Publications (1288)
Biochemical characterization of Burkina red radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase
Diao Mamounata, Crépin I. Dibala1, Brice N’cho Ayékoué, Mamoudou H. Dicko
Peroxidases (POX), isoenzymes were purified to homogeneity from bulbs of Raphanus sativus
(Radish) grown in Burkina Faso and characterized for use as an alternative source of POX for biotechnological
Methodology and Results: The enzymes were purified using cation exchange, anion-exchange and
hydrophobic interaction chromatogr(...)
peroxidase, purification, characterization, Raphanus sativus
Pressures undergone by twenty (20) utility species of the agroforestry parklands in three villages at the rural district of Saaba in the Central Burkina Faso.
Joséphine YAMEOGO, Patrice ZERBO, Yahaya SAMANDOULGOU, Idrissa SAWADOGO,
The present study aimed to identify the main factors of degradation of the parklands of Saaba commune. Specifically, it aimed to determine the list of adult plants species; characterize the pressures undergone by these species; list the disappearing species. Therefore, floristic inventories were conducted on sixty (60) parklands. Group and ind(...)
Burkina Faso, Agroforestry, Parklands management, Ligneous species, Degradation
Anti-α-glucosidase and antiglycation activities of galls from Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel (Combretaceae)
Pierre AED Sombié, Rahman M Hafizur, Moussa Compaoré, Martin Kiendrébeogo, M. Iqbal Choudhary, Odile Germaine Nacoulma
L'activité hypoglycémique de Guiera senegalensis utilisée dans la médecine traditionnelle burkinabé a déjà été rapportée. C’est une plante utilisée dans la médicine traditionnelle pour traiter les maladies métaboliques. Le but de cette étude était d'étudier l'activité antidiabétique in vitro des galles de G. senegalensis. L’extrait méthanoliqu(...)
Guiera senegalensis, Galls, α-Glucosidase, Antiglycation, α-chymotrypsin
Phytochemistry, Antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective Potential of Acanthospermum hispidum DC Extracts against Diethylnitrosamine-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
Jotham Yhi-pênê N’DO, Adama HILOU, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Ernest Nogma SOMBIE and Tata Kadiatou TRAORE
Background: Burkina Faso is classified among the countries with a high prevalence (˃12%) of hepatitis. Hepatic diseases, such as cirrhosis—related to alcoholism—and hepatitis B and C, are the cause of the increase in cases of liver cancer. They promote the development of cancer by decreasing the natural cell death, causing problems with DNA re(...)
Acanthospermum hispidum; diethylenitrosamine; hepatotoxicity; antioxidative enzyme; phenolics; antioxidant activities
Resistance evaluation of five varieties of cowpea and their F1 descendants from a diallel crossing to cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in Burkina Faso
Antoine BARRO, Téyouré Benoit Joseph BATIENO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Jean Baptiste De La Salle TIGNEGRE, Kiswendsida Romaric NANEMA, Renan Ernest TRAORE, Mahamadou SAWADOGO
Cowpea is a dual-purpose protein crop which has a high nutritional value. However, many problems such as cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus limit its production. This study aimed at assessing the resistance of varieties of cowpea to cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV). Thus, a complete diallel cross between five cowpea varieties was done in a(...)
Cowpea, severity, resistance, Virus, Burkina Faso.
Anti-quorum quenching activity of methyl gallate isolated from galls of Guiera senegalensis J. F. Gmel (Combretaceae)
Vincent Ouedraogo, Pierre Alexandre Eric Djifaby Sombié, Moussa Compaoré and Martin Kiendrébéogo1
La lutte contre l’antibiorésistance est une priorité pour la santé humaine. De nombreuses bactéries pathogènes résistants aux antibiotiques produisent des facteurs de virulence contrôlés par un mécanisme de régulation appelé Quorum Sensing (QS). L'inhibition du système QS bactérien est une approche thérapeutique plus récente pour contrecarrer(...)
Guiera senegalensis, methyl gallate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, quorum sensing
Safety of ready-to-eat chicken in Burkina Faso: Microbiological quality, antibiotic resistance, and virulence genes in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken samples of Ouagadougou
Namwin S. Somda, Ouindgueta J. I. Bonkoungou, Cheikna Zongo, Assèta Kagambèga, Imael H. N. Bassolé, Yves Traoré, Jacques Mahillon, Marie‐Louise Scippo, Joseph D. Hounhouigan and Aly Savadogo
In Burkina Faso, flamed/grilled chickens are very popular and well known to consumers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality, the antibiotic resistance, and the virulence gene from Escherichia coli isolated from these chickens in Ouagadougou. A total of 102 grilled, flamed, and fumed chickens were collected in Ouaga(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Anti-Nociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Polyphenol-Rich Fractions of Roots from Ximenia americana L., (Olacaceae), in Experimental Mice
89. KONATE Kiessoum, Ouattara Nabéré, Méa Arsène, Alain Souza, et Mamoudou H. DICKO
This contribution aims to investigate preliminary toxicity; antioxidant and some pharmacological activities include
analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of polyphenol-rich fractions of Ximenia americana L. The toxicological pattern was studied by the determination of LD50 in mice. The antioxidant potential of the sample was evaluated usin(...)
