Publications (1288)
Étude du déterminisme génétique de la texture des graines du niébé [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
Wendbenedo Joël Antoine LALSAGA, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Mariam KIEBRE, Mahamadou SAWADOGO1.
Objectif : Des croisements ont été effectués entre douze variétés de niébé (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) au Burkina Faso à l’INERA (DRREA-Centre Saria) dans le but de déterminer le mode de transmission des gènes de la texture des graines de niébé.
Méthodologie et résultats : L’étude génétique des différents caractères a été soumise au test k(...)
Transmission, niébé, texture, hile, gènes, phénotype, Burkina Faso
Identification and Characterization of Potential SSR Markers Linked to Striga gesneroides (Willd.) Vatke Resistance Gene Race 2 in Cowpea in Mali
Sory Diallo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Mahamadi Hamed Ouédraogo, Sidy Bekaye Coulibaly, Teyoure Benoit Joseph Batieno, Aly Boubacar, Mahamadou Sawadogo
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.], a major food legume grown in Mali, is an important dietary protein source.
However, one of the major biotic constraints strongly limiting its production happens to be the SG2 strain of Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke. In order to identify SSR markers linked to resistance gene of the race 2 of S. gesn(...)
Marker-assisted selection, microsatellites markers, Striga, Vigna unguiculata, Mali
Mango processing methods and level of knowledge of quality standards by actors in mango enterprise in Burkina Faso
96. KANTE-TRAORE Hyacinthe, Hagrétou SAWADOGO-LINGANI1, Issiaka SEOGO, Donatien KABORE et Mamoudou H. DICKO
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) processing is the main activity of more than sixty micro agro industrial
food enterprises in Burkina Faso. This activity is mainly based on the use of traditional knowledge. To assess
on the knowledge level of the quality standards of mango and its products by actors involved its technological
processing a survey(...)
Mangue, transformation, normes, procédés, qualité
Facteurs associés à la satisfaction des prescripteurs de produits sanguins labiles au Burkina Faso
S Sawadogo 1 , E Kafando 2 , K Nébié 3 , A-S Ouédraogo 2 , S Ouattara 4 , H Dahourou 4 , C Fretz 5 , V Deneys 6
Le Centre national de transfusion sanguine, opérateur unique de la transfusion sanguine au Burkina Faso est engagé dans la démarche qualité suivant la norme ISO 9001. Aussi, l’écoute-client constitue-t-il un fondement majeur de son système. Notre étude est construite sur le concept de la « satisfaction client » comme fonction de la qualité du(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Apports du contrôle qualité produits finis dans l'amélioration de la qualité des Produits Sanguins labiles au Centre Régional de Transfusion Sanguine de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2014
K. Nebie a, b, ⁎ , S. Sawadogo a, b, E. Kafando a, E.M. Bationo a, H. Dahourou a, S. Ouattara a, K. Kienou a, S. Nana a, L. Kaba a, C. Fretz c, E.L. Murphy d
Au Burkina Faso, des normes nationales ont étés définies pour les produits sanguins labiles (PSL) et les centres de transfusion sanguine doivent mettre en place un contrôle qualité produits finis (CQPF) pour s’assurer que leur production les respectent et le cas échéant, mettre en place des mesures correctives. Notre étude avait pour but d’éta(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Medicinal Plants Used for Neuropsychiatric Disorders Treatment in the Hauts Bassins Region of Burkina Faso
Prosper T. Kinda, Patrice Zerbo, Samson Guenné, Moussa Compaoré, Alin Ciobica, Martin Kiendrebeogo
In Burkina Faso, phytotherapy is the main medical alternative used by populations to manage various diseases that affect the nervous system. The aim of the present study was to report medicinal plants with psychoactive properties used to treat neuropsychiatric disorders in the Hauts Bassins region, in the western zone of Burkina Faso. Methods:(...)
Burkina Faso, Neuropsychiatry, Phytotherapy, Traditional healers
Etude de la qualité nutritionnelle et microbiologique des farines infantiles de quatre unités de production : CMA saint Camille de Nanoro, CSPS Saint Louis de Temnaoré, CM saint Camille d’Ouagadougou et CHR de Koudougou
Aminata SANOU , François TAPSOBA , Cheikna ZONGO , Aly SAVADOGO* , Yves TRAORE
Ce travail a consisté en la détermination de la qualité nutritionnelle et microbiologique des farines infantiles. Vingt-quatre (24) échantillons ont été collectés à Nanoro, Temnaoré, Ouagadougou et Koudougou et analysés. Les principaux résultats des analyses biochimiques ont donné pour 100 g de farine : 13,24 %, 11,88 %, 13,02 %, 11,65 % de pr(...)
Farines infantiles, Qualité nutritionnelle et microbiologique
Zongo Oumarou, Tapsoba François, Guira Flibert, Zongo Cheikna, Traore Yves and Savadogo Aly
Palm wines are produced, consumed and appreciated by population of West Africa. Our previous study deal with impact of technological diagram on biochemical and microbiological quality of Borassus akeassii wine produced traditionally in Burkina Faso. This study aims to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical quality of the fresh and fe(...)
