Publications (5742)
A New Experimental Method to Determine the Henry’s Law Constant of a Volatile Organic Compound Adsorbed in Soil
S. Ouoba, F. Cherblanc, J. Koulidiati, and J.-C. Bénet
This paper presents a newmechanical method to determineHenry’s lawconstant (HLC) of a volatile organic compound (VOC). This method is an extension of the one proposed byOuoba et al. (2010) to determine the water activity in porous media.Thiswork focuses on TCE and aims at characterizing its liquid-vapor equilibrium in various cases in the form(...)
Transfer, non-equilibrium, trichloroethylene, arid soil
Inégalités liées au genre au Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de l'Alphabétisation du Burkina Faso
MAIGA Alkassoum
Mots clés non renseignés
Kinematics and mass modelling of M33: Hα observations
Zacharie Sie Kam, Claude Carignan, Laurent Chemin, Philippe Amram, Benoit Epinat
As part of a long-term project to revisit the kinematics and dynamics of the large disc galaxies of the Local Group, we present the first deep, wide-field (∼42 arcmin × 56 arcmin) 3D-spectroscopic survey of the ionized gas disc of Messier 33. Fabry–Perot interferometry has been used to map its Hα distribution and kinematics at unprecedented an(...)
techniques: interferometric, ISM: bubbles, H II regions, galaxies: individual: M33, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: kinematics and dynamics
Bacteriologic al assessment of drinking water sources in the vicinities of Lakes Nyos and Monoun (Cameroon, Central Africa)
Rosine E Tiodjio, Wilson Y Fantong , Kamtchueng B Tchakam , Gregory Tanyileke , Takeshi Ohba , Victor J Hell , Minoru Kusakabe , Shogo Nakamura and Akira Ueda
Cette étude a porté sur l'identification d'indicateurs biologiques de pollution des sources d'eau
souterraine à proximité des lacs Nyos et Monoun. Diverses méthodes de culture ont été utilisées pour
détecter et compter les coliformes totaux, les coliformes fécaux et les streptocoques dans les échantillons
d'eau. Les résultats ont révélé(...)
Drinking water quality, Lake Monoun, Lake Nyos, coliforms, streptococci
A multitracer approach for assessing the origin, apparent age and recharge mechanism of shallow groundwater in the Lake Nyos catchment, Northwest, Cameroon
Brice Tchakam Kamtchueng, Wilson Yetoh Fantong, Mengnjo Jude Wirmvem, Rosine Edwige Tiodjio, Alain Fouépé Takounjou, Kazuyoshi Asai, Serges L. Bopda Djomou b , Minoru Kusakabe a , Takeshi Ohba, Gregory Tanyileke, Joseph Victor Hell, Akira Ueda
Une approche reposant sur la datation des eaux souterraines et les investigations hydrochimiques a permis
d’évaluer l'origine, l'âge apparent et les mécanismes de recharge des eaux souterraines riches en CO2 qui
contribueraient à la recharge de gaz carbonique du lac Nyos. Un modèle de rejet de gaz en petites quantités
non toxiques à l’ex(...)
Stable isotopes (δ18O and δD), CFCs and SF6, Shallow groundwater recharge, Lake Nyos - Cameroon
Le patrimoine méconnu des bois sacrés de la ville de Koudougou (Burkina Faso) : de la reconnaissance à la sauvegarde
Pour des raisons diverses, les sociétés rurales africaines ont organisé l’espace en privilégiant des lieux sacrés dotés d’interdits. Ces bois sacrés sont rattrapés par les dynamiques urbaines qui leur disputent l’espace. Le patrimoine que constituent ces jardins sacrés demeure inconnu du fait qu’il ne répond pas aux critères occidentaux du pat(...)
Burkina Faso, Koudougou, bois sacrés, valorisation
Three Thresholds for the Efficiency in Energy Management in WSN
Yacouba Ouattara, Christophe Lang, and Adel Elgaber
Nowadays, the domain of sensor networks constitutes a very active research field. People are using a lot of
low cost networks. As a result, they are facing an important energy management problem. Consequently, Researchers have tried to ensure long life to networks [1]-[8]. LEACH, PEGASUS, TEEN and APTEEN are pioneers in the reduction of WSN e(...)
