Publications (5656)
Biochemical Characterization and Amino Acid Profile of some Local Resources Used in Food Supplementation
Aminata Sanou, François Tapsoba, Jeanne d’Arc Wendmintiri Kabré, Sanogo Bougma, Mah Alima Esther Traoré, Prudence Dounia, Charles Parkouda, Aly Savadogo
Nutritional studies make little reference to essential amino acids to explain undernutrition in protein-energy malnutrition. This study aimed to carry out biochemical characterization and amino acid profiling of Detarium microcarpum and Adansonia digitata fruit pulps and Moringa oleifera leaf powder to show their contribution to protein balanc(...)
Adansonia digitata, Amino acids, Detarium microcarpum, Food supplementation, Moringa oleifera, Nutritional composition
Surgical repair of a giant right coronary artery aneurysm with intra-cardiac fistulas: A case report.
SAWADOGO Adama, SOME Nibepuo Hippolyte, BELEM Farid Pingwinde, BAZONGO Moussa, BONKOUNGOU Gilbert, SANOU Adama, CAMILLERI Lionel
Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) are rare and life-threatening cardiovascular abnormalities. Multiple aneurysms and giant aneurysms are even rarer. The authors report a case of a giant CAA (7 cm) in a 62-year-old male patient with multiple cardiovascular risks. In fact, there were three adjacent aneurysms of the right coronary artery (RCA) that(...)
Coronary artery aneurysm, cardiac fistula, ischemic heart, coronary artery bypass
Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of bee pollen from Burkina Faso
Jean Axel T. KABORE, Ella W. R. COMPAORE, KY INOUSSA, Ousmane OUEDRAOGO, Fulbert NIKIEMA, Elie KABRE and Mamoudou H. DICKO
This prospective study consisted in determining the physico-chemical and nutritional composition of the pollen produced in different localities of Burkina Faso. The main constituents were determined by standard methods. The results show a mass proportion (g/100 g) of dry matter between 17.15 ± 3.69 to 34.65 ± 5.05 for proteins, 43.93 ± 2.05 to(...)
Pollen, physicochemical, nutritional characteristics, Burkina Faso
Biochemical Characterization and Amino Acid Profile of some Local Resources Used in Food Supplementation
Aminata Sanou1 , François Tapsoba1 , Jeanne d’Arc Wendmintiri Kabré1 , Sanogo Bougma1 , Mah Alima Esther Traoré2 , Prudence Dounia1 , Charles Parkouda2 , Aly Savadogo1*
Nutritional studies make little reference to essential amino acids to
explain undernutrition in protein-energy malnutrition. This study aimed to carry
out biochemical characterization and amino acid profiling of Detarium
microcarpum and Adansonia digitata fruit pulps and Moringa oleifera leaf powder
to show their contribution to protei(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Cytochrome P450 2B6 6 distribution among patients living with HIV in Burkina Faso
Raoul KARFO, Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Elie KABRE and Jean SAKAND
The function of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, one of the major catalysts in drug metabolism, is significantly influenced by genetic polymorphisms leading to substantial inter-individual variability in drug response and/ or adverse reactions activity. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of the CYP2B6 516GT allele in patients l(...)
CYP2B6 516 G>T, Correlation, clinical outcomes, HIV patients
FT-IR and FT Raman: Experimental and Theoretical Studies and HOMO-LUMO Analysis of 1,2,4,5-Tetracyanobenzene
Ali Sanda Bawa, Abdoul-Rachid Chaibou Yacouba, Seydou Ouedraogo, Mabinty-Bayo Bangoura, Karifa Bayo, Marcel Bouvet
Experimental and theoretical studies on molecular and vibrational structure of 1,2,4,5-Tetracyanobenzene (TCNB)
have been undertaken in the present work. The FT-IR spectrum and FT Raman spectrum of TCNB were recorded respectively in the region 4000–400 cm−1 and 2500-400 cm-1. The optimized geometries in the ground state were calculated by DFT(...)
Tetra-Cyanobenzene, DFT Calculations, Symmetry
Asthme : connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des professionnels de santé de la région du Nord du Burkina Faso
BONCOUNGOU Kadiatou, MAÏGA Soumaïla, OUÉDRAOGO Guy Alain, OUÉDRAOGO Abdoul Risgou, SOURABIÉ Adama, KONFE Faiçal
Introduction : L’objectif de l’étude était d’évaluer
le niveau de connaissance, les attitudes et les
pratiques des professionnels de santé (PDS) de la
région du Nord sur l’asthme. Méthodes : Il s’est
agi d’une étude transversale prospective à visée
descriptive allant du 1 Janvier au 31 Mars 2022, et
ayant concerné 344 agents de santé dan(...)
