Publications (5632)
L’engagement psychologique en formation continue au Burkina Faso
ZIO Brahima
Cette étude vise à analyser d’une part la pertinence et la dimensionnalité de l’engagement psychologique tridimensionnel (Brault-Labbé, 2008, 2009, 2010) et d’autre part celle de l’opérationnalité de l’outil Alceste dans l’analyse des données qualitatives issues des 27 entretiens semi directifs d’adultes en formation continue dans un contexte(...)
Alceste, Burkina Faso, Monde lexical, engagement psychologique, affectif, cognitif
Characterization of semi‑arid chadian sweet sorghum accessions as potential sources for sugar and ethanol production
Gapili Naoura, Yves Emendack, Nébié Baloua, Kirsten vom Brocke, Mahamat Alhabib Hassan, Nerbewende Sawadogo, Amos Doyam Nodjasse, Reoungal Djinodji, Gilles Trouche, Haydee Echevarria Laza
Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an important crop in chad that plays an economic role in the countryside were stalks are produced mainly for human consumption without any processing. Unfortunately, very little information exists on its genetic diversity and brix content. Studies performed in 2014 and 2015 showed that there were(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Agro-morphological characterization of Bambara nut accessions [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdcourt] from Burkina Faso
KAMBOU Diane Judicaëlle, NANDKANGRE Hervé3 OUOBA Adjima, KONATE Moussa N’Golo, SAWADOGO Nerbéwendé, OUEDRAOGO Mahama, SAWADOGO Mahamadou
Objectives: The agro morphological diversity of Bambara nut remains poorly understood. In this study 90 Bambara nut accessions were assessed for phenotypic variability of agronomic and morphological traits.
Methodology and results: A trial was conducted at Rollo (Bam province) on 90 accessions of Bambara nut of 3 agro ecological zones in Bu(...)
Bambara nut, agromorphological characters, Variability
DRABO Alidieta
La pandémie du coronavirus a totalement mis sens dessus la donne
géopolitique à travers le monde. Les institutions internationales par ailleurs
montrent leurs limites relatives aux soins et aux traitements de la nouvelle
pandémie. La médecine traditionnelle en Afrique démontre donc sa disponibilité et
sa science à lutter contre la maladie(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Genre et Covid 19 : la résilience des commerçantes informelles chefs de ménage dans la ville de Ouagadougou
Claudine Valérie ROUAMBA OUEDRAOGO, MAGNINI Seindira, BACYE Yisso Fidèle
Les mesures de lutte contre la propagation de la maladie ne sont pas sans conséquences sur les populations notamment les commerçantes informelles, chefs de ménage de la ville de Ouagadougou. Les femmes, piliers de leurs ménages ayant comme seules sources de revenus leurs petites activités génératrices de revenus se sont retrouvées du jour au l(...)
Covid 19, commerçantes, familles monoparentales, mesures barrières
Les enjeux socioéconomiques liés à la célébration des fêtes de baptêmes catholiques à Ouagadougou
Au Burkina Faso, un nombre important d’évènements sont célébrés chaque année parmi lesquels sont comptés les baptêmes catholiques. La célébration de ces fêtes ne répond à aucune prescription divine ni religieuse. Toutefois, elle s’impose aux fidèles catholiques comme une priorité dans leurs pratiques économiques. Pourquoi donc cet intérêt pour(...)
Fête, Baptême catholique, Pauvreté, Stigmatisation
Landform-regolith mapping in the West African context
Benjamin Sawadogo ; Ousmane Bamba ; Dominique Chardon
In this paper, we present an integrated landform-regolith mapping protocol/chart for West Africa developed
using a case from Central Burkina Faso. The chart accounts for (i) the specificities of the ubiquitous, duricrust-
capped remnants of the regional paleolandsurfaces – particularly the residual or detrital character of the Fe
Pediment, Weathering profile, Duricrust, Detrital duricrust, Mineral exploration
KABORE André, PODA Michel, KAMIRE Moussa
La crise causée par la maladie à COVID-19 a entraîné de la part des
dirigeants du monde entier une batterie de mesures sanitaires et socio-économiques
pour faire face à l’épidémie. Mais, ce qui est insolite et pourrait passer inaperçu
dans ces mesures est le recours à la bibliothérapie, c’est-à-dire la littérature comme
forme de thérapie.(...)