Polyphenol-rich fractions, antioxidant, acute toxicity, analgesic
Mango doughnuts technology process for innovative prevention of post-harvest loss of mango fruits in Burkina Faso
The present study involved the processing and testing of two formulations of mango doughnuts. The
mango pulp formulations were combined either with maize or rice flour. The dough from both
formulations was fried in immersion oil using a gas-fueled fritter and a crepe maker in controlled
conditions. Levels of moisture, titrable acidity, tota(...)
Mangifera indica, mango doughnuts, sensory analysis, nutritional characteristics
Parboiling paddy rice with watermelon (citrullus lanatus) juice
Ndèye Fatou Ndiaye, Mamadou Sadji, Cheikna Zongo, Yves Traore, Mohamadou Diop Sall, Alfred Traore
Watermelon production has become important in West Africa, but the transformation of this fruit rich in water and micronutrients is a weak link of the sector. The objective of this process is to develop new technologies of using watermelon. The process consists in parboiling paddy rice with watermelon juice. Paddy rice is spread on trays to so(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Assessment of genetic diversity of Burkina Faso sweet grain sorghum using microsatellite markers
Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Teyoure Benoit Joseph BATIENO, Zakaria KIEBRE, Mahamadi Hamed OUEDRAOGO, Wend-Pagnangdé Marie Serge Félicien ZIDA, Kiswendsida Romaric NANEMA, Baloua NEBIE, Pauline BATIONO-KANDO, Renan Ernest TRAORE, Mahamadou SAWADOGO, Jean-Didier ZONGO1
Sweet grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an under-harvested crop produced mainly for its sweet grains in the pasty stage. Little is known of its genetic diversity remains. This study aims to determine the level and structure of the genetic diversity of sweet grain sorghum from Burkina Faso. Thus, 93 accessions were evaluated using(...)
Burkina Faso, neglected culture, sorghum, simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, genetic variability
Biomphalaria camerunensis as a viable alternative intermediate host for Schistosoma mansoni in southern Cameroon
Alvine C. Kengne-Fokam Hugues C. Nana-Djeunga Mohamed Bagayan and Flobert Njiokou
Background: Intestinal schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni was mapped in Cameroon in the 1990s and
preventive chemotherapy launched since 2005. A situation analysis conducted in 2011 revealed an increase in
schistosomiasis transmission, especially in the equatorial part of the country, despite the fact that Biomphalaria
pfeifferi, th(...)
Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Biomphalaria camerunensis, Schistosoma mansoni, Compatibility, Cercarial production, Cameroon
Production of Puree and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Juice Usable in Bread Making
Mamadou Sadji, Ndèye Fatou Ndiaye, Maurice S Lopy, Cheikna Zongo, Yves Traore, Mohamadou Diop Sall and Alfred Traore
The "watermelon sector" in the Sahelian countries is characterized by a double burden not only because of post-harvest losses but also because of a lack of processing technology. The objective of this work is to investigate the processing quality of watermelon in bread making. A mixture composed by wheat flour (type 55) and puree or(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Anti-hemolytic and reduction of lipid peroxidation capacities of Detarium microcarpum Guill. and Perr. Fruits
Ablassé Rouamba, Moussa Compaoré, Martin Kiendrebeogo
Detarium microcarpum est une plante médicinale dont les fruits sont prisés. Ainsi les études antérieures ont prouvé que les extraits hydrométhanoliques et hydroacétoniques ont la capacité de piéger les radicaux libres et de réduire le fer (III) in vitro. Afin d’apprécier d’avantage l’activité antioxydante de ces fruits, la détermination de la(...)
Detarium microcarpum, anti-hemolytic activity, inhibition of lipid peroxidation
chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the essential oïl of detarium microcarpum GUILL. and Perr. leaves from Burkina Faso
Z. Semde, J. Koudou, C. Zongo, M. K. Somda, G. Figueredo, L. Ganou and A. S. Traore
Chemical composition and biological activities of the essential oil of Detarium microcarpum leaves were assessed in vitro. The essential oil was obtained using a Clevenger type apparatus and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The essential oil was investigated for antioxidant power using the DPPH radical scavenging method and the FRAP test. Antimicrobi(...)
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