Publications (5648)
Performance Optimization Study of an Adsorption Solar Refrigerator System with Special Reference to the Effect of the Collector-Adsorber Tilt Angle
Guy Christian Tubreoumya, Téré Dabilgou, Eloi Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo, Jacques Nebié, Boubou Bagré, Belkacem Zeghmati, Alfa Oumar Dissa, Jean Koulidiati, Antoine Bere
This paper presents an optimization study of an adsorption solar refrigerator through dynamic modeling and simulation of the system behavior using the zeolite/water couple. Thus, a mathematical model representing the evolution of heat and mass transfer at each component of the adsorption solar refrigerator has been developed. The results of t(...)
Solar cooling, Adsorption, Zeolite/Water, Heat and mass transfer
Terminologie de la maladie à coronavirus en mooré, langue gur parlée au Burkina Faso
TIROGO Issoufou François
Depuis la fin de l’année 2019, l’actualité mondiale a été marquée par la maladie à coronavirus. Une maladie hautement contagieuse débutée en Chine dans la ville de Wuhan s’est répandue dans le monde dès le début de l’année 2020. Le Burkina Faso a officiellement enregistré ses premiers cas le 9 mars 2020. Pour limiter la propagation de cette ma(...)
Terminologie, dérivation, composition, covid-19, mooré
Comparative study of thermophysical parameters of different types of upholstery wood and the influence of density on combustion parameters at microscale
Abdoul Fayçal BAGUIAN, Salifou Koucka OUIMINGA, Sampawinde Augustin ZONGO, Ibrahim Harouna GADO, Rodolphe SONNIER
The fire behaviour of five types of wood was studied on a microscale. Some thermophysical parameters such as thermal conductivity, effusivity and diffu- sivity were also evaluated. The microscale analysis is based on the analysis of several parameters such as the assessment of heat released rates (HRR), peak heat released rates (pHRR), total h(...)
Fire Behaviour, Material Scale
Synergy between an emerging monopartite begomovirus and a DNA-B component
Alassane Ouattara, Fidèle Tiendrébéogo, Nathalie Becker, Cica Urbino, Gaël Thébaud, Murielle Hoareau, Agathe Allibert, Frédéric Chiroleu, Marie‑Stéphanie Vernerey, Edgar Valentin Traoré, Nicolas Barro, Oumar Traoré, Pierre Lefeuvre, Jean‑Michel Lett
In recent decades, a legion of monopartite begomoviruses transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci has emerged as serious threats to vegetable crops in Africa. Recent studies in Burkina Faso (West Africa) reported the predominance of pepper yellow vein Mali virus (PepYVMLV) and its frequent association with a previously unknown DNA-B componen(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Ethnobotanical survey on medicinal plants used in Burkina Faso in the treatment of breast cancer, phytochemistry and antioxidant activities: Euphorbia poissonii Pax and Flueggea virosa (Willd.) Voigt. (Euphorbiaceae)
Hyacinthe Mindiempo Thiombiano, Mindièdiba Jean Bangou, Aminata P. Nacoulma, Béboila Ouoba, Mamadou Sawadogo, Amandine Lema, Tangbadioa Hervé Coulidiati, Hermann Yempabou Ouoba, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo
This study presents an ethnobotanical survey, a quantification of polyphenols and antioxidant activities on
medicinal plants used in the treatment of breast cancer in the cities of Bobo-Dioulasso and Fada N'Gourma conducted among traditional practitioners. For this purpose, after the survey analyses, Euphorbia poissonii Pax (Euphorbiaceae) an(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Comparative Study of Thermophysical Parameters of Different Types of Upholstery Wood and the Influence of Density on Combustion Parameters at Microscale
Abdoul Fayçal Baguian, Salifou Koucka Ouiminga, Sampawinde Augustin Zongo, Ibrahim Harouna Gado
The fire behaviour of five types of wood was studied on a microscale. Some thermophysical parameters such as thermal conductivity, effusivity and diffusivity were also evaluated. The microscale analysis is based on the analysis of several parameters such as the assessment of heat released rates (HRR), peak heat released rates (pHRR), total hea(...)
Fire Behaviour, Material Scale
First report of the parasitic infection in two snail species from Burkina Faso water bodies
Noellie W Kpoda, Géneviève I. Tingueri, Rimwaodo Pierre Silga, Awa Gnémé, Idrissa Ouédraogo, Gustave B Kabré
Trematodiases are important yet neglected tropical diseases, caused by trematode parasites with a multi-host life cycle, which typically involves a snail intermediate host. The many knowledge gaps regarding the trematode life cycles, pathology, and epidemiology complicate effective control. This work was initiated to inventory parasites as par(...)
