Publications (5607)
Cause-specific mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites
Background Because most deaths in Africa and Asia are not well documented, estimates of mortality are often made using scanty data. The INDEPTH Network works to alleviate this problem by collating detailed individual data from defined Health and Demographic Surveillance sites. By registering all deaths over time and carrying out verbal autopsi(...)
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Mortality from external causes in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites
Background Mortality from external causes, of all kinds, is an important component of overall mortality on a global basis. However, these deaths, like others in Africa and Asia, are often not counted or documented on an individual basis. Overviews of the state of external cause mortality in Africa and Asia are therefore based on uncertain info(...)
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Algèbres De Lie Triple Sans Idempotent
Idempotents play an important role in the investigation of nonassociative algebras structure (Albert in Trans Am Math Soc 69: 503–527, 1950; Schafer in An introduction to nonassociative algebras Academic Press, New York, 1966; Zhevlakov et al. in Rings that are nearly associative. Academic Press, New York, 1982). However, the existence of such(...)
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Anticancer activity of essential oils and their chemical components - a review
Bagora Bayala , Imaël HN Bassole , Riccardo Scifo , Charlemagne Gnoula , Laurent Morel , Jean-Marc A Lobaccaro , Jacques Simpore
Essential oils are widely used in pharmaceutical, sanitary, cosmetic, agriculture and food industries for their bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antiparasitical and insecticidal properties. Their anticancer activity is well documented. Over a hundred essential oils from more than twenty plant families have been tested on more than twenty t(...)
Essential oils, anticancer activity
Variability of vitamins B1, B2 and minerals content in baobab (Adansonia digitata) leaves in East and West Africa
TRAORE HYACINTHE, Parkouda Charles, Korbo Adama, Compaore/Sereme Diarra, Mamoudou H. DICKO
The regional variability and age-age correlation on vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and minerals (Ca, Mg, P, K, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Zn) concentration in baobab leaves were investigated. Baobab was cultivated from seeds from 11 african countries. Vitamins B1 and B2 content were assessed using microbiological VitaFast kits methods and minerals by atomic(...)
Baobab, leaves, minerals, variation
Impact of Technological Diagram on Biochemical and Microbiological Quality of Borassus akeassii Wine Produced Traditionally in Burkina Faso
François TAPSOBA,*, Aly SAVADOGO, Cheikna ZONGO , Alfred Sababenedyo TRAORÉ
Palm wines are produced following several traditional processes, very consumed and appreciated in West Africa. In South-West of Burkina Faso, Borassus akeassii palm wine, plays a nutritional and socio-economic role and replaces Sorghum beer. Because of reported health issues due to the bad practices of palm wine tappers, we performed survey ai(...)
Borassus akeassii, palm wine, survey, technological diagrams
Determination of β-carotene by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Six Varieties of Mango (Mangifera indica L) from Western Region of Burkina Faso
Touridomon Issa Somé, Abdoul Karim Sakira and Eric Dofinizoumou Tamimi
Six varieties of mangoes (Amelia, Brooks, Kent, Keitt, Lippens, Springfield) harvested from different pedological areas of the western region of Burkina Faso (Bobo-Dioulasso, Orodara, Banfora) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography in order to determine the β-carotene content. The study revealed a variability in β-carotene con(...)
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Impact of sheet erosion mechanisms on organic carbon losses from crusted soils in the Sahel
S.B. Maïga-Yaleu, P. Chivenge, H. Yacouba, I. Guiguemde, H. Karambiri, O. Ribolzi, A. Bary, V. Chaplot
Soil surface crusting influences water infiltration and runoff but its impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) losses by sheet erosion is largely unknown. Because there are different mechanisms of sheet erosion, from raindrop detachment and transport by raindrops interacting with flow (RIFT), to detachment and transport by flow, that require a cer(...)
Erosion mechanism, Soil surface feature, Land degradation, Soil organic carbon, Nutrients
Niveau et facteurs de ruptures des premières unions conjugales au Burkina Faso
Contrairement aux autres régions du monde, la problématique des ruptures d’unions conjugales est encore peu documentée en Afrique subsaharienne. Le manque de données appropriées peut expliquer cette situation. En effet, ce type d’analyse nécessite des données d’histoires de vie rarement collectées en Afrique. Dans cet article nous avons utilis(...)
Rupture d'union conjugale, Divorce, Séparation de couple, Femme, Burkina Faso
L’ancrage culturel dans Les carnets secrets d’une fille de joie de Patrick G. Ilboudo
SARE/MARE Honorine
Les carnets secrets d'une fille de joie de Patrick G. Ilboudo est un récit de la vie d'une femme de mauvaise réputation, appelée Fatou Zalme. Cette dernière décide de raconter ses multiples expériences à son «petit frère» Mita Wogada. Avec toute la lucidité qui sied, Fatou Zalme raconte avec force détails comment elle en est venue à la prostit(...)
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What lies behind gender inequalities in HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries: Evidence from Kenya, Lesotho and Tanzania
Drissa Sia, Yentéma Onadja, Arijit Nandi, Anne Foro, Timothy Brewer
Within sub-Saharan Africa, women are disproportionately at risk for acquiring and having human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is important to clarify whether gender inequalities in HIV
prevalence in this region are explained by differences in the distributions of HIV risk factors, differences in the(...)
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Caractérisation agromorphologique des sorghos à grains sucrés (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) du Burkina Faso
Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Baloua NEBIE, Mariam KIEBRE, Pauline Bationo KANDO, Romaric Kiswendsida NANEMA, Renan Ernest TRAORE, Gapili NAOURA, Mahamadou SAWADOGO, Jean-Didier ZONGO
Au Burkina Faso, le sorgho à grains sucrés [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] est une culture marginale dont les grains sont consommés frais au stade pâteux. Afin de recueillir les connaissances paysannes sur la gestion du sorgho à grains sucrés et de déterminer le niveau et la structuration de la diversité agromorphologique de ces sorghos du Burki(...)
Prospection-collecte, variabilité agromorphologique, Burkina Faso
A New Experimental Method to Determine the Evaporation Coefficient of Trichloroethylene (TCE) in an Arid Soil
Samuel Ouoba, Tizane Daho, Fabien Cherblanc, Jean Koulidiati, Jean-Claude Bénet
This paper presents a new method to determine the evaporation coefficient of trichloroethylene using a new experimental device called “activity-meter”. This device and the associated method have been developed in the Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Montpellier 2 (France). The influence of diffusion on the vapor press(...)
Trichloroethylene, Evaporation coefficient, Pressure, Temperature
Le secteur informel en Afrique subsaharienne : ordre ou désordre ?
Péjoré et stigmatisé, le secteur informel est pourtant incontournable en Afrique subsaharienne où les activités socio-économiques comportent leur part d’informalité. Les villes sont les lieux où la prégnance de l’informel est la plus forte. Analysées sous le prisme de la crise depuis plus de trois décennies, les villes en Afrique subsaharienne(...)
Secteur informel, Economie informelle, Urbanisation, Afrique subsaharienne
Assessing ecosystem services based on indigenous knowledge in south-eastern Burkina Faso (West Africa)
Ecosystems are sources of services such as food, water, timber, firewood, health, and spiritual benefits. The unsustainable human use of ecosystems has led to significant declines in the capability of these ecosystems to provide services. In contribution to the preservation of ecosystems, this study aims to assess the potential ecosystem servi(...)
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