Publications (5741)
Numerical and Experimental Study of the Thermal Efficiency of an Air-Soil Heat Exchanger in the Sahelian Zone
Boureima Kaboré, Germain Wende Pouiré Ouedraogo, Adama Ouedraogo, Sié Kam, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo
In the Sahelian zone, air conditioning in house by air-soil heat exchangers is an alternative in the context of insufficient of electrical energy. In this work, we carried out a numerical and experimental study of thermal efficiency of an air-soil heat exchanger. This study provided an estimation of thermal efficiency of an e(...)
Sahelian zone;, air-soil heat exchanger, cooling, thermal efficiency
Jean-Pierre Guingané, un baobab merveilleux
MANDE Hamadou
Cet article analyse les éléments caractéristiques de cet « homme-orchestre » que fut le Pr Jean-Pierre Guingané. Après un rappel biographique de son parcours scolaire et universitaire, l’article analyse à la fois l’apport scientifique de l’enseignant chercheur, l’administratif et le politique mais également la contribution de l’artiste et du m(...)
Jean-Pierre Guingané, théâtre africain, développement culturel, baobab merveilleux
L’œuvre de Jean-Pierre Guingané, une construction arachnéenne
MANDE Hamadou
Cet article est une mise en discussion de ce qui pourrait être appelé l’œuvre rhizome de Jean-Pierre Guingané, œuvre considérée ici comme une entité unique. Il s’intéresse à la façon dont la diversité des actions créatives peut être reliée à la manière d’un filet de pêche pour aller à la quête de sa cible. Il analyse le processus qui a favoris(...)
théâtre, Jean-Pierre Guingané, Arachnéenne, Processus créatif, Réception
Financial inclusion, income inequality, and institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: Identifying cross-country inequality regimes
Relwendé Sawadogo & Gervasio Semedo
This paper applies a finite mixture model to a sample of 28 sub-Saharan African countries to analyse the impact of financial inclusion on income inequality between 2004 and 2016. We hypothesise that the effect of financial inclusion on income inequality differs across groups of countries with similar but unobserved characteristics. We find tha(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Distribution , diversity and identification of hot spot of Fusarium spp . associated with onion ( Allium cepa L .) in Burkina Faso
SOGOBA Kouka Hamidou, KOÏTA Kadidia, OUATTARA Alassane, NANA Tounwendsida Abel, SOURA Banemane Hervé, CAMPA Claudine
In Burkina Faso, onion (Allium cepa L.) crops are increasingly confronted with numerous biotic threats and diseases caused by fungi are among the main factors constraining onion production. Observation of various Fusarium- like symptoms including seedling melt and basal rot, on onion, suggests the involvement of several species and underlines(...)
Burkina Faso, Fusarium spp., molecular characterization, onion (Allium cepa L.)
Profile of CA 15-3 and CEA during breast cancer chemotherapy at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Raoul KARFO, Aboubacar BAMBARA, Arsène KAGAMBEGA, Elie KABRE and Jean SAKANDE
Biomarkers are considered as an innovative tool in the diagnosis and follow-up of breast cancer. The aim of the study was to assess the profile of circulating tumour markers CA 15-3 and CEA in patients under chemotherapy for breast cancer in Ouagadougou. This is a prospective cross-sectional study with a descriptive and analytical aims which w(...)
Tumour markers, CA 15-3, CEA, breast cancer
Pseudo aneurysm of the maxillary artery: A case report from the yalgado ouedraogo university hospital of ouagadougou and review of the literature
Mathieu Millogo a,*, Richard Wend-Lasida Ouedraogo b, Motandi Idani c, Bevianda Vincent Ili c, Arsene Coulibaly d, Yamsoulgri Laetitia Ouedraogo e, Tarcissus Konsem c
Introduction: Pseudoaneurysm of the maxillary artery is very rare and is at high risk of engaging vital prognosis by
a cataclysmic hemorrhage.
Observation: We report the case of a thirty (30) year old man with a false aneurysm of the maxillary artery that
occurred after a traffic accident with multiple maxillofacial fractures. The circumsta(...)
False-aneurysm, Internal maxillary artery, Emergency
An Overview of Processing Instruction and Traditional Instruction: Reexamining their Relevance in Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Cet article a pour objectif de réexaminer l’importance et la nécessité de l’enseignement traditionnel et la nouvelle approche de l’enseignement appelé « processing instruction » traduit comme « manipulation de l’instruction/information/enseignement » dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des langues secondes ou étrangères. Certains chercheur(...)