Connaissance, Attitudes, Pratiques, Asthme
Profil épidémio-clinique des patients décédés de COVID-19 au CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo
BONCOUNGOU Kadiatou., MAIGA Soumaila., OUÉDRAOGO Guy. Alain., OUÉDRAOGO Abdoul. Risgou., GUIATIN Aristide., OUÉDRAOGO Martial.
Introduction : La COVID-19 est considérée comme une maladie bénige dont 80 % des patients
guérissent. Cependant, des cas de décès sont enregistrés. L’objectif de notre étude était de
décrire le profil épidémiologique et clinique des patients décédés du COVID-19 dans le service de
pneumologie du CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo.
Méthodes : Il s’est ag(...)
Décès, COVID-19
Étude comparative de l’effet des extraits des feuilles, du fruit, du tronc et de la racine de Sarcocephalus latifolius sur l’inversion du sexe du tilapia du Nil (Oreochromis niloticus) (Linn., 1758).
Badioula COULIBALY, Nessan Desiré COULIBALY, Mélina Bertille BAZOUM, Moussa ZONGO
Objectif : Cette étude avait pour objectif principal de trouver une alternative écologique à la 17αméthyl-testostérone par l’utilisation d’extraits de Sarcocephalus latifolius comme substance d’inversion sexuelle d’Oreochromis niloticus.
Méthodologie et résultats : Un bassin de 20m3 dans lequel étaient placés en triplicata 12 happas contenant(...)
Sarcocephalus latifolius, Oreochromis niloticus
Cytochrome P450 2B6 6 distribution among patients living with HIV in Burkina Faso
Raoul KARFO, Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Elie KABRE and Jean SAKANDE
The function of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, one of the major catalysts in drug metabolism, is
significantly influenced by genetic polymorphisms leading to substantial inter-individual variability in drug
response and/ or adverse reactions activity. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of the CYP2B6
516GT allele in patient(...)
CYP2B6 516 G>T, Correlation, clinical outcomes, HIV patients, Burkina Faso
Coronavirus disease: screening and care pathways in Nongre-Massom health district in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Fernand Bouma Bationo and Edwige Dayangnewende Nikiema
At the beginning of March 2020, Burkina Faso declared nine confirmed cases of Covid-19. By 28 December 2022, the country had recorded 15,290 diagnosed cases, including 260 deaths. This chapter evaluates the use of testing centres in Burkina Faso mainly in 2020 when the pandemic emerged and was spreading rapidly. We map the geographical origins(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Tuberculose mammaire : à propos d’un cas [Breast tuberculosis: about a case]
Boncoungou Kadiatou., Maïga Soumaila., Ouédraogo Guy Alain., Ouedraogo Abdramane., Sanou Assita., Badoum Giséle
Introduction : Nous rapportons un cas de
tuberculose mammaire chez une femme en âge de
procréer, immunocompétente pour soulever le
problème de diagnostic différentiel avec un abcès
et un cancer du sein. Observation : Madame M.A,
42 ans, avec notion de contage tuberculeux, sans
antécédent particulier, a consulté en novembre
2022 pour un(...)
Tuberculose, sein, diagnostic
Genetic variability and identification of potential drought tolerant Burkina Faso sweet grain sorghum genotypes at the post-flowering stage using morphoagrophysiological traits
Wendmanegda Hermann Tondé, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Karidiatou Gnankambary-Traoré, Josiane Tiendrébéogo, Soumabéré Coulibaly, Salif Berthe, Mahamadou Sawadogo
Sweet grain sorghum is mainly grown in Burkina Faso for consumption of its sweet grain at the pasty grain stage. This orphan crop productivity is strongly limited when Drought occurs post-flowering. Since stay-green is one of the key parameters determining the adaptation of Sorghum to this abiotic stress, this study was initiated to identify p(...)
Abiotic stress, Burkina Faso, Genetic diversity, Stay-green, Sorghum
Analysis of Spelling Errors in Moore by Teachers in French/Moore Bilingual Classes in Burkina Faso
TIROGO Issoufou François
This study focuses on the analysis of spelling errors in Moore made by teachers in French/Moore bilingual
classes in Burkina Faso. The problem raised by this research is that a good number of studies are interested
in the orthographic productions of learners without questioning the quality of the designs of teachers'
educational sheets.(...)
Error analysis, spelling, remediation, error typology
Impact of the Seeding Method on Physiological, Agronomic, and Biochemical Performance of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso
Badiel Badoua ,1 Kihindo Adama Pascal,1 Yao Ko& Bertin,2 Nana Rasmata ,1 Ouedraogo Razacswend´e Fanta,1 Dondasse Edmond,1 and Tamini Zoumbiess´e1
In Burkina Faso, the sesame sector is still relatively unorganized, with poor quality seeds that are unsuitable or outdated farming
practices and noncompliant with recommended technical itineraries. *is situation is very worrying and needs to be recti1ed. For this
reason, we undertook this study to highlight the impact of the seeding method(...)
Broadcasting, Field, Row seeding, sesame, varieties