Publications (5641)
Origines et développement de la métallurgie du fer au Burkina Faso et en Côte d’Ivoire. Premiers résultats sur le site sidérurgique de Korsimoro (Sanmatenga, Burkina Faso).
En 2011-12, deux campagnes de recherche sur le terrain ont été organisées à Korsimoro (Burkina Faso), avec les universités de Ouagadougou et d'Abidjan. Par le passé, Korsimoro a été un centre de production du fer majeur à l'échelle de la région, comme en témoignent de très volumineux amas de scories, résidus issus de la réduction du
minerai d(...)
metallurgie, fer, afrique
Comportement à la corrosion des alliages d’aluminium recyclés pour la confection de marmites
Brahima Sorgho1 , Samuel Paré2∗ , Boubié Guel3 , Lamine Zerbo1 , Karfa Traoré1 , Ingmar Persson
Des études sur la qualité des eaux souterraines et de surfaces au Burkina Faso ont révélé un niveau élevé de contamination de ces ressources par les métaux lourds, notamment dans le milieu urbain et aux alentours des mines. La présence de ces métaux est principalement due aux activités anthropiques liées à l’industrie, l’agriculture ou encore(...)
Métaux lourds, pHpzc, Argile
Préparation et étude de la phtalocyanine d’or
Bertrand Ouemega, Mabinty Bayo-Bangoura, Karifa Bayo.
Nous avons préparé par la voie humide, à partir du phtalodinitrile et de l’acide
tétrachloroaurique trihydraté, la phtalocyanine d’or (AuPc). Le produit a été caractérisé par
spectrométries de masse, vibrationnelle et électronique.
Métallophtalocyanine ; Or ; UV-visible ; Infrarouge.
La végétation dans les ruines de Loropéni et leur zone tampon
Sur la liste du patrimoine mondial, il existe deux principales catégories de sites. Les sites culturels et les sites naturels. Les ruines de Loropéni font partie de la catégorie culturelle, mais ont cette particularité d’être situées au milieu d’une zone de protection constituée d’une forêt claire et d’une savane arborée couvrant une superfici(...)
Patrimoine, Sites culturels, Sites naturels
Antibacterial Potential and Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenols of Sesbania grandiflora
M.B.Ouattara, K.Konaté, M.Kiendrébéogo, N. Ouattara, M. Compaore, R. Meda, J.Millogo-Rasolodimby and O.G.Nacoulma
The antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Sesbanial grandiflora used in traditional pharmacopeia in Burkina Faso and elsewhere was evaluated. Aqueous, methanolic and hydro-acetone extractions were carried out on the leaves, stems, and granules, pods of fruit and roots of the plant. The phytochimic groups were identified by the tests of cha(...)
Antibacterial Activity, antioxydant activity, Sesbania grandifloran, total phenolics
Embolie pulmonaire simulant un infarctus aigu du myocarde antéroseptal: le piège diagnostique
Résumé L'embolie pulmonaire reste la grande simulatrice de la pathologie thoracique aiguë. Les données cliniques et les manifestations électrocardiographiques peuvent dévier le diagnostic vers un infarctus du myocarde. Nous rapportons un cas d'embolie pulmonaire bilatérale chez une patiente de 50 ans. L'électrocardiogramme montrait un sus-déca(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Woody species composition, diversity and structure of riparian forests of four watercourses types in Burkina Faso
Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general, particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works. The modification of this important habitat is continuing, with little attention being paid to the ecological or human consequences of these changes. The obje(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Uniqueness of traces on log-polyhomogeneous pseudodifferential operators
Catherine Ducourtioux, Marie Françoise Ouedraogo
We show how to derive the uniqueness of graded or ordinary traces on some algebras of log-
polyhomogeneous pseudodifferential operators from the uniqueness of their restriction to classical
pseudodifferential ones
log-polyhomogeneous pseudodifferential operators
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil and methanol extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. from Djibouti
125. Fatouma M. Abdoul-Latif, Nabil Mohamed, Prosper Edou, Adwa A. Ali, Samatar O. Djama, Louis-Clément Obame, Imael H. N. Bassolé5 and Mamoudou H. DICKO
The essential oil and methanol extracts of Matricaria Chamomilla L. were subjected to screening for their possible antioxidant activity by two complementary test systems, namely 2,2-diphenykpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and β-carotene-linoleic acid assays. BHT was used as positive control in both test systems. In the DPPH test(...)
