Publications (5741)
Feasibility of Efficient Pyrolysis of Wood Chips and its Product Yield in Developing Countries
Jean Fidele Nzihou a*, Pierre Girod b , Salou Hamidou c , Yann Rogaume b , Bila Gerard Segda d and Frederic Ouattara a
This paper is about the feasibility of combustibles gases like methane, ethane and carbon monoxide
production from wood pyrolysis. This first laboratory experimental stage objective was to see what
products can be obtained from wood pyrolysis in absence of oxygen and presence of nitrogen. The
effect of temperature on the product yields w(...)
Pyrolysis; wood chips; charcoal; combustibles gases; carbon dioxide
Bulk and Interface Configuration on the Performances of Perovskite Solar Cells
Issiaka, S., Ouédraogo, S., Oubda, D., Traoré, B., Kébré, M. B., Zongo , A. & Zougmoré , F.
The ongoing search for energy conversion technologies that are more efficient, affordable, and sustainable than traditional solar cells have led researchers to look at other technologies. Among these technologies, perovskite-based solar cells seem increasingly credible, as they have the potential to achieve high energy conversion efficiencies(...)
Perovskite, Defect Density, Thickness, Solar Cell
Knowledge and Practices of the Prescription of Physical and Sports Activities (PSA) by Doctors in Ouagadougou : Inventory
Brigitte, N. , Prosper, L. , Amidou, S. and Moussa, D.
Introduction: The prescription of physical and sports activities (PSA) is discussed by doctors in Burkina Faso. Objective: To analyze the medical doctors’ knowledge and practices of the prescription of PSA in Ouagadougou
city. Method: A mixed-method exploratory study, data were collected using an online google forms survey of 135 doctors in(...)
Physicians, PSA, Prescription, Protocol
Knowledge and Practices of the Prescription of Physical and Sports Activities (PSA) by Doctors in Ouagadougou: Inventory
Nana Brigitte, Lamien David Prosper, Sawadogo Amidou, Daboné Moussa
Introduction: The prescription of physical and sports activities (PSA) is discussed
by doctors in Burkina Faso. Objective: To analyze the medical doctors’
knowledge and practices of the prescription of PSA in Ouagadougou
city. Method: A mixed-method exploratory study, data were collected using
an online google forms survey of 135(...)
Physicians, PSA, Prescription, Protocol
Unravelling the Impacts of Climate Variability on Surface Runoff in the Mouhoun River Catchment (West Africa)
Cheick Oumar Zouré, Arsène Kiema, Roland Yonaba and Bernard Minoungou
This study assesses the impacts of climate variability on surface runoff generation in the Mouhoun River Catchment (MRC) in Burkina Faso, in the West African Sahel. The study uses a combination of observed and reanalysis data over the period 1983–2018 to develop a SWAT model (KGE = 0.77/0.89 in calibration/validation) further used to reconstit(...)
climate variability, hydrological response, Mouhoun River Catchment, surface runoff, SWAT model, West African Sahel
Diagnosis of Acute Bacterial Meningitis by PCR and the Problem of Isolating the Causative Bacterial Agents by Culture in Burkina Faso
I. Tondé , J. Tranchot-Diallo, D. Kambiré, A. Ky-Ba, M. Tamboura, D. O. Kaboré, R. Paré, F. Aké, M. Zongo, M. Sanou, M. Salou, A. S. Ouédraogo, I. Sanou, L. Sangaré and R. Ouédraogo-Traoré
In Burkina Faso, meningitis is epidemic, pneumococcus, meningococcus and Haemophilus
influenzae are the most implicated. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ABM
characterized by PCR and culture in order to highlight the low yield of the culture. This is a
prospective study on 26 health districts of surveillance between 201(...)
Burkina Faso; CSF; Haemophilus influenzae; meningitis; meningococcus; pneumococcus.
Caractérisation et fonction des petites structures en pierre autour de l’enceinte des ruines de Loropéni.