Thiaridae, Zoonotic, Trematodes, Cercariae, Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei, Ouagadougou
Anti-proliferative Effect of Nine Resins from Medicinal Plants of Burkina Faso
Aminata Pagnimdebsom Nacoulma, Moussa Compaoré, Sahabi Bakasso, Naamwin-So-Bawfu Romaric Meda, Martin Kiendrebeogo
Exudates are substances that ooze out of the pores of diseased and/or damaged tissue in plant that are well-used in
flourishing international and local uses in Burkina Faso. Previously, the ethnopharmacological investigations in Center region showed that there are lot of medicinal uses like as old wounds, skin disorders diseases treatment. Th(...)
Traditional Medicine, Resins, Antiproliferative
Mechanical, Thermal and Hydric Behavior of the Bio-sourced Compressed Earth Block (B-CEB) Added to Peanut Shells Powder
Nassio Sory, Moussa Ouedraogo, Adamah Messan, Issiaka Sanou, Moustapha Sawadogo, Kouka Jeremy Ouedraogo, Halidou Bamogo, Ouanmini Bobet, Lamine Zerbo, Mohamed Seynou
Bio-sourced compressed earth blocks (B-CEB) were manufactured with raw soil material and peanut shells powder to
produce building material with feeble environmental impact and better mechanical and hydric performances. The objective of this work is to add value to two local natural raw materials namely earth and peanut shell in the production(...)
Bio-sourced Material, Compressed Earth Block, Peanut Shell, Mechanical Property, Thermal Conductivity, Rain Erosion
Nutrient cycling and microbial responses to termite and earthworm activity in soils amended with woody residues in the Sudano-Sahel
Salifou Traoré, Daouda Guébré, Edmond Hien, Mamoudou Traoré, Nathan Lee, Nicola Lorenz, Richard P. Dick
ermites and earthworms are the main groups of invertebrates in dry tropical ecosystems and exert significant effects on bioturbation and soil reorganization. The dynamics of microbial communities, enzymes and substrates associated with the flux of energy and nutrients induced by their diverse biogenic structures are still under-investigated in(...)
Biogenic structure, Earthworm cast, Microbial composition, Termite sheeting, Soil biodiversity
Diversity of bats in the city of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Napoko Malika KANGOYÉ, Wend Payãgdé Jean De Dieu SAWADOGO, Winkom Noellie KPODA, Noel Gabiliga THIOMBIANO, Adama OUEDA
Bats are often observed in the city of Ouagadougou; they are found in homes, offices and open spaces, especially under large trees. They are consumed as bushmeat and used by Traditional Medical Practitioners. In the context of re-emerging zoonosis, it is important to produce comprehensive knowledge about problematic species such as a bat. Then(...)
Bats, Urban, Diversity, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Troubles psychotiques aigus et transitoires induits par la COVID 19 dans le service de psychiatrie du centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo, Burkina Faso
B Bagué, KCC Sawadogo, MM Salifou Abdou, D Nanéma, PP Goumbri1, ZI Compaoré1, OS Kambou, AO Cissé, K KARFO A. Ouédraogo
Le monde traverse actuellement une période extrêmement stressante à cause de la pandémie du
COVID-19. Elle a suscité un degré considérable de crainte, d’inquiétude et de préoccupations dans la
population en général et chez certains groupes en particulier, comme les personnes âgées, les prestataires
de soins et les personnes souffrant(...)
troubles psychotiques, COVID-19
« Pensée historique endogène et unité africaine dans Two Thousand Seasons et The Healers de Ayi Kwei Armah »
KIEMA, Alfred; Irissa, YAMEOGO
La présente étude examine l'idéal de la "voie" qui repose sur les valeurs africaines et que préconise Ayi Kwei Armah dans Two Thousand Seasons pour montrer l'importance de la pensée historique endogène et rétablir la vérité historique.
endogène, , historique, , panafricaniste, , unité
Implementation of E-health in Burkina Faso : A Status Report
Sadouanouan MALO, Lydie Simone Kone/ Tapsoba, Yaya TRAORE
The term e-health refers to all areas where information and communication technologies (ICT) are used for health. E-health appears more and more as a relevant solution to meet the challenges health systems are facing. However, despite its interest, e-health has long remained underexploited in Burkina Faso even if many softwares have been the s(...)
Interoperability • Hospital information system • Ontology • Web service
A Historical Approach of the English Language: Its Relevance in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
La langue anglaise étant enseignée dans notre contexte où l'anglais est parlé comme langue étrangère, il est pertinent et crucial de retracer son histoire et son origine par rapport à sa position actuelle pour permettre aux apprenants de l'anglais comme langue étrangère de mieux comprendre le développement historique de la langue pour un meil(...)
English, language change, Grimm's law