Publications (5650)
Structural and elastic properties of perovskite HoMnO3 crystal structures from ab-initio calculations
Joël Martial Balkoulga, Antoine Béré, Sidiki Zongo, Viwanou Hounkpati, Moussa Sougoti, Sié Zacharie Kam, Jun Chen, Pierre Ruterana
The structural and elastic properties of the oxide perovskite HoMnO3 have been investigated by density-functional theory (DFT) implemented on the Quantum ESPRESSO code for the hexagonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral and cubic crystal structures in the non-magnetic (NM), ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) configurations. The results s(...)
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COL-4- Etude comparative des sous-groupes de myasthénie auto-immune au Burkina Faso
Introduction : La présente étude avait pour but de comparer les sous-groupes de myasthénie auto -
immune (MAI) au Burkina Faso, selon les profils sociodémographique, clinique, paraclinique et
Patients et méthodes : Il s’est agi d’une étude longitudinale, multicentrique réalisée au Burkina Faso,
de mars 2015 à avril 2023, ayant(...)
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Cystic Craniopharyngiomas Treated by Ommaya Reservoir Implantation About 4 Cases Including 2 Cases of Intracystic Injection of Bleomycin
Zabsonré DS, Kienou E, Biogo J, Comboigo LJ, Yameogo WSPA, Lankoande H, Thiombiano A, Sanou A, Haro Y, Zoungrana I, Kabre A
Introduction. Cystic craniopharyngiomas are the most common form of craniopharyngiomas. The treatment is still
debated. The less aggressive and multidisciplinary approach is more recommended. Methods. We describe 4 cases of cystic
craniopharyngiomas managed in our department by implantation of an Ommaya reservoir. The diagnosis was retained(...)
Craniopharyngioma, Ommaya Reservoir
Relationship of Couple Mother-Newborn in Burkina Faso: Underweight at Birth Risk Factors Case
Ousmane OUEDRAOGO, Ella Wendinpuikondo Raketa COMPAORÉ, Francis Bruno ZOTOR, Mamoudou Hama DICKO
Background: Weight measure before and during pregnancy is an indicator of a mother’s health and nutritional status, and the developing fetus.
Objective: The objective of this study was to find the risk factors of underweight at birth.
Methods: Prenatal consultation and delivery registers of health centres were used to fill the questionnaire(...)
Underweight at Birth, Malnutrition, Pregnancy, Newborns, Burkina Faso
Genomic and phenotypic diagnosis of bacterial meningitis in 25 health districts in Burkina Faso between January 2016 and December 2019
Issa Tonde, Juliette Tranchot-Diallo, Dinanibe Kambiré, Absatou Ky-Ba, Mahamoudou Sanou, Idrissa Sanou, Rasmata Ouedraogo-Traoré
This study shows a decrease in the positivity rate for meningitis in
Burkina Faso, with pneumococcus taking the lead among the bacteria responsible, with predominance of serotype 1, which is nonetheless included in the PCV13® vaccine. There were no reports of meningococcal A, highlighting the success of the vaccination campaign with the MenAf(...)
Nm: Neisseria meningitdis; Spn: Streptococcus pneumoniae; Hi: Haemophilus influenzae.
Modélisation à 3D des effets des pertes d’électrons à la jonction d’une cellule PV au silicium polycristallin sur ses performances
Ramatou Saré, Mamoudou Saria, Dioari Ulrich Combari, Idrissa Sourabié, Vinci De Dieu Bokoyo Barandja, Martial Zoungrana, and Issa Zerbo
L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier, à 3-D, l’influence des pertes d’électrons sur les performances d’une cellule PV au silicium polycristallin. Les équations de transport des électrons ont été résolu en prenant en compte le taux d’électrons perdus à la jonction (Sf0) afin d’obtenir l’expression de la densité des électrons qui a conduit à l(...)
Cellule PV, degradation, courant de fuite, perte d’électrons
Influence de la date de semis et du régime hydrique sur la croissance et le rendement de deux variétés de niébé (KN1 et KVX 61-1) au Burkina Faso
Adama Pascal Kihindo, Badoua Badiel, Edmond Dondasse, and Gérard Zombre
Le niébé, Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp, est une importante légumineuse à graines des régions tropicales et sub-tropicales; notamment en Afrique subsaharienne. Malgré sa large adaptation et son importance, la productivité du niébé est généralement très faible à cause de nombreuses astreintes biotiques et abiotiques. Au Burkina Faso, les aléas cl(...)
