even after adequate treatment with two different antidepressant medications. This common condition, termed treatment-resistant depression (TRD), severely affects the quality of life of millions of people worldwid(...)
depression, functional magnetic resonance imaging, mag-netic resonance imaging, treatment-resistant depression, voxel-basedmorphometry
Energy substitution in Africa: Cross-regional differentiation effects
Abdoulganiour Almame Tinta
Although Africa has immense non-renewable energy resources and an unexplored renewable energy potential, this region is relatively less studied with regard to energy substitution. Using a non-linear modeling through the PSTR technique in 43 countries during the period 2005–2021, this paper fills the existing gap, and also includes human capita(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Connaissances endogenes relatives a l’usage de Senna obtusifolia (l.) Irwin and barneby dans quelques localites du Burkina Faso
NACAMBO Haoua; NANEMA Kiswendsida Romaric ; KIEBRE Mariam; TRAORE Renan Ernest ; SAWADOGO Nerbewendé; OUEDRAOGO Mahamadi Hamed, TIAMA Diakalia ; BOUGOUMA Ali SOMBIE Eric SAWADOGO Boureima; BATIONO/KANDO Pauline; SAWADOGO Mahamadou
Senna obtusifolia L. encore appelé casse fétide en langue française, Katre nanguri en langue Mooré et krikri en langue Dioula est une plante qui contribue à l’amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle, à la sécurité alimentaire et à une meilleure protection sanitaire des populations rurales. Cependant, très peu d’études lui ont été consacrées(...)
Senna obtusifolia, connaissances endogènes, étude ethnobotanique, usages, Burkina Faso