Processing instruction, traditional instruction, phonemic awareness, foreign language learning
Prevalence of Placental Infection with Plasmodium Falciparum Detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Associated Risk Factors in Women After Delivered Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Sawadogo Haffsatou, Zida Adama, Zongo Cheikna, Soulama Issiaka, Sawadogo Patindoilba Marcel, Guiguemde Kiswendsida Thierry, Sermé Sindie Samuel, Sangare Ibrahim, Sangare Lassana, Traore Yves, Ouedraogo-Traore Rasmata, Guiguememde T. Robert, Savadogo Aly
Background:Malaria is known to have a negative impact on pregnant women and their foetuses. This infection during pregnancy represents a major public health problem in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factor of Plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women the city of Ouagadougou (Burki(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
« Le matériel lithique du paléolithique moyen de l’abri sous roche Nvèto à Kawara »
COULIBALY Pon Jean-Baptiste et KOTE Lassina
L’abri sous roche de Kawara est l’un des rares gisements préhistoriques fouillés au Burkina Faso. L’étude du matériel lithique de cet abri visait à en offrir une monographie tout en essayant de caractériser l’industrie lithiques qui en est sortie. Elle tente aussi de restituer le cadre chronologique du site. D’abord, l’étude du contexte et du(...)
Préhistoire, Kawara, lithique, débitage, abris
An in vitro model to study myelin maintenance using small interfering ribonucleic acid in cocultures of neurons and Schwann cells.
Adama OUEDRAOGO, Basile TINDANO, Maurice OUEDRAOGO, Laurence RICHARD, Prisca LEBEAU, Franck STURTZ, Jean-Michel VALLAT, Benoît FUNALOT, Balé BAYALA
The synthesis of the myelin sheath by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system is controlled by several transcription factors including Early Growth Response 2 gene (Egr2). This latter factor is also involved in the maintenance of peripheral myelin. The current study was aimed to set up a new method to study the involvement of various ge(...)
Dorsal root ganglion, cell culture, Schwann cells, myelin maintenance
Factors associated with malnutrition among children under 5 years of age in the Health Care District of Danané, Ivory Coast, January 1 to March 31, 2017: A case control study
Kouamé Apolinaire N'Guettia, Pauline Kiswendsida Yanogo, Jean Kaboré and Nicolas Meda
Child malnutrition is a public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire. The persistence of malnutrition, sometimes looking like an epidemic, seems contradictory in view of the many natural potentialities available in the Health Care District of Danané. The level of rainfall conducive to cereal production is satisfactory; this should normally guarantee(...)
Infant malnutrition, odds ratio, logistic regression
An in vitro model to study myelin maintenance using small interfering ribonucleic acid in cocultures of neurons and Schwann cells
Adama OUEDRAOGO, Basile TINDANO, Maurice OUEDRAOGO, Laurence RICHARD, Prisca LEBEAU, Franck STURTZ, Jean-Michel VALLAT, Benoît FUNALOT, Balé BAYALA
The synthesis of the myelin sheath by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system is controlled by several transcription factors including Early Growth Response 2 gene (Egr2). This latter factor is also involved in the maintenance of peripheral myelin. The current study was aimed to set up a new method to study the involvement of various ge(...)
Dorsal root ganglion, cell culture, Schwann cells, myelin maintenance
Politiser le « vide sécuritaire » : à propos des groupes d’auto-défense koglweogo au Burkina Faso
SORE Zakaria, CÔTE Muriel et ZONGO Bouraïman
Au Burkina Faso, l’émergence récente des groupes d’autodéfense «koglweogo» est souvent mise en lien avec la notion de «vide sécuritaire». Cependant, considérer l’émergence des koglweogo comme la manifestation de l’absence de l’État dépolitise les rapports de force qui sous-tendent le phénomène des groupes d’autodéfense. En nous appuyant sur l’(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Influence des facteurs climatiques sur les insectes pollinisateurs potentiels du Moringa oleifera lam. Au Burkina Faso
BAZIE Babou Frédéric,DAO Madjelia Cangré Ebou, DRABO Fogné Samuel, DA Nomwine, KABRE Salifou, GNANKINE Olivier
Les paramètres climatiques tels que la température, la pluviométrie, l’humidité relative et le vent sont essentiels dans la répartition et l’abondance des insectes visiteurs floraux. Moringa oleifera Lam. Espèce ligneuse cultivée dans les différentes zones climatiques du Burkina présente une floraison abondante avec de nombreuses et fréquentes(...)
Moringa oleifera, insectes pollinisateurs, température, humidité relative, vent