Publications (5741)
KORSAGA Alexandre Stanislas , Sayouba TINTO , Anatole Jean Innocent OUEDRAOGO, Souleymane SABO , Jacob HIEN , Christian DARGA , Didier DENNE , Mamoudou SAWADOGO
Les fractures étagées des membres (FEM) constituent des lésions graves pouvant entrer dans le
cadre d’un polytraumatisme. L’objectif de cette étude était de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques et
anatomo-cliniques de ces lésions afin de contribuer à une amélioration de leur prise en charge. Il s’est
agi d’étude transversale descriptive à(...)
: fractures étagées, coude flottant, genou flottant
Le spectacle vivant dans les industries culturelles et créatives au Burkina Faso. Logique d’intégration des secteurs non marchands dans le processus d’industrialisation de la culture
Yarabatioula Jacob Yarassoula ; Kiswendsida Paul Ismaël NANA
Le spectacle vivant dans les industries culturelles et créatives au Burkina Faso. Logique d’intégration des secteurs non marchands dans le processus d’industrialisation de la culture
Industries culturelles, spectacle vivant, Logiques d'intégration
Psychiatric Co-Morbidities of Epilepsy in the University Hospitals of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Djingri Labodi LOMPO1 *, Julie Adeline KYELEM2 , Alassane ZOUNGRANA1 , Fabienne KERE1 , Christian NAPON2 and Athanase MILLOGO3
Introduction: Psychiatric co-morbidities in epilepsy are dominated by depression, anxiety disorders and psychotic disorders. They have a negative impact on epilepsy, particularly in terms of increased psychological suffering, impaired quality of life and reduced seizure control. This study was carried out at the Ouagadougou universit(...)
Epilepsy, Major depressive episode, Anxiety syndrome, Psychosis
Pharmacognostical studies and phytochemical evaluation of four Meliaceae plants widely use in ethnomedicine across West Africa.
Aminata P Nacoulma, Yissé Kassoum Combia, Naamwin-So-Bawfu R Meda, Cheick A Noukami Palm, Alain Bambara, Boubacar Yaro and Elie Kabre
Meliaceae plants are widely used in traditional medicine across West Africa, including well-documented
analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This study describes assessments for the standardization of
powders from the leaves and bark of these plant materials. Pharmacognostical studies carried out by
macroscopic and microscopic evaluation(...)
Standardization, pharmacognostical studies, phytochemical evaluation
APOBEC3G Role on HIV Infection in Africa: A Systematic Review
Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Adama Baguiya, Lassina Traore, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Seni Kouanda, Jacques Simpore
The highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) has allowed people living with HIV to live longer with a better quality of life. However, toxicity and the emergence of drug resistance arise from HAART use. Therefore, new antiretroviral therapy is needed since no cure or vaccine is available against HIV. Virus-host interaction has been prove(...)
APOBEC3G, HIV, Genetic Variation, Therapeutic Target, African population
Microbial Quality and Molecular Identification of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus Strains Isolated from Dried, Smoked, and Braised Fish Sold in Ouagadougou Markets
Arouna Ouédraogo, Ganamé Abasse Ouédraogo, Henri Sidabéwindin Ouédraogo, François Tchoumbougnang, Cheikna Zongo, Aly Savadogo
Background: The investigation of toxin genes in strains involved in staphylococcal food poisoning contributes to food safety. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus strains from dried, smoked, and braised fish sold in Ouagadougou markets.
Methodology: Staphylococci were isolated using standard micr(...)
Fish, Stapholocuccus, Toxin Genes
The Potential of Cochlospermum tinctorium, Flueggea virosa, and Waltheria indica Traditional Plants From Burkina Faso in Treating Periodontitis: A Systematic Review
Abdoulaziz Diarra, Kevimy Agossa, Estelle Noëla Hoho Youl
Periodontitis is a chronic, infectious, and inflammatory oral disease with a high prevalence in developing countries, where limited access to modern dental care curtails its treatment. This review is dedicated to examining three indigenous botanical species frequently recommended by traditional therapists for the treatment of periodontal disea(...)
cochlospermum tinctorium; flueggea virosa; periodontitis; treatment; waltheria indica
Postabortion care service availability, readiness, and access in Burkina Faso: results from linked female-facility cross-sectional data
Onadja, Y., Compaoré, R., Yugbaré, D.B., Haley L.T., Guiella G., Lougué S., Ouedraogo H.G., Bazié F., Kouanda S., Moreau C., and Bell O. S
Little is known about postabortion care (PAC) services in Burkina Faso, despite PAC’s importance as an essential and life-saving component of emergency obstetric care. This study aims to evaluate PAC service availability, readiness, and accessibility in Burkina Faso.
