Publications (5656)
Preliminary biological data of Sahel wetland ecosystems in Burkina Faso: Implications for ecological health assessment
Idrissa Kaboré, Lallébila Tampo, Victor Bancé, Clément Daboné, Komandan Mano, Halamoussa Joëlle Ayoro and Adama Ouéda
Birds, amphibians, fish, and macroinvertebrates are useful indicators of ecological conditions and ensure considerable conservation value and tools for decision making in management of wetland ecosystems. However, the use of these organisms to monitor wetland ecosystems has rarely been explored in Western Africa. Whereas, we are currently faci(...)
wetland, networks, biota, integrity, dryland
The Solution of Fractional Diffusion-reaction Equation Via the Regular Perturbation Method (RPM)
Bationo Jérémie Yiyuréboula, Yaya Moussa, Bassono Francis
In this paper, we implement Regular Perturbation Method (RPM) of the Solving fractional diffusion-reaction equation, in order to determine the exact analytical solutions of some linear fractional diffusion-reaction equation. In general, the solving using this method allow to obtain exact or approximate solutions. For the case of the diffusion(...)
Linear fractional diferential equation regular perturbation method Mittag-Leer Caputo fractional derivative or integral
Influence of rotational temperature on emission spectra of the branches Q, P and R of the system 2Σ→ 2π of hydroxide radical OH
Samuel Ouoba, Justin Zaïda, Ouindpouiré Auguste Aristide Soré and Jean Koulidiati
The work of this paper is focused on the influence of rotational temperature on the emission spectra of the branches relatively to the head of band Q(0,0). After a description of the rotational states, we took into account the total angular momentum in the case where the electronic spin is neglected. We then determined the terms of energy and(...)
Energy Levels; Spectra; Rotational Temperature; OH-radical; Numerical Model.
L’antigène carcino-embryonnaire (ACE) a-t-il encore un intérêt dans le suivi des patientes sous chimiothérapie du cancer du sein ?
Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Aboubacar BAMBARA, Arsène KAGAMBEGA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Raoul KARFO, Alice KIBA, Elie KABRE, Jean SAKANDE
Introduction :
Le cancer du sein demeure un problème
majeur de santé publique dans le monde.
L’objectif était d’étudier le profil de l’ACE
au cours de la chimiothérapie chez les
patientes suivies pour cancer du sein.
Matériel et méthodes :
Il s’est agi d’une étude cas-témoins, qui
s’est déroulée de mai 2019 à août 2022 dans
deux struc(...)
ACE, marqueur tumoral, cancer du sein, chimiothérapie
Enjeux de la publicité en langues nationales dans les télévisions burkinabè
BATCHO Dognon Lucien et KONSIMBO Esther Delwendé
L’utilisation des langues nationales à la télévision burkinabè dépasse aujourd’hui la simple volonté d’informer, de vulgariser et de promouvoir les conseils sur la santé, la protection de l’environnement, la scolarisation ou la vaccination des enfants par les acteurs non commerciaux. Désormais, les entreprises commerciales investissent dans la(...)
Publicité, langues nationales, télévision, promotion
Attentes du patient atteint de cancer vis-à-vis de son aidant principal au Burkina Faso
A.T. Bambara · A.J.K. Nébié · A.C. Sama · F. Akanni · R. Sombié
Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser les attentes des patients atteints de cancer vis-à-vis de leurs aidants principaux dans un contexte de pays à ressources limitées, et de déterminer la concordance entre ces attentes et les rôles assumés par leurs aidants principaux. Au total 72 patients ainsi que l’aidant principal de chacun d’eux ont é(...)
Aidant de malade · Cancer · Soutien social · Attentes · Burkina Faso
Analyse comparée de la réglementation des produits cosmétiques des pays de la CEDEAO par rapport aux pays développés
7. Toé, N., Ouoba, K., Dori, D., Zimé Diawara, H. ., & Semdé, R.
La persistance des fléaux liés à la mauvaise qualité des produits cosmétiques comme les pathologies dermatologiques et la dépigmentation volontaire, est un problème de santé publique en Afrique de l’Ouest. L’objectif principal de cet article était de décrire les exigences règlementaires relatives aux cosmétiques dans les pays de la CEDEAO, com(...)
