Publications (5650)
Analphabétisme de retour et langue d’alphabétisation au Burkina Faso : le refus de la colonisation linguistique ?
La présente étude traite de la relation qu’il y a entre la langue d’alphabétisation et l’analphabétisme de retour. En effet, le français est la langue officielle du Burkina Faso. C’est la langue exclusive de l’administration et des relations internationales. Elle est la langue d’enseignement, de justice, d’emplois. Pourtant, l’alphabétisation(...)
Langue d’alphabétisation, analphabétisme de retour, colonisation linguistique
La qualification en kusaal, langue gur parlée au Burkina Faso
TIROGO Issoufou François
Cette étude rend compte des aptitudes morphologique et syntaxiques des adjectifs qualificatifs en kusaal, une langue gur parlée dans la région du Centre-Est du Burkina Faso, précisément dans les départements de Yuuga et de Zoaaga. En s’appuyant sur un corpus assez exhaustif, l’analyse révèle qu’en kusaal il n’existe pas d’adjectif qualificatif(...)
adjectif qualificatif, morphologie, syntaxe, degré de qualification, kusaal
Flavonoid-Metallic Cation Interactions Studied by Antioxidant Potential of Mixtures in Methanolic Solution
Flavonoid-metal cation interactions were studied via antioxidant property evaluation with binary mixtures of 08
flavonoids with 10 metal cations at different concentrations. We have shown in the analysis by DPPH. Radical method, that despite different behaviors of metals, antioxidant capacity is reduced for some mixtures in methanolic solutio(...)
Chelation, Flavonoid, Inorganic cation, Antioxidant capacity
Dénutrition du sujet âgé en milieu hospitalier à Lomé : aspects épidémiologiques, socio-anthropométriques, cliniques et biologiques des patients vus en consultation gériatrique externe
S. Apeti, K. Kodjo, S. Tovignikou, A. Balaka, L.-S.P.-W. Ouedraogo, N. Tolo, M. Coume, K.A. Klouvi , K.A. Balogou
Contexte. — La dénutrition est un déséquilibre entre les apports et les besoins protéinoénergétiques.
Elle constitue un syndrome gériatrique fréquent aux conséquences graves.
Objectif. — Etudier les aspects épidémiologique, socioculturel, anthropologique, clinique et
biologique de la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées (PA) et les facteurs(...)
dénutrition, personne âgée, mini nutritional assessment, lomé (Togo)
Fluoride Removal in Synthetic Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation Using Aluminum Electrodes.
Moudassirou Sedou, Seyf-Laye Alfa-Sika Mande, Yacouba Sanou, Kadidja Arouna
Fluoride is recognized as an essential constituent in the human diet. Low fluoride concentration could prevent dental problem while higher fluoride concentration will cause dental and skeletal fluorosis. This study aimed to remove fluoride in synthetic drinking water by electrochemical system. It had been performed at laboratory scale using fl(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Knowledge and self-reported food safety practices among meat consumers in Ilorin, Nigeria
Ismail A. Odetokun a,⁎, Zainab Mercy Afolaranmi, Aliyu A. Nuhu, Baasim O. Borokinni, Ibraheem Ghali-Mohammed, Hama Cisse, Nma Bida Alhaji
As an imperative source of protein to man, meat could also serve as a source of infections when processed poorly. This research studied consumers' knowledge and self-reported food safety practicesamong 869 meat consumers of different socioeconomic statuses. We summarized the data obtained using descriptive and inferential statistics. Two outco(...)
Food safety, Knowledge, Practices, Meat, Consumption, Nigeria
Nutritional and Functional Properties of Defatted Flour, Protein Concentrates, and Isolates of Brachytrupes membranaceus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) (Drury: 1773) and Macrotermes subhyalinus (Isoptera: Blattodea) (Rambur: 1842) from Burkina Faso
Aminata Séré, Adjima Bougma, Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Philippe Augustin Nikièma, Olivier Gnankiné and Imael Henri Nestor Bassolé
Brachytrupes membranaceus and Macrotermes subhyalinus are edible insects in Burkina Faso.
Our research aimed to evaluate the nutritional composition and functional properties of the defatted
flours, protein concentrates, and isolates of Brachytrupes membranaceus and Macrotermes subhyalinus.
Proximate and mineral composition were determined a(...)
Brachytrupes membranaceus; Macrotermes subhyalinus; nutritional values; functional properties
Nutritional and Functional Properties of Defatted Flour, Protein Concentrates, and Isolates of Brachytrupes membranaceus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) (Drury: 1773) and Macrotermes subhyalinus (Isoptera: Blattodea) (Rambur: 1842) from Burkina Faso
Aminata Séré , Adjima Bougma, Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Philippe Augustin Nikièma , Olivier Gnankiné and Imael Henri Nestor Bassolé
Brachytrupes membranaceus and Macrotermes subhyalinus are edible insects in Burkina Faso.
Our research aimed to evaluate the nutritional composition and functional properties of the defatted
flours, protein concentrates, and isolates of Brachytrupes membranaceus and Macrotermes subhyalinus.
Proximate and mineral composition were determined(...)
