Publications (1303)
Technological and microbiological characteristics of indigenous food produced in Gabon
Jean Ulrich Muandze-Nzambe, Richard Onanga, Jean Fabrice Yala, Namwin Siourimè Somda, Hama Cissé, Cheikna Zongo, Jacques Francois Mavoungou, Aly Savadogo
The purpose of this study was to provide contextual information on indigenous food’s technologies and safety from Gabon. The strategic focus being to promote local food with enhanced nutritional value and improved safety. An investigation and monitoring were carried out to elucidate their process flow diagrams and to identify safety failures.(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Caractéristiques physicochimiques de quelques matières premières utilisées dans la formulation des aliments pour volaille au Burkina Faso
. Inoussa KY, Charles PARKOUDA, Marius K. SOMDA; Bréhima DIAWARA; Mamoudou H. DICKO
To know the physicochemical composition of the raw materials mostly used in the formulation of
poultry feed.
Methodology and Results: A prospective study was carried out to identify the most commonly used feed
materials for poultry feed in Burkina Faso. The main constituents were determined by AOAC methods. Amino
acids and minerals were de(...)
Feed Formulation, poultry, composition
Couverture des besoins transfusionnels à l’hôpital régional de Koudougou au Burkina Faso
S Sawadogo1,2*, K Nebie1,2, A Sawadogo2, S Zalla2, M Ouedraogo2, JL Konate/Zongo2, PG Ouedraogo2, V Deneys3, E Kafando1
Introduction : Le recours à la transfusion sanguine
est fréquent en Afrique Sub-saharienne, en raison de
l’anémie palustre, des hémorragiques obstétricales
et des accidents de la circulation routière.
Toutefois, plusieurs pays éprouvent des difficultés
d’approvisionnement en composants sanguins
sécurisés. Notre étude visait à évaluer la(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Effet de la fertilisation minérale sur la qualité organoleptique des ignames « Nyù » du Passoré au Burkina Faso
Djakaridia TIAMA, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Koussao SOME, Mounirou YOLOU, Pauline BATIONO KANDO, Jeanne ZOUNDJIHEKPON, Mahamadou SAWADOGO, Jean-Didier ZONGO
Le « nyù » (Discorea sp.) est un type particulier d’ignames cultivé exclusivement dans la province du Passoré. De nos jours, sa productivité est entravée par la faible fertilité des sols entrainant un recours de plus en plus prononcé aux fertilisants chimiques. Cependant, ces derniers impacteraient négativement la qualité des tubercules. La pr(...)
Igname, Nyù, engrais NPK, Passoré, Burkina Faso
Polymorphism of MMP1 and MMP3 promoter regions and HR-HPV infection in women from Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire
Bado P, Djigma Wendkuuni F, Zohoncon Théodora M, Obiri-Yeboah D, Traoré Esther Mah A, Ouattara Abdoul K, Ouedraogo Teega-Wendé C, Bello Shoukrat Ohuwa T, Setor Marius A, Traore Ina Marie A, Horo A, Kouakou Kouame P, Yonli Albert T, Ouedraogo C, Simpore J.
The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the promoter region of MMP-1 (at 1607 bp) and MMP-3 (at 1171 bp) create Ets binding sites. Correlations between these SNPs and sensitivity to several biological processes such as metastasis and recurrence of cancer have been reported in several studies. In this case-control study, we looked for these(...)
Cervix cancer; High-risk HPV; MMPs polymorphism; mRNA expression.
Polymorphism of MMP1 and MMP3 promoter regions and HR-HPV infection in women from Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire.
Prosper Bado, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Esther Mah Alima Traoré, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Teega-Wendé Clarisse Ouedraogo, Shoukrat Ohuwa Toyin Bello, Marius Ayaovi Setor, Ina Marie Angèle Traore, Apollinaire Horo, Kouame Privat Kouakou, Théophane Albert Yonli, Charlemagne Ouedraogo, Jacques Simpore
The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the promoter region of MMP-1 (at 1607 bp) and MMP-3 (at 1171 bp) create Ets binding sites. Correlations between these SNPs and sensitivity to several biological processes
such as metastasis and recurrence of cancer have been reported in several studies. In this case-control study, we looked for the(...)
High-risk HPV, Cervix cancer, mRNA expression, MMPs polymorphism
Concentrations and Health Risk Assessment of Metallic Trace Elements in Ready-to-Eat Braised and Flamed Chickens in Burkina Faso
Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Adjima Bougma, Aminata Séré, Judicaël Thomas Ouilly, Elie Kabré, Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan, Marie-Louise Scippo, Aly Savadogo & Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé
Braised and flamed chickens known as “poulet bicyclette” are famous and popular street food in Burkina Faso. Although they are important sources of a wide range of essential trace elements for humans, they can also contain toxic metals. The aim of the study was to assess the concentrations and health risk of metallic trace elements (Ag, Cr, Cu(...)
