Détails Publication
Diversity of Begomoviruses Infecting Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] in Togo,
Auteur(s): Fidèle Tiendrébéogo, Ayékitan Akakpo, Ezechiel B Tibiri, Monique Soro, Cheikna Zongo, Aly Savadogo, James Bouma Neya, Kossikouma Djodji Adjata, Nicolas Barro
Renseignée par : ZONGO Cheikna

Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] is an important crop which is widely grown in Africa. It is a major source of fiber and vitamins for diet and incomes for several women farmers. The crop is negatively impacted by okra leaf curl disease (OLCD) which is an endemic disease in Africa and is caused by a complex of begomoviruses. To determine the identity and diversity of the virus species responsible for OLCD in Togo, Okra fields were assessed and 118 okra leaves were sampled and analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers following sequencing. During fields’ surveys, OLCD prevalence has been estimated at 64% in Dry Savannah zone, 60% in Forest zone, 53% in Littoral zone and 50% in Humid Savannah zone. Altogether, the average prevalence of the disease in Togo is about 57%. Using, PCR to diagnose the presence of begomoviruses in the samples collected, ~56% were positive. Among the begomoviruses positive samples, ~38% were found associated with betasatellite molecules. The Coat Protein gene sequencing has revealed the presence of Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus (CLCuGeV) and Okra yellow crinkle virus (OYCrV) in Togo. This study highlights the complexity of begomoviruses associated to OLCD in Togo.