Niébé, régime hydrique, saison sèche froide, croissance
Impact of continuous water deficit on the physiological, agronomic and biochemical performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties and descendants grown in Burkina Faso
Badoua Badiel*1, Pascal Adama Kihindo1, Tchoa Koné2, Rasmata Nana1, Razacswendé Fanta Ouédraogo1, Edmond Dondassé1, and Zoumbiessé Tamini1
West Africa in general and Burkina Faso in particular are facing climate hazards that are becoming increasingly severe. Periods of drought and a spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall, out of phase with the agricultural calendar, make the already difficult situation more challenging. Thus, the cultivation of varieties resistant to water stres(...)
Sesame, varieties, progenies, resistance
Perceptions of access to LARC removal among women in Burkina Faso
Natasha A. Sokol, Nathalie Sawadogo, Brooke W. Bullington, Katherine Tumlinson, Ana Langer, Abdramane Soura, Pascal Zabre, Ali Sie, Janet A. Johnson, Leigh Senderowicz
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) initiation has been well-studied and intervened upon. Because LARC requires provider intervention for initiation and removal, it is critical to measure informed choice at the time of desired discontinuation as well. We examined perceptions of access to LARC discontinuation among women at(...)
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Impact of continuous water deficit on the physiological, agronomic and biochemical performance of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties and descendants grown in Burkina Faso
Badoua Badiel, Pascal Adama Kihindo, Tchoa Koné, Rasmata Nana, Razacswendé Fanta Ouédraogo, Edmond Dondassé, and Zoumbiessé Tamini
West Africa in general and Burkina Faso in particular are facing climate hazards that are becoming increasingly severe. Periods of drought and a spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall, out of phase with the agricultural calendar, make the already difficult situation more challenging. Thus, the cultivation of varieties resistant to water stres(...)
Sesame, varieties, progenies, resistance
Genomic and phenotypic diagnosis of bacterial meningitis in 25 health districts in Burkina Faso between January 2016 and December 2019
Issa Tondé, Juliette Tranchot-Diallo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Absatou Ky-Ba, Mahamoudou Sanou, Idrissa Sanou, Rasmata Ouédraogo-Traoré.
This study shows a decrease in the positivity rate for meningitis in Burkina Faso, with pneumococcus taking the lead among the bacteria responsible, with predominance of serotype 1, which is nonetheless included in the PCV13® vaccine. There were no reports of meningococcal A, highlighting the success of the vaccination campaign with the MenAfr(...)
Burkina Faso;, CSF;, Haemophilus influenzae;, meningococcus, pneumococcus.
Ouattara Alassane, Hoareau Murielle , Chehida Selim Ben, Claverie Sohini, Otron Houa Daniel, Tiendrébéogo Fidèle, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Traoré Oumar, LettJean-Michel, Lefeuvre Pierre
Les virus à ADN monocaténaire codant pour une protéine associée à la réplication circulaire (CRESS) sont devenus l'un des groupes de phytovirus les plus importants et les plus dévastateurs. Ces virus connus à ce jour ont été caractérisés à partir de cultures. Néanmoins, on pense qu’ils ne représentent qu'une faible fraction de la diversité exi(...)
Diversité, virus, ADN circulaire, nestedness, modularité
Perceptions of access to LARC removal among women in Burkina Faso
Natasha A. Sokol, Nathalie Sawadogo, Brooke W. Bullington, Katherine Tumlinson, Ana Langer, Abdramane Soura, Pascal Zabre, Ali Sie, Janet A. Johnson, Leigh Senderowicz
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) initiation has been well-studied and intervened upon. Because LARC requires provider intervention for initiation and removal, it is critical to measure informed choice at the time of desired discontinuation as well. We examined perceptions of access to LARC discontinuation among women a(...)
Burkina Faso, Contraceptive autonomy, informed choice, LARC, Method discontinuation
Évaluation des attitudes et pratiques sur l’élimination des médicaments non utilisés ou périmés par les ménages de la commune de Ouagadougou
Dori Daniel, Guembre Adama, Meda Nicolas, Semde Rasmané
L'ensemble des médicaments qui passe entre les mains des consommateurs n'est pas utilisé et certains arrivent souvent à expiration dans les ménages. Ces produits de santé peuvent être sources de risques accidentels et de pollution lorsqu'ils sont insuffisamment éliminés. Au Burkina Faso, il n'existe pas encore de directives d’éli(...)
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A minimal neonatal dataset (mND) for low- and middle-income countries as a tool to record, analyse, prevent and follow-up neonatal morbidity and mortality
Persis Zokara Zala , Solange Ouedraogo, Sofia Schumacher, Paul Ouedraogo, Flavia Rosa-Mangeret, Riccardo E. Pfister
Neonatal mortality accounts for the most significant and today increasing proportion of
under-5 mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The neonatal population is a sharp
target for intervention for these 2.5 million annual deaths. The limited availability of
quality data on morbidities leading up to this mortality hampers(...)
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