Chicken Flamed Braised Metallic trace elements Daily intake Risk assessment
Concentrations and Health Risk Assessment of Metallic Trace Elements in Ready-to-Eat Braised and Flamed Chickens in Burkina Faso
Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié & Adjima Bougma & Aminata Séré & Judicaël Thomas Ouilly & Elie Kabré & Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan & Marie-Louise Scippo & Aly Savadogo & Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé
Braised and flamed chickens known as “ poulet bicyclette ” are famous and popular street food in Burkina Faso. Although they are important sources of a wide range of essential trace elements for humans, they can also contain toxic metals. The aim of the study was to assess the concentrations and health risk of metallic trace elements (Ag, Cr,(...)
Chicken . Flamed . Braised . Metallic trace elements . Daily intake . Risk assessment
Effective Factors on Acute Malnutrition in Children Aged 6 to 59 Months in the Centre-West Region of Burkina Faso
Jeanne d’Arc Kabre; MSc 1 , Sibiri Bougma; MSc 1 , Bassibila Zoungrana; MSc 1 , Yves Traoré; PhD1 & Aly Savadogo; PhD*1
In Burkina Faso, malnutrition is a public health problem. Despite
the significant drop in the prevalence of malnutrition since 2009 according to
the Directorate of Nutrition, malnutrition is still a major concern with regard to
its consequences. The objective of this study was to determine the factors
associated with acute malnutrition(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cost-free Nutrition Programme on Children in Reo Health District, Burkina Faso
Compaore Wendinpuikondo Raketa Ella, Ouedraogo Ousmane, Souho Tiatou, Nikiema Philippe Augustin, Virginio Pietra, Ellahi Basma, Amouzou Sabiba Kou’santa Emile, Meda Nicolas, Dicko Hama Mamoudou
Background: The community management for acute malnutrition (CMAM) was started in 2012 with the aim to
impact the lives of a large number of children suffering from acute malnutrition without any cost. Objective: The
study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the CMAM program on severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and
moderate acute malnutr(...)
acute malnutrition, effectiveness, screening, malnourished children, ready to use therapeutic foods, ready to use supplementary foods
Introduction: Some subjects, due to immunization episodes can develop anti-A and anti-
B allo-antibodies named hemolysins. These hemolysins can cause serious hemolytic
accidents and newborn hemolytic disease.
Objectives: Our study aims to assess the prevalence and titer of anti-A and anti-B
hemolysins in O blood group donors and to estimat(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Genotypic distribution of human oncogenic papillomaviruses in sexually active women in Burkina Faso: Central, Central-Eastern and Hauts-Bassins regions
Ouedraogo RA, Zohoncon TM, Traore IMA, Ouattara AK, Guigma SP, Djigma FW, Obiri-Yeboah D, Ouedraogo C, Simpore J.
Objective this study was conducted to determine the distribution of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) genotypes in women in the general population of three regions of Burkina Faso. Method This multicenter, descriptive cross-sectional study involved 1321 sexually active women in five cities in three regions of Burkina Faso: Central, Centr(...)
Burkina Faso; epidemiology; genotypes; high-risk HPV; women.
Quelques paramètres physiologiques et constituants biochimiques des organes de la lentille de terre (Macrotyloma geocarpum) en conditions de stress hydrique
Mberdoum Memti NGUINAMBAYE, Rasmata NANA, I. Alain DJINET et Zoumbiessé TAMINI
La lentille de terre est une espèce en voie de disparition car sa culture demeure rudimentaire et traditionnelle. Aucun effort n’est fait pour améliorer cette culture. C’est pourquoi, elle n’occupe pas une place particulière en Afrique comme d’autres cultures vivrières. Ainsi, l’étude a consisté d’une part, à évaluer l’effet de stress sur le t(...)
Déficit hydrique, organes, Macrotyloma geocarpum, taux d’accumulation, biomasse
Impact of road construction on the distribution of Crocodylus suchus (Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1807) in urban park Bangr-Weoogo (Burkina Faso)
Ilassa Ouedraogo, Idrissa Ouedraogo, Noëllie W Kpoda, Adama Oueda, Victor Bance, Justine Kabore, Gustve B Kabre
In contrast to other anthropogenic activities, little is known about impact of road construction on reptile’s distribution in urban areas. Therefore, the present study aimed at quantifying impact of road construction on C. suchus distribution. It was conducted from February 2016 to May 2018, in the urban Park Bangr-weoogo. C. suchus population(...)
protected area, Habitat, Abundance
Study of the phenomenon of mud increase on the lamellate decanter of the station of treatment of water of Paspanga in Burkina Faso
Elisabeth R. OUEDRAOGO, Crépin I. DIBALA, Kiessoun KONATE, Jean DIARRA et Mamoudou H. DICKO
Drinking water is a basic food and its access is one of the fundamental human needs. For Ouagadougou, it comes from the station of water treatment of surface at Paspanga and Ziga. The mud increase constitutes a persistent phenomenon in the treatments of water of Paspanga. The objective of this work was to find the causes of this phenomenon in(...)
Decanter, rising mud, treatment