Publications (5742)
Guiguimdé Wendpouiré Patrice Laurent, Ouattara Seydou, Garé Wendkuni Jocelyne Valérie, Yonaba/Oken’go Caroline, Sawadogo Augustin, Fall Médina, Millogo Mathieu, Sérémé Moustapha, Konsem Tarcissus
Introduction : Des dents présentes en bouche à la naissance sont dites « dents natales ». Ces présences peuvent entrainer des complications médicales ou socio culturelles pour l’enfant et sa famille pouvant conduire à leur extraction.
Observation C’est ainsi que le but de ce travail a été de rapporter le cas inhabituel d’une fillette née avec(...)
nouveau-né, dents natales, superstition, avulsion dentaire
Difficultés d’interprétation des gammapathies monoclonales de découverte fortuite : cas d’une gammapathie transitoire au cours d’un syndrome inflammatoire important
Raoul Karfo, Laila Benchekroun, Alban Zohoun, Layachi Chabraoui
La découverte d’une immunoglobuline monoclonale est habituellement le signe d’un syndrome lymphoprolifératif malin, mais cela peut être parfois une manifestation transitoire au cours des infections virales, bactériennes ou fongiques et au cours d’un syndrome inflammatoire. La réalisation de l’électrophorèse chez une patiente âgée de 55 ans a(...)
: électrophorèse, immunofixation
UN Census “Households” and Local Interpretations in Africa Since Independence
RANDALL Sara, COAST Ernestina, ANTOINE Philippe, COMPAORE Natacha, DIAL Fatou-Binetou, FANGHANEL Alexandra, BA GNING Sadio, GGNOUMOU THIOMBIANO Bilampoa, GOLAZ Valérie, et WANDERA Stephen Ojiambo
Depuis les années 1950, la Division de statistique de l'ONU a encouragé les pays à normaliser les définitions utilisées dans la collecte de données. Un concept clé utilisé dans les recensements et les enquêtes est le ménage : il s'agit de l'unité pour laquelle les informations sont collectées et analysées, et c'est donc une dimension important(...)
Recensement, Ménage, Famille, Données, Définition, Afrique
Diversity and distribution of bats (Mammalia Chiroptera) in Burkina Faso
Napoko Malika KANGOYÉ, Adama OUÉDA, Laurent GRANJON, Adjima THIOMBIANO, Wendengoudi GUENDA and Jakob FAHR
Herein we review available information on the bat fauna of Burkina Faso, synthesizing data
on a considerable number of museum specimens collected in the country between 1964 and
2010. We aim to give an exhaustive review of the locally occurring taxa and their distribution
overlaid on different phytogeographic areas. To achieve this objectiv(...)
Bat, Burkina Faso, distribution, species richness, West Africa
Évaluation de l’impact de fautes matérielles sur le logiciel par Model Checking
D. BASSOLE, Jean-Louis Lanet, and Axel Legay
La mutation de programme dû à un défaut d'environnement est susceptible de générer des problèmes de sécurité comme la non exécution de procédure de vérification, le saut de bloc d'instruction etc.. Pour les éradiquer il est nécessaire de comprendre les effets de ces perturbations sur le logiciel. Souvent les travaux explorent les effets au niv(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
BATIONO-KANDO Pauline, SAWADOGO Boureima, NANEMA K. Romaric, KIEBRE Zakaria, SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé, KIEBRE Mariam, TRAORE R. Ernest, SAWADOGO Mahamadou, ZONGO Jean-Didier
Ninety five (95) cultivars of the Kumba Group "bitter eggplant" of theSolanuma ethiopicumspecies collected in the
agricultural region of West Burkina Faso have been assessed using 22 agro-morphological descriptors. The study has
shown that the naming process of cultivars in this area by farmers is solely based on phenotypic trait(...)
Varietal diversity, Solanum aethiopicum, genetic resources, landvarieties, Burkina Faso
Highlighting of a local non-equilibrium thermodynamics during the transfer of trichlorethylene (TCE) in the superficial layers of arid soils
Samuel Ouoba, Bruno Cousin, David Y. Toguyeni, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Fabien Cherblanc, Jean Koulidiati and Jean-Claude Bénet
In this paper, we analyse and model the mass transfer of trichloroethylene in the surface layer of soil. Our study essentially focuses on arid soils taking into account the phase change liquid–vapour. We have then examined the validity of the assumption of local equilibrium by comparing the values of instantaneous pressure of the trichloroethy(...)
