Publications (5741)
In Vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Various E. senegalensis Extracts
Souleymane Fofana, Cédric Delporte, Rafaèle Calvo Esposito, Moussa Ouédraogo, Pierre Van Antwerpen, Innocent Pierre Guissou, Rasmané Semdé and Véronique Mathieu
Although Erythrina senegalensis is a plant widely used in traditional medicine in sub-Saharan Africa, its biological properties have been poorly investigated to date. We first characterized by conventional reactions the composition of several stem bark extracts and evaluated in acellular and cellular assays their pro- or antioxidant properties(...)
E. senegalensis; cytotoxicity; paraptosis; ROS; vacuoles; anticancer; antioxidant; stigmastane steroid; senegalensein
Characterization of sugar cane bagasse ash from Burkina Faso for cleaner cement production: Influence of calcination temperature and duration
Moussa Ouedraogo, Moustapha Sawadogo, Issiaka Sanou, Michel Barro, Sory Nassio, Mohamed Seynou, Lamine Zerbo
In this study, the sugar cane bagasse from Burkina Faso has been calcined at temperatures ranging from 550 to 750 °C with a heating stage of 2 or 3 h to produce pozzolanic ashes as supplementary cementitious materials for eco-cement production. The ashes obtained were subsequently characterized for their chemistry, mineralogy, and pozzolanic a(...)
Sugar cane bagasse, Ash, Pozzolan, Eco-cement
Anti-quorum sensing potential of Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) extracts from Burkina Faso
Eli Compaoré, Vincent Ouédraogo, Moussa Compaoré, Ablassé Rouamba and Martin Kiendrebeogo
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes infections in humans, particularly immune-compromised patients with cystic fibrosis, severe burns, and HIV, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. The pathogenic bacteria, P. aeruginosa, produces virulence factors regulated by the mechanism called quorum sensing system. The aim of this study was to assess the(...)
Ageratum conyzoides, Chromobacterium violaceum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing
Does graduate education abroad matter? Evidence from Burkina Faso
Abdoulganiour Almame Tinta, Salifou Ouedraogo, Noel Thiombiano
This paper addresses international student migration, return migration and labor market entry by examining the effects of graduate educational migration on employment, type of employment, wage and wait time to obtain employment. Using primary data collected in 2021 on 1774 burkinabè graduates, including non-migrants and migrants (returnees and(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Spatio-temporal dynamics of land use / land cover in the commune of Dori
Ganamé Moussa, Bayen Philippe, Lankoandé Benjamin, Balma N. Eugène, & Thiombiano Adjima
Land use / land cover is a fundamental variable for the sustainable management of resources as well as for the study and understanding of environmental phenomena. Nowadays, it has become essential in most mapping and monitoring inventories of environmental phenomena. This study aims to assess the changes affecting land use / land cover in the(...)
Agricultural lands, Land use class, Vegetation cover, Landsat imagery
Experimental Study of the Airflow in Natural Convection in an Innovative Prototype of Solar Chimney PowerPlant, under Climatic Conditions in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Salifou Ouédraogo, Moctar Ousmane, Ladifata Mogmenga, Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice Ky, Sié Kam, Joseph Bathiébo
Objectives: In sunny regions, chimney solar power plants are a promising technology because they depend mainly on solar energy. However, chimney solar power plants require an optimal design of the power plant components to improve its reliability and scalability. As the collector is one of the essential components of the solar chimney power pl(...)
Experimentation; Airflow; Natural Convection; Solar ChimneyPower Plant; Hemispherical Reflector
Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using combretum micranthum leaves extract as bio reductor
Tongonmanegde Léonard Ouédraogo, Sidiki Zongo, Moussa Sougoti, Sié Zacharie Kam, Fabrice Bado, Jean Koulidiati, Antoine Béré
n this work, silver nanoparticles were synthesized from silver nitrate using combretum micranthum leaves extract as a reducing and capping agent. The optical characterization through UV visible spectroscopy revelated a characteristic peak of surface plasmon resonance at 425 nm, while the particle size calculations based on the Mie diffusion th(...)