Data for this study come from the Performance Monitor(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Postabortion care service availability, readiness, and access in Burkina Faso: results from linked female-facility cross-sectional data
Yentéma Onadja, Rachidatou Compaoré, Danielle Belemsaga Yugbaré, Haley L. Thomas, Georges Guiella, Siaka Lougué, Henri Gauthier Ouedraogo, Fiacre Bazié, Seni Kouanda, Caroline Moreau, Suzanne O. Bell
Little is known about postabortion care (PAC) services in Burkina Faso, despite PAC’s importance as an essential and life-saving component of emergency obstetric care. This study aims to evaluate PAC service availability, readiness, and accessibility in Burkina Faso.
Data for this study come from the Performance Monitorin(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Numerical Assessment of the thermal efficiency of a concentrated photovoltaic/thermal (CPV/T) hybrid system with air as heat transfer fluid
KONFE Amadou, KABORE Boureima, NONGUIERMA Ives Christian, OUEDRAOGO Fatimata, KAM Sié
In this paper, we propose a thermal model of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal concentration system. Starting from the thermal balance of the model, the equation is solved and simulated with a MATLAB code, considering air as the cooling fluid. This enabled us to evaluate some of the parameters influencing the electrical and thermal performance of(...)
PV Cell, Concentrating, Thermal, Energy Conversion, Cooling, Hybrid System
Comparative Study of the Thermal Performances of a Solar Tower
Moctar Ousmane, Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice KY, B. Magloire Pakouzou, Amadou konfé, Germain Wende Pouiré Ouedraogo, Salifou Ouédraogo, Boureima Kaboré, Dianda Boureima, KAM Sié and Dieudonné Joseph Bathiébo
This work presents a comparative experimental study of the thermal performances of two types of solar chimneys. The objective is to compare the thermal performances of a solar chimney with a hyperbolic collector associated to a plane absorber painted black. We used a second collector a collectors equipped with hemispherical concentrators. To d(...)
Solar chimney, Hyperbolic collector, Hemispherical concentrator, Experimental study
Dengue Fever Seroprevalence among Children Aged 0-5 Years at Paediatric University Hospital, Ouagadougou
Kambiré Dinanibè, Ouédraogo Oumarou, Doho Ulrich, Tondé Issa, Zouré Abdou-Azaque , Tamboura Mamadou, Kpoda Dissinviel Stéphane, Compaoré T. Rebeca, Zida Sylvie , Soubeiga Serges Théophile, Sangaré lassana, Ouédraogo Henri Gautier, Sagna Tani, Ouédraogo/Traoré Rasmata , Sanou Mahamoudou.
Background: Dengue fever is a vector-borne disease that raises a major public health problem worldwide,
particularly in Burkina Faso. The gold standard diagnosis is based on the research of viral RNA by reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) during the first days, or the presence of specific
immunoglobulin M (IgM) by ser(...)
Seroprevalence, Dengue Fever, Children, Burkina Faso
Dengue Fever Seroprevalence among Children Aged 0-5 Years at Paediatric University Hospital, Ouagadougou
Kambiré Dinanibè, Ouédraogo Oumarou, Doho Ulrich, Tondé Issa, Zouré Abdou-Azaque, Tamboura Mamadou, Kpoda Dissinviel Stéphane, Compaoré T. Rebeca, Zida Sylvie, Sagna Tani, Soubeiga Serges Théophile, Sangaré Lassana, Ouédraogo Henri Gautier, Ouédraogo/Traoré Rasmata, Sanou Mahamoudou
Background: Dengue fever is a vector-borne disease that raises a major public health problem worldwide,
particularly in Burkina Faso. The gold standard diagnosis is based on the research of viral RNA by reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) during the first days, or the presence of specific
immunoglobulin M (IgM) by se(...)
Seroprevalence, Dengue Fever, Children, Burkina Fas
Factors associated with the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in schoolchildren aged 6 to 13 years in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Ahmed Kaboré, André Kabore, Akossito Hermine Tognon, Hema Tiemoko Thierry Souahamai
Abstract The variability of prevalence rates of attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) in the
literature raises questions about its etiology and the factors predisposing to its manifestation. The causes are
multidimensional, but the current scientific consensus focuses on genetic predisposition and gene-environment(...)
ADHD, school children, Ouagadougou, associated facors
Synthesis, Characterization, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis and Quantum Chemical Calculations of 2-oxo-2HChromen-6-yl 4-Methoxybenzoate
Zakaria Koulabiga, Kouadio Honoré Yao, Akoun Abou, Abdoulaye Djandé, Michel Giorgi, Stéphane Coussan
This article deals with a combined experimental and computational study of a 6-substituted coumarin derivative, namely, 2-oxo-2H-chromen-6-yl 4-methoxybenzoate (I). The compound was synthetized by O-acylation of 6-hydroxycoumarin with 4-methoxybenzoyl chloride in the presence of tetrahydrofuran as a solvent and triethylamine as a base. The cry(...)
6-substituted coumarin derivative, Spectroscopic analysis, Crystal structure, Conformational analysis, Hirshfeld surface analysis