Transfer, non-equilibrium, trichloroethylene, arid soil
Zakaria KIEBR, Pauline BATIONO/KANDO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Mahamadou SAWADOGO, Jean-Didier ZONGO
Present study was aimed to understand the scientific basis of the farmer’s nomenclature of the local varieties of Cleome gynandra L. and to identify the characters of interests that can be used for the varietal improvement of the species. A survey was carried out in five cities of Burkina Faso with 56 producers of C. gynandra with the help of(...)
Cleome gynandra, Selection, Agromorphological characterization, Burkina Faso
Electrocatalytic activity carbon-supported metallophthalocyanine catalysts toward oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline solution
Seydou Hebié, Mabinty Bayo-Bangoura, Karifa Bayo, Karine Servat, Claudia Morais,Teko W. Napporn, K. Boniface Kokoh
Carbon-supported metallophthalocyanine catalysts,
composed of a transition central metal M (M = Co, Mn, Ni,
Fe) in the phthalocyanine ring, were synthesized in this work.
As cathodic reaction in a fuel cell, the oxygen reduction reaction
(ORR) was investigated in alkaline medium with linear
scanning voltammetry at the surface of these ele(...)
Metallophthalocyanines . Cyclic voltammetry . Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) . Electrocatalytic activity . Alkaline medium
Climate Change: A Driver of Crop Farmers and Agro-Pastoralists Conflicts in Burkina Faso
Sanfo A, Savadogo I, Kulo AE., and Zampaligré N
Climate Change: A Driver of Crop Farmers and Agro-Pastoralists Conflicts in Burkina Faso
Mots clés non renseignés
Nonlinear optical properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) thin films doped with Bixa Orellana dye
S. Zongo, A.P. Kerasidou, B.T. Sone, A. Diallo, P. Mthunzi, K. Iliopoulos,M. Nkosi, M. Maaza, B. Sahraoui,
Natural dyes with highly delocalized π-electron systems are considered as promising organic materials for nonlinear optical applications. Among these dyes, Bixa Orellana dye with extended π-electron delocalization is one of the most attractive dyes. Bixa Orellana dye-doped Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) thin films were prepared through spin(...)
Bixa orellana, maker fringes, Natural dyes, Polymer based composites
Linear and nonlinear optical absorption characterization of natural laccaic acid dye
S. Zongo, S. M. Dhlamini, A. P. Kerasidou, P. Beukes, B. Sahraoui, M. Maaza,
We report on the optical performances of laccaic acid dye in solution at different concentrations and dye–poly(methyl methacrylate) composite thin films. The linear spectral characteristics including optical constants, i.e. refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k), were carried out in a comprehensive way through absorbance, fluoresc(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Optimization of Aqueous Extraction of Anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Calyces for Food Application
DIESSANA Arthur, Charles Parkouda, Mady Cissé, Bréhima Diawara, and Mamoudou H. DICKO
Aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces are worldwide used for the production of several products such as polyphenolic-antioxidant containing beverages. However, optima conditions for extraction of polyphenolics such as anthocyanins from this plant species were unknown. For this, the influence of particle size and calyx/water ratio on(...)
Hibiscus sabdariffa L, anthocyanins water, calyx/water ratio, particle size, optimization
Optimization of Hydrocarbons Biodegradation by Bacterial Strains Isolated from Wastewaters in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : Case Study of Diesel and Used Lubricating Oils
Sawadogo Adama, Otoidobiga C.Hamonie, Kaboré Aminata, Sawadogo B. Joseph, Traoré S. Alfred, Dianou Dayéri
Diesel oil and lubricants are hydrocarbons commonly used in the world. Contamination of environment by used
lubricating and diesel oil is rapidly increasing due to global increase in the usage of petroleum products,
particularly in developing countries. This has been shown to have harmful effects on the environment and
human beings. Thus, t(...)
biodegradation, diesel oil, Total Quartz used oil, nutrient factor