Brachytrupes membranaceus; Macrotermes subhyalinus; nutritional values; functional properties
Alternatives to Pyrethroid Resistance: Combinations of Cymbopogon nardus and Ocimum americanum Essential Oils Improve the Bioefficiency Control Against the Adults’ Populations of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Mahamoudou Balboné, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Samuel Fogné Drabo, Moussa Namountougou, Hamadou Konaté, Georges Benson Meda, Ignace Sawadogo, Rahim Romba, Etienne Bilgo, Roger C. H. Nebié, Imaël H. N. Bassolé, Roch K. Dabire, and Olivier Gnankine
Dengue vector control strategies are mostly based on chemicals use against Aedes aegypti populations. The current study aimed at investigating the insecticidal effects of essential oils (EOs) obtained from five plant species, Cymbopogon citrates (D. C.) Stapf. (Poaceae), Cymbopogon nardus (Linn.) Rendle (Poaceae), Eucalyptus camaldulensis Linn(...)
resistance, essential oil, combination, major compound
Impact of mobile phone intervention on intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy in Burkina Faso : A pragmatic randomized trial
OUEDRAOGO Smaïla, ACCROMBESSI Manfred, OUATTARA Adama, MASSOUGBODJI Achille, DABIRA Edgard D, SARIGDA Maurice, DIALLO Ismaël, ZIDA Adama, MEDA Nicolas, OUADRAOGO Laurent, COT Michel, SONDO Blaise
Purpose. – Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for pregnant
women (IPTp-SP) coverage remains far below the desirable goal of at least three doses before delivery. This
study evaluates an innovative intervention using mobile phones as a means of increasing coverage for the
third dose of IPTp-SP.
Telephones mobiles, Traitement preventif intermittent du paludisme, Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine, consultation prenatale, Burkina Faso
L’analyse des comptes de gestion des entreprises privées d’électrification en Haute-Volta (1954-1968) : cas des comptes de résultat
La gestion des équipements d’électricité et d’eau potable réalisés à Ouagadougou et à Bobo-Dioulasso dans le cadre du programme de modernisation et d’équipement des territoires d’Outre-mer après la Seconde Guerre mondiale fut confiée à la société Energie AOF, respectivement, en 1954 et en 1956. Cette entreprise qui exerçait la même activité en(...)
Energie AOF, SAFELEC, électricité, compte de résultat
Cervical Cancer Induced by Human Papillomaviruses in the Context of Africa: Contribution of Genomics
Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Fidèle Tiendrebeogo, Lassina Traore, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Augustin Tozoula Bambara, Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Hierrhum Aboubacar Bambara, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Bagora Bayala, Teega-Wendé Clarisse Ouedraogo, Prosper Bado, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedra moi , Ina Marie Angèle Traoré, Mah Alima Esther Traoré, Isabelle Touwendpoulimdé Kiendrebeogo, Albert Théophane Yonli, Charlemagne Marie Ragnag-Néwendé Ouedraogo, Jacques Simpore
In recent years, Africa has been increasingly involved in biotechnology and genomics. However, this interest is much more accentuated in the field of agriculture. From published studies, we know that biotechnology and genomics can be of great interest in the health field. Africa would, therefore, benefit from investing in these disciplines, es(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Amendment with Burkina Faso phosphate rock‑enriched composts alters soil chemical properties and microbial structure, and enhances sorghum agronomic performance
SAGNON Adama, IWASAKI Shinya , TIBIRI Ezechiel Bionimian, ZONGO Nongma Armel, COMPAORE Emmanuel, BONKOUNGOU Isidore Juste O , NAKAMURA Satoshi, TRAORE Mamoudou, BARRO Nicolas, TIENDREBEOGO Fidèle and SARR Papa Saliour
Low soil available phosphorus (P) severely limits crop production in sub‑Saharan Africa. The present
study evaluated phosphate rock‑enriched composts as locally available low‑cost fertilizers for
sorghum production. The treatments consisted of sorghum straw, compost (COMP), phosphate rock
(BPR), BPR‑enriched compost (P‑COMP), BPR‑rhizospher(...)
Toxicological and Physicochemical Quality in the Production Units of Dried Mangoes in Burkina Faso
Alain Gustave Yaguibou, Souleymane Zio, Bakary Tarnagda, François Tapsoba, Fulbert Nikiema, Jean Paul Bakoué Karama, Aly Savadog
The transformation of mango fruits into dried slices is a way of valuing this fruit. The requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and batch monitoring are not systematically respected. The objective of this work was to study the main factors influencing the sanitary quality of dried mangoes produced in Burkina Faso, emphasizing the i(...)
dried mangoes, quality, heavy metals, aflatoxins, Burkina Faso
Evaluation of the fertility of patients after myomectomy in the Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics of the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Pr Timongo Françoise Danielle MILLOGO/TRAORE*, Dr Josué Yannick KABRE **, Pr Edgar OUANGRE***.
Objective: To assess the fertility of patients after myomectomy in the Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics of the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital Center from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2018.
Patients and methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive and analytical exposure study with repeated survey and included pat(...)
Fibromyomas; uterus; myomectomy; post-operative fertility; CHU-Yalgado Ouedraogo; Burkina Faso