Publications (5656)
Évaluation du protidogramme sérique dans une population de donneurs de sang à Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO
Introduction : La sélection des donneurs de sang est basée sur des critères bien définis
afin de s'assurer que le don de sang ne nuira pas à leur santé. Aussi, certaines affections
endémiques entrainent une perturbation du protidogramme témoin d’infection et de
syndrome inflammatoire. C’est ainsi que, dans le but de contribuer à l’appréciat(...)
Profil protéique, protidogramme, don de sang, CNTS
Profil lipidique de patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques (IRC) hémodialysés au CHUYO
Introduction : Les patients souffrant d’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) dialysés
présentent un risque élevé de maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) en association avec la
dyslipidémie. C’est ainsi que nous avons entrepris d’évaluer les perturbations du bilan
lipidique des IRC hémodialysés suivis au service d’hémodialyse du Centre hospitalie(...)
Dyslipidémie, IRC, hémodialysés, HDL-c, LDL-c, cholestérol total
Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance-associated mutations in isolates from children living in endemic areas of Burkina Faso
Casimire Wendlamita Tarama, Harouna Soré, Mafama Siribié, Siaka Débé, Réné Kinda, Adama Ganou, Wendyam Gérard Nonkani, Farida Tiendrebeogo, Winnie Bantango, Kassoum Yira, Aladari Sagnon, Sonia Ilboudo, Esther Yéri Hien, Moussa Wandaogo Guelbéogo, NFale Sagnon, Yves Traoré, Didier Ménard & Adama Gansané
Artemisinin-based combinations therapy (ACT) is the current frontline curative therapy for uncomplicated malaria in Burkina Faso. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is used for the preventive treatment of pregnant women (IPTp), while SP plus amodiaquine (SP-AQ) is recommended for children under five in seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC). This(...)
Plasmodium falciparum, ACT, RDT
Profil lipidique des patients reçus dans l’unité de biochimie du CHU Pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle de Ouagadougou
Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Raoul KARFO, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Mahutin Benoîte HOUNHOUI, Diéma Nadia KARAMA, Séraphine MANO, Denis Claude DRABO, Augustin KYETEGA, Elie KABRE, Jean SAKANDE
Introduction : Les dyslipidémies constituent un facteur de risque majeur dans la survenue
des maladies cardio-vasculaires. Leur recherche et leur prise en charge adéquate
contribueraient à prévenir ces pathologies, qui représentent la plus grande cause de décès
dans le monde. L'objectif de l’étude était d'évaluer la prévalence des dyslipidé(...)
Profil lipidique, Dyslipidémie, Dyslipoprotéinémie, Cholestérol total, LDL-c, CHUP-CDG
HIV viral load measurement: knowledge, attitudes and practices of health workers, Burkina Faso
Smaïla Ouédraogo, Désiré Lucien Dahourou, Ismaël Diallo, Maurice Sarigda, Issa Romba, Bapougouni Philippe Christian Yonli, Ter Elias Dah, Ahmed Kaboré, Nicolas Méda
Introduction: Approximately a quarter of people living with HIV (PLHIV) had their plasma viral load (PVL) measured in 2020 in Burkina Faso. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of health workers regarding HIV PVL measurement. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among health workers in(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Intérêt de la lactate déshydrogénase sérique dans l’évaluation de la réponse à la chimiothérapie du cancer du sein
Fabienne Marie SOUDRE, Raoul KARFO, Alice KIBA, Arnaud KOURAOGO, Aboubacar BAMBARA, Arsène KAGAMBEGA, Elie KABRE, Jean SAKANDE
Introduction : Des marqueurs biochimiques de la charge tumorale, y compris la lactate
déshydrogénase (LDH), ont été intégrés dans plusieurs scores pronostiques et de
stadification du cancer du sein. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer l’intérêt de la LDH
dans l’évaluation de la réponse à la chimiothérapie de ce cancer.
Matériel et mé(...)
lactate déshydrogénase, LDH, cancer du sein, chimiothérapie, évaluation de la réponse
Electrical Power Generation from Heat Recovered at the Throat of a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier
Nzihou Jean Fidele1, *, Hamidou Salou2 , Imbga Kossi1 , Segda Bila Gerard3 , Ouattara Frederic1 , Tiemtore Hamadou1
: Gasification, a thermochemical process that takes place in gasifiers, is now understood as a process of transforming
the solid components of biomass into combustible gases essentially consisting of carbon monoxide (CO) and dihydrogen (H2).
This technology is relatively old and was widely used during the Second World War to deal with the(...)
Downdraft Gasifier, Heat Recovery
Profil lipidique de patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques (IRC) hémodialysés au CHUYO
Introduction : Les patients souffrant d’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) dialysés
présentent un risque élevé de maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) en association avec la
dyslipidémie. C’est ainsi que nous avons entrepris d’évaluer les perturbations du bilan
lipidique des IRC hémodialysés suivis au service d’hémodialyse du Centre hospitalie(...)