Wirless, WSN
Three Thresholds for the Efficiency in Energy Management in WSN
Yacouba Ouattara, Christophe Lang, and Adel Elgaber
Nowadays, the domain of sensor networks constitutes a very active research field. People are using a lot of
low cost networks. As a result, they are facing an important energy management problem. Consequently, Researchers have tried to ensure long life to networks [1]-[8]. LEACH, PEGASUS, TEEN and APTEEN are pioneers in the reduction of WSN e(...)
Wirless, WSN, Routing
Détection biologique des résidus d’antibiotiques dans le lait et produits laitiers de vache consommés à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Touwendsida Serge Bagré, Serge Samandoulougou, Mahamady Traoré, Daniel Illy, Gertrude Bsadjo- Tchamba, Hadiza Bawa-Ibrahim, S. Caroline Bouda, Alfred S. Traoré, Nicolas Barro
Objectif : L’élevage traditionnel au Burkina n’associe pas généralement les bonnes pratiques vétérinaires. Il se traduit par une utilisation anarchique des antibiotiques et le non-respect des délais d’attente. L’objectif est de mettre en évidence les résidus d’antibiotiques dans le lait et les produits laitiers consommés dans la ville de Ouaga(...)
Lait, Produits laitiers, Résidus d’antibiotiques, Bacillus subtilis, Geobacillus stearothermophilus
Screening of antibiotics residues in beef consumed in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Serge SAMANDOULOUGOU, André Jules ILBOUDO, Touwendsida Serge BAGRE, Fidèle W. TAPSOBA, Aly SAVADOGO, Marie-Louise SCIPPO and Alfred S. TRAORE
The anarchic use of antibiotics for therapeutic purposes or as a growth factor in Burkina Faso’s breeding is the origin of their residues present in consumed meat. These antibiotics residues have health, technological and microbiological consequences. The objective of this first study is to highlight the antibiotic residues in meat consumed in(...)
Consumed meat, antibiotics residues, Burkina Faso
Theoretical Investigation of Base doping and illumination level effects on a bifacial silicon solar cell.
In this paper, we are investigating theoretically the behavior of a bifacial silicon solar cell in steady state with different illumination conditions. The bifaciality coefficient and the conversion efficiencyare calculated for various rear side illumination conditions (traduced here by the illumination le(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Land cover change and plants diversity in the Sahel: A case study from northern Burkina Faso
Understanding land cover degradation patterns and the effects of geomorphological units on phytodiversity is important for guiding management decisions and restoration strategies in the Sahelian vulnerables zones. This paper describes land cover degradation by combining Landsat TM image analysis and field data measurements in the Gourouol catc(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Microbiological Quality of Surface Water Treated with Moringa oleifera Seeds or Cakes during the Storage: Case Study of Water Reservoirs of Loumbila, Ziga and Ouaga 3 Dams in Burkina Faso
Kabore Aminata, Savadogo Boubacar, Otoidobiga C.Harmonie, Sawadogo Adama, Rosillon Francis, Traore S. Alfred, Dianou Dayéri
Water purification with Moringa oleifera seeds has received a lot of attention because it reduces water turbidity and pathogenic microorganisms. However, it is important to define the optimum conditions of storage to preserve the treated water quality. The study aims to investigate microbial quality of water treated with Moringa oleifera seeds(...)
Drinking Water, Moringa oleifera, Cake, Seed, Shelf Life, Microbiology
Le syndrome des brides amniotiques et ses difficultés diagnostiques et de prise en charge au Burkina Faso
Kisito Nagalo, Roger Badiel, Fla Kouéta, François Housséini Tall, Diarra Yé
Résumé Le syndrome des brides amniotiques est une embryo-foetopathie rare, d'étiopathogénie encore inconnue, caractérisé par des malformations crânio-faciales, thoraco-abdominales, des membres et des extrémités. Afin de discuter des difficultés diagnostiques et thérapeutiques du syndrome des brides amniotiques, nous rapportons cinq cas de ce s(...)
Maladie des brides amniotiques, Limb Body Wall Complex, embryo-fœtopathies, conseil génétique
Effect of land degradation on carbon and nitrogen pools in two soil types of a semi-arid landscape in West Africa
To determine the resilience of soil organic C and N pools during land degradation processes in a semi-arid landscape of West Africa, we compared the magnitude of soil organic C and N differences in bulk soil and aggregate fractions between contrasting types of land cover (degraded land and native land cover) and soil (Luvisols and Cambisols).(...)
Mots clés non renseignés