Bibliothérapie ; confinement ; littérature ; médecine ; pandémie ; psychose.
Apport de la tradition orale à la résolution de la pandémie à coronavirus: l'exemple des recettes médicinales traditionnelles
KABORE Barthélemy
La tradition orale recèle des potentialités insoupçonnées pour les sociétés à civilisation orale. Elle est même conçue comme l’essence de la vie dans la mesure où dans lesdites sociétés la parole remplit des fonctions vitales et sacrées. L’apparition de la pandémie à coronavirus au Burkina Faso a permis de mettre en relief les savoirs endogène(...)
covid 19, tradition orale, littérature orale, recettes
Critical Analysis of the Place and Importance of Literature in the Teaching / Learning of English and in School Leaving Certificate Examination in Burkina Faso from 1985 to 2018
André Kabore & Charles Nazotin
The potentials of literary texts are numerous. Literary texts can be used as
basis for the teaching of the four traditional skills. They can also be used to
develop learners‘ cultural competence. In Literature classes preparing for
―Baccalaureate A‖ written examination, literary texts are expected to be used
frequently with regard to t(...)
enhance; literary text; performance; potentials; skills
The metabolomic study of Calotropis procera Ait. from Burkina Faso, based on chemical functional groups profiling using FTIR
Prosper T Kinda, Aminata P Nacoulma, Samson Guenné, Moussa Compaoré, Abdoulaye Djandé, Latifou Lagnika, Martin Kiendrébéogo
C. procera is an important wild medicinal plant used in different area of Burkina Faso for the neuropsychiatric disorders treatment. It was reported to possess many pharmacological properties because of its phytochemical diversity. This study was carried out to identify possible specific chemical characteristics form C. procera lea(...)
Burkina Faso, Calotropis procera, FTIR profile, neuropsychiatric, phytochemical
Modeling the effects of contact tracing on COVID-19 transmission
Ali Traoré, Fourtoua Victorien Konané
In this paper, a mathematical model for COVID-19 that involves contact tracing is studied. The contact tracing-induced reproduction number Rq and equilibrium for the model are determined and stabilities are examined. The global stability results are achieved by constructing Lyapunov functions. The contact tracing-induced reproduction number Rq(...)
covid 19, mathematical model, stability, lyapunov function, contact tracing
Modeling the effects of contact tracing on COVID-19 transmission
Ali Traoré, Fourtoua Victorien Konané
In this paper, a mathematical model for COVID-19 that involves contact tracing is studied. The contact tracing-induced reproduction number Rq
and equilibrium for the model are determined and stabilities are examined. The global stabilities results are achieved by constructing Lyapunov functions. The contact tracing-induced reproduction numbe(...)
COVID-19, Mathematical model, Stability, Lyapunov function, Contact tracing
Characteristics of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection With Genotype E Predominance in Burkina Faso.
Wongjarupong N, Yonli AT, Nagalo BM, Djigma FW, Somda SK, Hassan MA, Mohamed EA, Sorgho AP, Compaore TR, Soubeiga ST, Kiendrebeogo I, Sanou M, Diarra B, Yang HI, Chen CJ, Ouattara AK, Zohoncon TM, Martinson JJ, Buetow K, Chamcheu JC, Antwi SO, Borad MJ, Simpore J, Roberts LR.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype E (HBV-E) accounts for the majority of chronic
hepatitis B (CHB) infections in West Africa. We aimed to determine factors
associated with HBV-E-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in West Africa.
Data on patients from Burkina Faso who were hepatitis B surface antigen positive
(HBsAg+) and had CHB wer(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Mathematical analysis of mosquito population global dynamics using delayed-logistic growth
KOUTOU Ousmane, SANGARE Boureima, DIABATE Abou Bakari
Malaria is a major public health issue in many parts of the world, and the anopheles mosquitoes which drive
transmission are key targets for interventions. Consequently, a best understanding of mosquito populations
dynamics is necessary in the fight against the disease. Hence, in this paper we propose a delayed mathematical
model of the lif(...)
Mosquitoes population, delayed-logistic growth, malaria transmission, mathematical analysis