Matricaria chamomilla L., essential oil, methanol extract, antioxidant activity
Protective effect of Scoparia dulcis on brain and erythrocytes
Ahmed Y. Coulibaly, Pierre A.E.D. Sombie, André Tibiri, Martin Kiendrebeogo, Moussa M.Y. Compaore and Odile G. Nacoulma
In order to evaluate the protective effect of Scoparia dulcis L.(Scrophulariaceae), a medicinal plant known to have medico-magic power, different extracts were prepared by successive extraction with hexane (HE), chloroform (CE) and methanol (ME) and by a soaking in acetone (80%). These extracts were checked for their protective role against ne(...)
Acetylcholineterase, brain, erythrocytes, lipid peroxidation, Scoparia dulcis
In vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of Some Medicinal Plants Used in Folk Medicine in Burkina Faso Against Malaria
Cheikna Zongo, Lamoussa Paul Ouattara, Aly Savadogo, Souleymane Sanon, Nicolas Barro, Jean Koudou, Issa Nebie, Alfred S. Traore
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antiplasmodial activities of four plants used intraditional medicine. Hydroethanolic extract, hydroacetonic extract and aqueous extract ofMitragyna inermis(Willd.) O. Kuntze (Rubiaceae), Combretum sericeum G. Don (Combretaceae), Alternanthera pungens H.B.and K (Amaranthaceae) and Ampelocissus(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil and methanol extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. from Djibouti
Fatouma M. Abdoul-Latif , Nabil Mohamed , Prosper Edou , Adwa A. Ali , Samatar O. Djama , Louis-Clément Obame , Ismael H. N. Bassolé and Mamoudou H. Dicko
The essential oil and methanol of Matricaria Chamomilla L. were subjected to screening for their possible antioxidant activity by two complementary test systems, namely 2,2-Diphenykpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and β-carotene-linoleic acid assays. BHT was used as positive control in both test systems. In(...)
Matricaria chamomilla L., essential oil, methanol extract, antioxidant activity
Comparison of peroxidase activities from Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus and Sorghum bicolor grown in Burkina Faso.
Mamounata Diao, Oumou H. Kone, Nafissétou Ouedraogo, Romaric G. Bayili, Imael H. N. Bassole, and Mamoudou H. Dicko
Current applications of peroxidase in various areas of biotechnology and clinical biochemistry show the interest for further screening for peroxidase. Thus, peroxidase activities were screened in higher plants such as Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus and Sorghum bicolor grown in a tropical environment. The enzymes were investi(...)
Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus, Sorghum bicolor
Comparison of peroxidase activities from Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus and Sorghum bicolor grown in Burkina Faso
Mamounata Diao, Oumou H. Kone, Nafissétou Ouedraogo, Romaric G. Bayili, Imael H. N. Bassole, and Mamoudou H. Dicko
Current applications of peroxidase in various areas of biotechnology and clinical biochemistry show
the interest for further screening for peroxidase. Thus, peroxidase activities were screened in higher
plants such as Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus and Sorghum bicolor grown in a
Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas, Raphanus sativus, Sorghum bicolor
Solvent induced aggregation of protoporphyrin and octacarboxylphthalocyanine of zinc deposited on gold surface.
Virginie Gadenne, Mabinty Bayo-Bangoura, Louis Porte, Lionel Patrone.
In this paper, we studied the influence of solvent on the morphology of zinc protoporphyrin and zinc
octacarboxylphthalocyanine films transferred onto gold surface by dipping. In these films, carboxylic acid
groups borne in periphery of macrocycles allow anchoring to gold via ionic interaction. First, we followed
by UV–Visible absorption sp(...)
Zinc protoporphyrin Zinc phthalocyanine Solvent Aggregation Self-assembled monolayer Gold surface