Borassus akeassii, fresh sap, fermented sap, microbiological and physicochemical quality, bacteria
Identification and validation of SSR markers linked to Striga gesneroides (willd.) vatke gene race 2 in cowpea |Vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp] in Mali
Diallo S., Sawadogo N., Ouedraogo M. H., Coulibaly B.S., Batieno Joseph B.T.J., Sawadogo M.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Is one of the most important grain legumes grown in Mali. But its production is strongly limited by the SG2 strain of Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke which constitutes one of the major biotic constraints. The F2 populations resulting from the crossing between the variety IT97K-499-35 (Resistant parent)(...)
Cowpea, Marker-assisted selection, Striga, SSR markers
Isolation and characterization of enteropathogenic and enterotoxinogenic Escherichia coli from dairy products consumed in Burkina Faso
Touwendsida Serge Bagré, Bissoume Sambe-Ba, Hadiza Bawa Ibrahim, Gertrude Bsadjo Tchamba, René Dembélé, Abdoul Aziz Wane, Evariste Bako, Alfred S. Traoré, Nicolas Barro and Amy Gassama-Sow
Food-borne diseases represent a public major health problem, and drink-water, juice, meat, and milk products are usually involved. This study aimed to evaluate the antibiotic resistance of diarrheagenic E. coli isolated from dairy products consumed in Burkina Faso. Five hundred and twenty-two samples were gathered. Escherichia coli were isolat(...)
Dairy products, diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, antibiotics resistance, integrons, Burkina Faso
Defective Gpsm2/Gai3 signalling disrupts stereocilia development and growth cone actin dynamics in Chudley-McCullough syndrome
Mauriac SA , Hien YE , Bird JE , Carvalho SD , Peyroutou R , Lee SC , Moreau MM , Blanc JM , Geyser A , Medina C , Thoumine O , Beer-Hammer S , Friedman TB , Rüttiger L , Forge A , Nürnberg B , Sans N , Montcouquiol M
Mutations in GPSM2 cause Chudley-McCullough syndrome (CMCS), an autosomal recessive neurological disorder characterized by early-onset sensorineural deafness and brain anomalies. Here, we show that mutation of the mouse orthologue of GPSM2 affects actin-rich stereocilia elongation in auditory and vestibular hair cells, causing deafness and bal(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Assessment of genetic diversity in Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) landraces in Burkina Faso using microsatellite markers (SSR)
Adjima Ouoba, Serge Félicien Zida, Mahama Ouédraogo, Hervé Nandkangre, Hamed Mahamadi Ouédraogo, Romaric Kiswendsida Nanéma, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Elisabeth P Zida, Konaté N’golo Moussa, Congo Abdou Kader, Romain W Soalla, Mahamadou Sawadogo
Bambara groundnut is an important source of protein to the rural majority in sub-Saharan Africa. However, small
farmers grow locally adapted landraces which are generally low yielding. Adequate knowledge of variability within Bambara groundnut germplasm collections is crucial for crop improvement and has important implications for conservati(...)
Vigna subterranea, accessions, gene diversity, dissimilarity matrix analysis
Phytochemistry and Agro-Industrial Potential of Native Oilseeds fromWest Africa: African Grape (Lannea microcarpa), Marula (Sclerocarya birrea), and Butter Tree (Pentadesma butyracea)
HILOU Adama, Adjima Bougma and Mamoudou H. DICKO
Ethnobotanical investigations on local oilseed species in Burkina Faso revealed that oils
from tree oilseeds are frequently used for food, cosmetics and traditional medicine by local people.
To test the bio-preservative capacity, the effect of the oilseed extracts on the stabilization of Shea butter
was evaluated. Levels of bioactive phyto-(...)
native oilseeds, ,Shea butter, ,antioxidants, ,polyphenols, ,fat stability, ,oilcake, , Lannea microcarpa, ,Sclerocarya birrea, ,Pentadesma butyrace
Study of the organoleptic quality of three varieties of dried mangos : Amélie, Lippens and Brooks during storage by enzymatic tanning techniqueof peroxidases (POD) and the polyphenoloxydases (PPO)
Aminata Belem , François Tapsoba , Laurencia Toulsoumdé Songre-Ouattara , Cheikna Zongo , Aly Savadogo *
Thirty dried mango samples of Amélie, Brooks and Lippens varieties were collected for physico-chemical analyses to understanding the conditions of appearance of the enzymatic browning. These analyses showed that the higher contents of dry matter, assayable acidity, vitamin C and phenolic substrates were respectively 95,86 ± 0.01 mg/g; 1.56 ± 3(...)
Dried mango- Enzymatic tanning-Peroxidase -Polyphenoloxydase
Risk Behavior among Ineligible Blood Donors in a Blood Transfusion Center (Burkina Faso)
Eléonore Kafando1*, Yacouba Nébié2, Salam Sawadogo2, Kisito Kienou2, Honorine Dahourou3 and Jacques Simporé4
ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to compare the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C viruses among two blood donor populations.
MethodsA cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted over a six-month period. It involved blood donors recruited at fixed and mobile collection sites. Donors were classified into two g(...)
Blood transfusion; Fixed and mobile sites; Ineligible donor; Serological markers