Détails Publication
Association between sickle cell trait and low density parasitaemia in a P. falciparum malaria holoendemic region of Western Kenya,
Auteur(s): A. BADOLO
Auteur(s) tagués:
BADOLO Athanase
Renseignée par : BADOLO Athanase
Aims: The frequency of the mutant gene for sickle cell is widely distributed in the sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. There is epidemiologic evidence that sickle cell trait confers a survival advantage against malaria and that the selection pressure due to malaria has resulted in high frequencies of the mutant gene in areas of high malaria transmission. We carried out a study to look at the relationship between sickle cell trait, age, haemoglobin level, and malaria parasite density. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study between the months of October and December, 2004 in Kombewa Division of Kisumu West District, a P. falciparum malaria