Publications (5650)
Impacts of Intra-Seasonal Rainfall Variability and Cropping Practices on Cereal Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa
KABORE Pamalba Narcise, SANON Moussa, OUEDRAOGO Amadé, BARBIER Bruno, BARRO Albert
West African Sahel is one of the most exposed areas to the adverse effects of climate variability. All the agricultural production systems are affected, exposing local populations to food insecurity and poverty. This study aimed to assess the impacts of intra-seasonal rainfall variability and cropping practices on cereal yields in the North Ce(...)
Cereal Cropping, Agricultural Vulnerability, Rainfall Extremes, Semi-Arid Area
Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis Revealed by an Occlusive Syndrome: A Case Report
IDO Franck Auguste Hermann Adémayali, OUEDRAOGO Aimé Sosthène, SAVADOGO Ibrahim, OUEDRAOGO Rakiswendé Alexis , OUATTARA Souleymane, LAMIEN-SANOU Assita, LOMPO Olga Mélanie
Introduction: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare condition characterized by the presence of gas cysts in the intestinal wall. It can affect different segments of the digestive tract. Male patients over 50 years old seem to be
more affected. Classically, one opposes the primary or idiopathic forms and the secondary forms. Case Report(...)
Cysts, Gas, Intestinal, Pathology
KOTE lassina, MILLOGO K. Antoine, SANOU S. Stéphane
Des recherches archéologiques dans la province du Bulkiemdé ont permis d'identifier de nombreux sites dont les vestiges revoient à la période préhistorique. la caractérisation des sites et l'étude morpho-typologiques de l'industrie lithique permet d'attester d'une occupation de la zone se situent entre le meddle Stone Age et le Néolithique.
: Boulkièmdé, recherches préhistoriques, industrie lithique, Paléolithique
Issues in the surgical management of skin squamous cell cancers in albinosexperience of two surgical oncology units in Burkina Faso.
Zongo N, Djiguemde AR, Yameogo PB, Bagué AH, Ka S, Traoré B, Pascal N, Dem A.
Background and objectives Skin cancers in albinos are frequent in sunny countries. The surgeon plays a crucial role
in their treatment. The objective was to describe the challenges of surgical management of skin cancer in albinos.
Methods Retrospective, descriptive, and multicenter study on skin cancer surgery in albinos performed(...)
Albinos, Skin cancer, Multifocal, Lumpectomy
Enquêtes ethnobotaniques sur la culture de la morelle noire (Solanum nigrum L.) dans quatre régions du Burkina Faso
La morelle noire est une plante négligée, sous exploitée au Burkina Faso. Cela est dû à une méconnaissance de la plante qui est ignorée dans le système national de valorisation des légumes locaux. Ce légume-feuilles à fort potentiel nutritionnel pourrait contribuer à l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et à la résilience agricole. Le but(...)
Morelle noire, prospection collecte, légumes-feuilles, plante négligée
Factors Associated with Reaching the 6th Antenatal Care Contact within Toma Health District in Burkina Faso
Dantola Paul Kain, Hyacinthe Zamané, Adama Ouattara, Assétou Zongo, Sibraogo Kiemtoré, Ali Ouédraogo, Blandine Thiéba/Bonané
Background/Aim: The 6th contact is the end-of-pregnancy consultation at 36 weeks. This study aimed at determining the factors associated with reaching at least 6 antenatal care contacts within Toma health district.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study involving 34 health facilities in Toma health(...)
pregnant woman; 6 contacts; antenatal care; associated factors; toma
Development and Preliminary Validation of a Scale for Measuring Perceived Professional Stress (SPP) in the Workplace
Nana Brigitte1* , Sawadogo Amidou1 , Tiama Adama1 , Paré Kaboré Afasata2
Introduction: Occupational stress is the second occupational disease after
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Its assessment tools are well known in the
northern countries. In the countries of the South, however, rare are the studies
devoted to the development of a valid instrument for its estimation while
the factors highlighting its exist(...)
Company, Experienced Stress, Perceived Stress
Données sur la métallurgie ancienne du fer dans la périphérie est de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso: résultats de recherche des sites de production ancienne du fer à Gonsé
Ilboudo/Thiombiano Foniyama Elise
Au Burkina Faso, la cartographie de la métallurgie du fer de Jean Baptiste Kiethega permet de dégager quatre provinces métallurgiques. Gonsé, localisé au centre du pays, s’inscrit dans la grande province métallurgique des Boose caractérisée par une diversité de techniques et de types de fourneaux. Pour une meilleure connaissance de l’activité(...)
