Publications (5730)
Perceptions, usages et vulnérabilité des ressources végétales ligneuses dans le Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso
Abstract Au Burkina Faso, les populations rurales dépendent fortement des ressources végétales ligneuses pour la satisfaction de leurs besoins quotidiens. Dans un contexte de pression anthropique croissante, l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des espèces s' avère un impératif majeur pour permettre la préservation et la gestion durable de ces res(...)
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Insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae: data from the first year of a multi-country study highlight the extent of the problem
Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is a growing concern in many countries which requires immediate attention because of the limited chemical arsenal available for vector control. The current extent and distribution of this resistance in many parts of the continent is unknown and yet such information is essential for the planning of effe(...)
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Population structure of three woody species in four ethnic domains of the sub‐sahel of Burkina Faso
In developing countries many people depend on woody resources for their livelihoods. Monitoring human impact on the populations of socio‐economically important species is therefore important for the conservation of vulnerable plants. In order to assess and compare the population structure and regeneration patterns of three multipurpose species(...)
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Infective endocarditis in sub-Saharan African children, cross-sectional study about 19 cases in Ouagadougou at Burkina Faso
INTRODUCTION: Infective endocarditis is a transplant of a microorganism on a most often injured endocardium. It is rare in children. This work aimed to determine the frequency of endocarditis of the child, to describe clinical presentation, data from echocardiography, microbiological profile and clinical course. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From May(...)
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Use of non wood forest products by local people bordering the “Parc National Kaboré Tambi”, Burkina Faso
In the French-speaking countries of Africa, strategies of conservation, inherited from the colonial time, exclude the bordering people in the management of the national parks plant resources. Today, policies and legislation try to reconcile forest conservation and development by associating local people. As a consequence, approaches of partici(...)
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Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the semi-arid regions of West Africa
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Herbarium collections and field data‐based plant diversity maps for Burkina Faso
ABSTRACT A map of plant species diversity in Burkina Faso is presented based on field observations and specimen data from the Ouagadougou University Herbarium (OUA) and the Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR). A map of collecting intensity and field observations illustrates centres of botanical research activities in Burkina Faso. To overcome prob(...)
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Genetic variation in human HBB is associated with Plasmodium falciparum transmission
Genetic factors are known to have a role in determining susceptibility to infectious diseases 1, 2, although it is unclear whether they may also influence host efficiency in transmitting pathogens. We examine variants in HBB that have been shown to be protective against malaria 3 and test whether these are associated with the transmission of t(...)
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Epidemiological characteristics and clinical features of black African subject's resistant hypertension
INTRODUCTION: Few studies in sub-Saharan Africa were interested in resistant hypertension. The objectives of this study were to determine the frequency of resistant hypertension in hypertensive black African population, and to describe its clinical and therapeutic features. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From May 1, 2010 to May 31, 2012, we included co(...)
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Floristic and dendrometric analysis of woodlands in the Sudano-Guinean zone: a case study of Belléfoungou forest reserve in Benin
A floristic and dendrometric analysis was carried out using 15 square plots of 1 ha each in the Belléfoungou forest reserve, located in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin. Species and diameter at breast height of trees were recorded. Multidimensional scaling and importance value index of species were used to identify vegetation types in the rese(...)
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Utilisations, état des peuplements et régénération de cinq espèces ligneuses utilitaires dans l’est du Burkina Faso
La raréfaction des espèces à importance économique et les besoins croissants en produits végétaux constituent de nos jours des facteurs d'aggravation de la pression sur les espèces utilitaires. L'exploitation abusive est la cause majeure de la destruction de nombreuses espèces végétales (Ozenda 1982). Dans les conditions climatiques précaires(...)
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Do floristic composition, plant species abundance and vegetation structure in Sudanian wetlands vary according to conservation status?
In Sahel, wetlands are particularly endangered hence practical knowledge for their sustainable management is needed. The aim of this study was to compare plant community structure between protected and unprotected wetland bank stands in eastern Burkina Faso. Phytosociological and dendrometrical parameters were carrying out in adult trees, seed(...)
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L’infarctus du myocarde du jeune adulte-Analyse rétrospective des cas colligés au CHU de Dakar
Les données relatives à l'infarctus du myocarde chez le jeune adulte sont rares en Afrique noir. Nous rapportons une série rétrospective de 14 cas dninfarctus du myocarde chez l'adulte jeune noir africain. Pour analyser les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, électriques, échographiques, biologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l(...)
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Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in areas of seasonal malaria transmission in Burkina Faso: knock-down resistance gene distribution
Resistance to insecticide is the main concern for vectors control based on insecticides. We conducted a two-year monitoring on the resistance to insecticides of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus in five localities of Burkina Faso. The susceptibility to insecticides was performed using WHO test. The knock-down time (KDT) and after 24h mo(...)
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Tree leaves in the diet of free-ranging ruminants in three areas of Burkina Faso
A study was undertaken to document the botanical composition of free ranging cattle and small ruminants in three separate areas of Burkina Faso, as the first step towards improved use and management of trees. Faecal samples were taken from cattle at three sites and from small ruminants at one site throughout a year and plant particles in the f(...)
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