FARMA Hantissié Hervé
Le site des ruines de Loropéni a été inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO comme un établissement fortifié associé au développement du commerce à longue distance en Afrique de l’ouest précoloniale. Dans ce commerce, la production aurifère à proximité des ruines en pierre y aurait joué un rôle prépondérant. Cette fonction est u(...)
architecture, fortification, ruines en pierre
Assessment of Quality and Production Conditions of Local Beverages Produced in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Adama Sawadogo, Hama Cissé, Ganamé Abasse Ouédraogo, Kassoum Sawadogo, SamiratouTapsoba, Cheikna Zongo and Aly Savadogo
Artisanal food production has been developing in recent years in African cities. However, the promoters of the artisanal food production structures do not always apply good hygiene practices (GHP) during their activities, which can lead to the production of food of unsatisfactory quality. Thus, this study was initiated to assess the quality an(...)
Local beverages, quality, microbiology, physico-chemistry, GHP
Technological, physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of local plant-based infusions produced in Burkina Faso. African Journal of Microbiology
Tapsoba François, Somé Tiodjio Edwige, Kagambega Boureima, Rouamba S. Sylvain, Tarnagda Bakary, Zongo Cheikna, Savadogo Aly
Nowadays, local plant-based infusions represent the second most consumed drink in the world after water because of their therapeutic virtues. Several types of infusions are produced from different local plants and consumed in Burkina Faso. However, there are few studies on the production technology and the quality of these infusions. This stu(...)
: Infusions, local plants, technology, quality
Les métiers de la pharmacie : cas pays et évolution
YAMEOGO B. Gérard Josias
Les métiers de la pharmacie sont nombreux, variés et couvrent tout le circuit du médicament. A toutes les étapes (conception, développement, fabrication, importation, distribution, dispensation, promotion, …), le médicament doit être placé sous responsabilité pharmaceutique. Le pharmacien y intervient donc aussi bien comme acteur clé, mais aus(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Phytochemical characterization and evaluation of antiplasmodial activity of extracts of Acanthospermum hispidum harvested in Burkina Faso
Arouna Ganamé, Constantin M Dabiré, Harouna Soré, Remy K Bationo, Abdoulaye Yougoubo, Moumouni Koala, Nebie CH Roger and Eloi Palé
Acanthospermum hispidum is a plant belonging the Asteraceae family. In traditional medicine, it is used to treat pathologies with symptoms similar to that of malaria. The present work is a phytochemical characterization and antiplasmodial activities evaluation of Acanthospermum hispidum leaves extracts obtained with hexane, dichloromethane, et(...)
Acanthospermum hispidum, phytochemistry, HPLC-MS, flavonoids
Modeling Extreme Floods Susceptibility Using The GeneralizedExtreme Value Distribution: Case Study Of Gonse And Wayen Burkina Faso
Bontogho Tog-Noma Patricia Emma, Maré Boussa Tockville, Gaba Olayemi Ursula Charlène, BiaoIboukoun Eliézer
Abstract – Over recentes decades, Burkina Faso has experienced extremes events such as droughts and floods. In this study, floodfrequency has been ascertained based on Generalized Extreme Value (GEV). To this end, discharge data from Gonse and Wayenstations are collected from the National Center for Water resources. The period of analysis goes(...)
Flood, Return Period, Return Level, Generalized Extreme Value
Formation continue des professionnels de la pharmacie : Etats des lieux, défis et perspectives
Charles Sombié
Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, 03 BP 7021 Ouaga 03, Burkina Faso. Centre d’Excellence Africain, de Formation, de Recherche et d’Expertises en sciences du Médicament (CEA-CFOREM)
L’officine est devenue de nos jours non seulement la principale porte d’entrée dans notre système de santé ma(...)
officine, pharmacien, soins
OUEDRAOGO Gouriyamba
L’objectif visé par cet article est de cerner l’influence existant entre les
représentations sociales (RS) des cinéphiles du Ciné Neerwaya (CNeer) et
ceux du Canal Olympia Idrissa OUEDRAOGO (COIO) et leur niveau de
fréquentation à ces endroits. Il s’est agi spécifiquement d’identifier les
différentes RS que ces cinéphiles se font de c(...)
Représentations sociales-salles de cinéma-fréquentation Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso
Factors influencing the choice between IUD and Implant among long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARCs) users in Burkina Faso
Zan Lonkila Moussa and Guiella Georges
Background: Long-acting and reversible contraceptive methods hold great potential as solutions to address the unmet need for contraception and the significant discontinuation rates, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Among these methods, the Implant has gained popularity in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas the utilization of Intrauterine Devices (IU(...)
Mots clés non renseignés