Publications (5731)
Syndromes drépanocytaires majeurs et infections associées chez l’enfant au Burkina Faso
Conclusion Les infections bactériennes et le paludisme dominent le tableau des infections chez l'enfant drépanocytaire majeur au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique Charles De Gaulle. Les auteurs recommandent la mise en place d'un programme national de prise en charge de la drépanocytose, ce qui permettrait de prévenir voire réduire l(...)
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Association between sickle cell trait and low density parasitaemia in a P. falciparum malaria holoendemic region of Western Kenya
Aims: The frequency of the mutant gene for sickle cell is widely distributed in the sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. There is epidemiologic evidence that sickle cell trait confers a survival advantage against malaria and that the selection pressure due to malaria has resulted in high frequencies of the mutant g(...)
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Morbidité et mortalité des nouveau-nés hospitalisés sur 10 années à la Clinique El Fateh-Suka (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
Conclusion Cette étude a identifié des pathologies évitables déjà décrites comme les principales causes d'hospitalisations et de décès néonatals. La voie basse d'accouchement était le facteur de risque associé à ces décès, ce qui n'avait pas encore été rapporté. Les efforts pour améliorer la qualité des services de soins périnatals doivent êtr(...)
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Dynamics of the invasive Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) Mediterranean (MED) species in two West African countries
Bemisia tabaci Gennadius is a major pest on cotton and vegetable plants in Africa. It is considered as a cryptic species complex. Identification of the most damaging species such as the Middle East–Asia Minor 1 (B biotype) and Mediterranean (MED)(which contains the Q and Africa silverleaf (ASL) biotypes) species represents an important step to(...)
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Effets de la date de semis et du régime hydrique sur la réponse agromorphologique de deux variétés de niébé (KN1 ET KVX 61-1) au Burkina Faso [Effects of planting dates and frequency of watering on the agromorphological answer of two varieties of cowpea (KN1 and KVX 61.1) in Burkina Faso] Adama Pascal KIHINDO
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Toxoplasma gondii, HCV, and HBV seroprevalence and co‐infection among HIV‐positive and‐negative pregnant women in Burkina Faso
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) infections can cause serious complications in HIV‐infected pregnant women, leading to miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects (eg, mental retardation, blindness, epilepsy etc.) and could favor or enhance the mother‐to‐child transmission of HCV, HBV, and HIV vertical transmission. From May 20, 2004 to August 3, 2005(...)
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Evaluation de la performance du système d’information hospitalier du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
L'information sanitaire est un des six piliers du système de santé. Elle est nécessaire surtout pour la planification sanitaire et la prise de décision dans le secteur de la santé. Mais face au constat d'insuffisance de la qualité des données, de l'utilisation de l'information et du processus des Systèmes d'Information Hospitalier (SIH) des pa(...)
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Nutrition rehabilitation of undernourished children utilizing Spiruline and Misola
Malnutrition constitutes a public health problem throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an elementary integrator composed of Spiruline (Spirulina platensis) and Misola (millet, soja, peanut) produced at the Centre Medical St Camille (CMSC) of Ouagadougou, Burkina Fas(...)
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Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C viruses and syphilis among blood donors in Koudougou (Burkina Faso) in 2009
Background The high prevalence of numerous transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and syphilis in sub-Saharan Africa affects the safety of blood for recipients. This study was undertaken with the aim of determining the seroprevalence of HIV, HCV,(...)
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Derivations in power-associative algebras
In this paper we investigate derivations of a commutative powerassociative algebra. Particular cases of stable and partially stable algebras are inspected. Some attention is paid to the Jordan case. Further results are given. Especially, we show that the core of an th-order Bernstein algebra which is power-associative is a Jordan algebra. 1. P(...)
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Herbarium collections and field data‐based plant diversity maps for Burkina Faso
ABSTRACT A map of plant species diversity in Burkina Faso is presented based on field observations and specimen data from the Ouagadougou University Herbarium (OUA) and the Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR). A map of collecting intensity and field observations illustrates centres of botanical research activities in Burkina Faso. To overcome prob(...)
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Use patterns, use values and management of Afzelia africana Sm. in Burkina Faso: implications for species domestication and sustainable conservation
The lack of literature on the interactions between indigenous people and the valuable agroforestry trees hinder the promotion of sustainable management of plant resources in West African Sahel. This study aimed at assessing local uses and management of Afzelia africana Sm. in Burkina Faso, as a prerequisite to address issues of domestication a(...)
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Targeted application of an organophosphate-based paint applied on windows and doors against Anopheles coluzzii resistant to pyrethroids under real life condition...
A novel strategy applying an organophosphate-based insecticide paint on doors and windows in combination with long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) was tested for the control of pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors in a village setting in Vallée du Kou, a rice-growing area west of Burkina Faso. Insecticide Paint Inesfly 5A IGR™, compri(...)
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On the interest of ambipolar materials for gas sensing
Based on the electrochemical properties of a series of metallophthalocyanines this article shows that the phthalocyanine bearing four alkoxy groups and twelve fluorine atoms behaves approximately as those with eight fluorine atoms. This indicates that the electron-donating effect of one alkoxy group balances the electro-withdrawing effect of o(...)
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Geographical patterns of woody plants’ functional traits in Burkina Faso
Abstract Schmidt, M., S. Traoré, A. Ouédraogo, E. Mbayngone, O. Ouédraogo, A. Zizka, I. Kirchmair, E. Kaboré, E. Tindano, A. Thiombiano, K. Hahn & G. Zizka (2013). Geographical patterns of woody plants' functional traits in Burkina Faso. Candollea 68: 197–207. In English, English and French abstracts. The West African vegetation zones from the(...)
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