Dyslipidémie, IRC, hémodialysés, HDL-c, LDL-c, cholestérol total
Cervical pre-cancer screening by visual inspection of the cervix after application of acetic acid in rural Burkina Faso: evaluation of women’s knowledge, screening practice habits, acceptability and prevalence of risk factors and lesions in Boussé health district
Souleymane Tassembedo, Christian Henrik Winter, Isidore Tiandiogo Traore, Adama Ouattara, Mamadou Sawadogo, Nicolas Meda
Introduction: cervical cancer is a major public
health problem among women in sub-Saharan
Africa. The disease can be controlled through early
diagnosis through simple cost-effective methods
such as visual inspection of the cervix after
application of acetic acid or lugol´s iodine. However,
screening for cervical cancer is still underused(...)
Cervical pre cancer, screening, rural women, Burkina Faso
Prevalence of Undernutrition and Morbidity in Children Aged 6-59 Months in Three Regions with High Security Challenges in Burkina Faso: The Case of the Centre-North, North and East Regions
Souleymane Sankara, Ines Wendlassida Zaheira Kere, Sibiri Bougma, Fatoumata Hama-Ba, Moussa Ouedraogo, Aly SavadogoIDPIDP
Burkina Faso recorded 1.800.000 internally displaced persons (IDP) in February 2022 due to the security crisis. 56% of them are in the East, Centre-North and North regions, where the nutritional situation of children aged 6 to 59 months is poorly known, hence this study. The nutritional status of 537 IDP and host children aged 6-59 months was(...)
IDP, Host population, Acute malnutrition, Chronic malnutrition, Weight deficiency, Morbidity, Burkina Faso
Capacity needs assessment and challenges for multisectoral implementation of nutrition in Burkina Faso: A guide for the formulation of a capacity development plan
Dieudonné Diasso, Maimouna Halidou Doudou, Sarah Cruz, Florence Tonnoir, Diarra Compaoré-Sérémé, Urbain Zongo, Aly Savadogo
Achieving nutritional goals depends on individual, organisational and environmental capacities. The aim of this study was to analyse and identify capacity gaps among the coordination platforms and networks, and the key technical institutions related to nutrition in Burkina Faso for a capacity development plan formulation.
multisectoral implementation, nutrition, guide, development plan, Burkina Faso
Evaluation of the mineral composition of four species of the Corchorus spp genus consumed as leafy vegetables in Burkina Faso
Sawadogo Zakaridja, Kiebre Mariam, Sawadogo Pingawinde, Kiebre Zakaria and Bationo-Kando Pauline
Species of Corchorus genus are used as leafy vegetables and medicinal plants in Burkina
Faso. However, the nutritional value of most of these plants is not well known. In order
to lay the foundations for the valorisation of these species, an assay of six essential
minerals was carried out on the dry leaves of six genotypes belonging to the(...)
Corchorus, valeur nutritionnelle, sels minéraux, Génotypes
Farmer education and adoption of sustainable and chemical pesticide-free agriculture: evidence from rural Burkina Faso
MARE Tobignaré Florent; ZAHONOGO Pam; SAVADOGO Kimseyinga
Purpose – In a context where the promotion of a more sustainable agriculture is clearly aimed at, the
paradoxical combination of sustainable agricultural practices (SAP) with chemical pesticides use instead of
biological pest management techniques is recurrent in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries like Burkina Faso.
Chemical pesticides are(...)
Burkina Faso, Chemical pesticides, Endogenous treatment effect model, Farmer education, Sustainable agriculture
Cervico-thoracic cellulitis at the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital: About 50 cases
Millogo Mathieua,b,*, Idani Motandi, Richard Wend-Lassida Ouedraogo, Sanfo Mahamadi, Michel Fabien Dargani, Konsem Tarcissus
Introduction: Cervicofacial cellulitis is mainly due to neglected oral/pharyngeal diseases. Untreated or incorrectly
treated, they can be complicated by thoraco-cervical necrosis, which has a gloomy prognosis and is difficult
to manage, especially in an under-medicalized environment. The aim of this work was to report the
difficulties of ma(...)
Cellulitis, Thoraco-cervical necrosis, Pneumopathy, Mediastinitis, Prevention TagedEnd
Characterization, at Partial Loads, of the Combustion and Emissions of a Dual-Fuel Engine Burning Diesel and a Lean Gas Surrogate
Ali Diané, Gounkaou Woro Yomi, Sidiki Zongo, Tizane Daho and Hervé Jeanmart
Abstract: For decentralized power generation in West Africa, gas from a small biomass gasification unit can be used as the main fuel in a dual-fuel engine with diesel as the pilot fuel. To study the combustion in this type of engine (Lister Petter), experiments were conducted with a surrogate gas composed of liquefied petroleum gas and nitroge(...)
dual fuel; diesel engine; LPG; syngas; combustion