Détails Publication
Diversity of bats in the city of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso),
Auteur(s): Napoko Malika KANGOYÉ, Wend Payãgdé Jean De Dieu SAWADOGO, Winkom Noellie KPODA, Noel Gabiliga THIOMBIANO, Adama OUEDA
Renseignée par : KPODA Winkom Noellie

Bats are often observed in the city of Ouagadougou; they are found in homes, offices and open spaces, especially under large trees. They are consumed as bushmeat and used by Traditional Medical Practitioners. In the context of re-emerging zoonosis, it is important to produce comprehensive knowledge about problematic species such as a bat. Then, the aim of this study is to produce reliable information about bat diversity and its distribution in the city of Ouagadougou. To achieve this goal, bats were captured in the city of Ouagadougou from July to November 2017 using a mist net in 15 stations. Eleven species belonging to nine genera and four families (Molossidae, Nyteridae, Pteropodidae and Vespertilionidae) have been inventoried. While Eidolon helvum is the most observable species in the city of Ouagadougou, Epomophorus gambianus, Scotophilus leucogaster and Nycticeinops schlieffenii are the most occurring species in samples. Kamboinse, Kossodo and Premier Ministère are the sites with the highest species diversity.


Bats, Urban, Diversity, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