Produis cosmétiques, Risques sanitaires, Réglementation, CEDEAO
Inland wetland fish and macroinvertebrates: potential indicators of ecological integrity /ecosystems health assessment tools
KABORÉ Idrissa, BANCÉ Victor and OUEDA Adama
Fish and macroinvertebrate are useful indicators of ecological condition, and ensure considerable
conservation value and tools for decision making in management of wetland ecosystems. Therefore, the use
of these biological elements to monitor wetland ecosystems are rarely explored in Western Africa region,
particularly in Sahel areas. Wh(...)
wetland, networks, biological community, integrity, West Africa
Renewable Energies in Africa, Context and Socio-Economic Challenge
Oubda, D., Ouédraogo, S., Diasso, A., Kébré, M.B., Zougmoré, F., Koalga, Z. and Ouattara, F.
In this paper, we have shown that Africa has an enormous wealth of renewable energy resources among the most important in the world such as the strong sunshine, Congo and Nile Rivers respectively among the most powerful and the longest in the world. We have underlined the presence of important forests, rich subsoil in mineral elements, and str(...)
Africa, Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Semiconductor, Socio- Economic, Urban Area
Low temperature curing polyorganosilazane coatings for copper corrosion protection: effect of precursor concentration and relative humidity (R.H.)
Tambi Ramdé, Stefano Rossi, Michele Fedel , Lucien Bonou
In this study, polyorganosilazane (PSZ) material was used to develop thin hybrid organic–inorganic coatings on copper as a protective barrier against corrosion. The coatings were deposited on the copper substrate by sol–gel route, using solution formulations of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane substituted polymethyl(hydro)/polymethylsilazane. The(...)
Polyorganosilazane · Hybrid coating · Corrosion · Electrochemical tests · FTIR · Copper
Land use Dynamic and Soil Fertility in the Orodara Municipality, Burkina Faso
Kékélé Adama , Palé Sié , Sanogo Fatimata and Somé Yélézouomin Stéphane Corentin
To respond to the degradation of natural resources and the installation of an imbalance between production and consumption needs, the populations of Orodara have adopted an association of fruit arboriculture and cereal growing on the same plot. These changes have favoured the development of a specific agrarian landscape of the fruit agroforest(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Future of HIV-2 and HIV-2 + 1 Infected Patients Treated with Antiretrovirals Followed at the Day Hospital HIV Care Unit from 2011 to 2015.
Introduction: HIV2 is endemic in West Africa. In Burkina Faso, its prevalence was estimated at 2%. The aim of this work was to evaluate the follow-up of patients and also to contribute to the availability of data.
Methods: We involved 18 years or older. Infection was screened according to the national algorithm. A cross- sectional study from(...)
Future, HIV-1, HIV-2+1, Burkina Faso
Ethnobotanical knowledge and conservation of Bombax costatum Pellegr. and Vuillet: an overexploited savanna tree species
Zerbo Issouf, Salako Kolawolé Valère, Hounkpèvi Achille, Zozoda Djirensolo, Kakaï Romain Glèlè, Thiombiano Adjima
In regions dominated by savannahs, multipurpose tree species are key resources considering the diversity of services they offer. Such species are proned to overexploitation and improper management that may threaten their survival. Understanding local perception on their uses and conservation is essential to engage local communities in their su(...)
Local knowlege, Agrofoforestry, Threaten factor, Conservation solutions
Local perceptions and sociocultural value of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Clément Daboné , Adama Ouéda, Lindy J Thompson, Jacques Boco Adjakpa and Peter DM Weesie
Hooded Vultures have suffered from dramatic population declines in recent decades owing to anthropogenic pressures. To properly address this threat, the sociocultural perspectives towards this species should be considered. We examined peoples' perceptions, knowledge and beliefs on Hooded Vulture's sociocultural values in Burkina Faso through f(...)
anthropogenic threats, conflict and management, cultural use, cultural ecosystem services, local knowledge and perceptions, poisoning, vulture conservation
Incidence of Sickle Cell Disease and Other Hemoglobinopathies in Burkina Faso: Results of a Five-Year Systematic Neonatal Screen-ing (2015-2019) in Four Urban Hospitals
Salam Sawadogo1,2, Koumpingnin Nebie1,2, Donatien Kima2, Hélène Traore Savadogo3, Jean De Dieu Sanou3, Dieudonné Ouedraogo4, Paul Ouedraogo5, Hyacinthe Zamane1,6, Abdoulaye Ndiaye5, Eléonore Kafando1,2
Hemoglobinopathies, mainly Sickle cell disease (SCD), are the most common
monogenic disorders in Africa. In Burkina Faso, data on these diseases are
scarce, mainly hospital-based in Ouagadougou and its surroundings. In order
to assess the incidence and allelic frequencies of the main hemoglobinopathies
in newborns in Burkina Faso, we condu(...)
Mots clés non renseignés