Combretum micranthum, Green synthesis, Mie theory, Silver nanoparticles, UV Visible
Hospital preparations of ethanol‐free furosemide oral solutions: Formulation and stability study
Charles Bavouma Sombié, J. E. Kéré Guetambaba, Hermine Zimé Diawara, Josias Yaméogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Jonathan Goole, Rasmané Semdé
Furosemide is a diuretic frequently used in the therapeutic management of edema associated with cardiac, renal, and hepatic failure and hypertension. However, there are a very low number of pharmaceutical dosage forms containing furosemide that are suitable for children under 6‐ years old. Therefore, there is a real need to develop hospital pr(...)
Alcohol, edema, furosemide, pediatric patients
Storage stability of dried tomato slices during storage as affected by salt and lemon pretreatments
36. Oboulbiga Edwige Bahanla, Charles Parkouda, Christophe Dabiré, Aimée W.D.B. Guissou, Korotimi Traore, Zénabou Semde, Zoénabo Douamba, Hagrétou Sawadogo- Lingani and Mamoudou H. DICKO
The effects of salt pretreated with different concentration of lemon juice were
investigated in order to improve the storage stability of dried tomato slices
during six months storage. After six months of storage under controlled condi-
tions, the results revealed that the moisture, color parameters (lightness, L *;
redness, a * and yellow(...)
Dried tomato slice, ,color, ,lycopene, , β-carotene, ,Total phenolic
«Oralité et écriture dans Reste avec moi de Ayobami Adebayo »
KIEMA, Alfred; KANTAGBA Adamou
L'étude tende de cerner et de rendre compte du recours à l'oralité dans la pratique scripturaire dans le roman Reste avec moi d'Ayobami Adebayo.
Oralité, écriture, ancrage culturel, littérature
Comparison of Proximate and Phytonutrient Compositions of Cashew Nuts and Apples from Different Geographical Areas of Burkina Faso
Roger Dakuyo, Kiessoun Konaté, Abdoudramane Sanou, Kabakdé Kaboré, Hemayoro Sama, David Bazié, Mamounata Diao, Mamoudou Hama Dicko
The cashew plant is an allogamous plant that produces two types of fruits: the nut and the cashew apple. The present study was
conducted to perform a comparison of proximate and phytonutrient compositions of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) nuts
and apples from different geographical areas of Burkina Faso. For this purpose, 60 samples of a(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Study of the chemical hazard in car body painting workshops in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Saybou Savadogo, Salimata Traoré, Sibiri Sylvain Rouamba, Abdoul, Adama Coulibaly , Boukary Sana, Touridomon Issa Somé
Chemicals are used in a variety of products such as paints, inks, pesticides, degreasers, thinners and adhesives. These are usedin many
Chemical hazard, paint, car bodywork
Square-mean pseudo almost periodic solutions of class r under the light of measure theory
The aim of this work is to present new concept of square-mean pseudo almost periodic of class r using the measure theory. We use the ergodic process to define the spaces of pseudo almost periodic processes of class r in the square-mean sense. We present many interesting results on those spaces like completeness and composition theorems
and we(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Causes of Hospitalizations in Adolescents Infected with HIV and on ARV Treatment in a Pediatric Ward in Ouagadougou
Yonaba Okengo C, Angèle KZ, Toguyeni Tamini F, Sawadogo A, Zoungrana C, Ouédraogo F
Introduction: Morbidity and mortality of adolescents infected with HIV are the highest among all age groups in
Africa. In Burkina Faso, the situation of adolescents infected with HIV is not sufficiently documented, hence so
many obstacles in advocacy for the improvement of their condition.
Objective: Analyze causes of hospitalization among(...)
Adolescents; VIH; ARV; Hospitalization; Ouagadougou
Actors and modes of governance of cities in Africa
Zoma Vincent & Sawadogo Yassiya
Africa is characterized by strong urbanization and is accompanied by multiple challenges in terms of urban governance by different actors according to the political contexts on the continent. Thus, this article, essentially based on a theoretical study, aims to better understand the main actors and methods of urban management in Africa. This i(...)
Cities, urban governance actors, urban management policies