Archéologie, Burkina Faso, Gonsé, Métallurgie, Fer, Datation
Factors Associated with Reaching the 6th Antenatal Care Contact within Toma Health District in Burkina Faso
Kain Dantola Paul, Zamané Hyacinthe, Ouattara Adama, Zongo Assétou, Kiemtoré Sibraogo, Ouédraogo Ali, Thiéba/Bonané Blandine
Background/Aim: The 6th contact is the end-of-pregnancy consultation at 36 weeks. This study aimed at
determining the factors associated with reaching at least 6 antenatal care contacts within Toma health district.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study involving 34 health facilities(...)
pregnant woman; 6 contacts; antenatal care; associated factors; toma
Plasmodium falciparum Genetic Diversity and Resistance Genotype Profile in Infected Placental Samples Collected After Delivery in Ouagadougou
Haffsatou Sawadogo, Issiaka Soulama, Adama Zida, Cheikna Zongo, Patindoilba Marcel Sawadogo, Kiswendsida Thierry Guiguemde, Seni Nikiema, Salimata Emilie Badoum, Salam Sawadogo, Aïcha Tou, Salif Sombié, Chanolle Tchekounou, Sindié Samuel Sermé, Rasmata OuedraogoTraoré, Tinga Robert Guiguemdé, Aly Savadogo
Purpose: Intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is widely used for the prevention of malaria in pregnant women in Africa. Known resistance cases of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy need to be follow up to support IPTp implementation in Burkina Faso. However, data on the development and spread of resistance t(...)
msp1, msp2, dhfr, dhps, placenta, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, Plasmodium falciparum
Factors Associated with Reaching the 6th Antenatal Care Contact within Toma Health District in Burkina Faso
Dantola Paul Kain , Hyacinthe Zamané , Adama Ouattara , Assétou Zongo , Sibraogo Kiemtoré , Ali Ouédraogo , Blandine Thiéba/Bonané
Background/Aim: The 6th contact is the end-of-pregnancy consultation at 36 weeks. This study aimed at determining the factors associated with reaching at least 6 antenatal care contacts within Toma health district. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study involving 34 health facilities in Toma health d(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Communication participative et insertion socioéconomique des femmes déplacées internes dans la province du Gourma (Burkina Faso)
Ce présent article analyse le rôle de la communication participative dans l’insertion
socio-économique des femmes déplacées internes (FDI) dans la province du Gourma à partir
du dispositif de communication de l’agence CORADE. Une revue documentaire couplée d’une
enquête qualitative a été réalisée auprès de 62 personnes à travers un guide(...)
crise humanitaire, communication participative, insertion socioéconomique, déplacées internes
Performance of a cold room powered about energy solar photovoltaic for the preservation of mangoes
Bouwèreou Bignan Kagomna 1 *, Daniel Windé Nongué Koumbem 1 , Noufou Bagaya 1 , Issa Soudre 1 , Issaka Ouedraogo 2 , Sanogo Oumar 2
This article focuses on the study of the performance of a cold room powered by photovoltaic solar energy for the preservation of agri-food products, more particularly mangoes. The objective of this work is the analysis of the thermal profiles of the cold room and the evaluation of the capacity of the latter to keep the products in good conditi(...)
Cold Room; Solar Photovoltaic; Mangoes
Management of Maxillofacial Gunshot Trauma in the Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery Departments of Ouagadougou
Mathieu Millogo1,2*, Motandi Idani2, Arsène Coulibaly3, Michel Fabien Dargani1, Mahamadi Sanfo1, Tarcissus Konsem2
Introduction: Maxillofacial ballistic trauma is a serious injury that is difficult to manage, with significant complications and after-effects. The authors report their experience in managing this type of trauma in the context of insecurity linked to terrorism. Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospecti(...)
Gunshot Trauma, Maxillofacial, Facial Fracas, Terrorism
Sanou A, Doamba NR, Sanon AF, Windsouri M, Bahikoro I, Coulibaly S,Bagué C Service de chirurgie générale et digestve, CHU de TENGANDOGO
La chirurgie hépatique est réalisée au quotidien au Burkina Faso et plus précisément au CHU de Tengandogo. Malgré tous les efforts, le plateau technique et l'approvisionnement en consommable restent insuffisants pour le développement de ce type de chirurgie. Cette situation associée à l'insuffisance de sensibilisation des populations sur les m(...)
hépatectomie, majeure, cancer du foie