Publications (5649)
Clinical and Evaluative Profile of Guillain-Barré Syndrome in Burkina Faso: Retrospective Study of 49 Patients Collected in 16 Years (2003-2018)
Djingri Labodi Lompo, Raphael M P kaboré, Adja Mariam Ouédraogo, Kadari Cissé, Adama Ramdé, Christian Napon.
Abstract: Introduction: The aim of our study was to describe the epidemiological, paraclinical and clinical profile of Guillain-Barré
syndrome (GBS) in the University Hospitals of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective, multicenter,
descriptive study of the records of patients hospitalized for GBS in 3 Ou(...)
Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Dysautonomy, Cold Dry Season, Mortality
Evaluation of synergism in essential oils against the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus in Burkina Faso
Coulibaly, A., Biguezoton, A.S., Hema, D.M., Dah, F.F., Sawadogo, I., Bationo, Ré.K., Compaore, M., Kiendrebeogo, M., Nebie, R.C.H.,
The cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus affects animal production economically by reducing weight gain and milk production and causing diseases, such as babesiosis and anaplasmosis. Using synthetic acaricides to reduce their incidence has caused the emergence of resistant tick populations. The present study aimed to assess the in vitro acarici(...)
Ticks, Essential oils, Acaricidal activity, Combination index, Synergetic effects
De la gestion de la crise sécuritaire en Afrique de l’Ouest : l’apport de la crisologie
SANGARE Noumoutiè
Le concept de crise est un concept protéiforme. Cette efflorescence du mot tend à le transformer en un impensé si ce n’est un prêt-à-porter stéréotypé. De son origine religieuse grecque à son importation dans le domaine des analyses socioéconomique, juridique médicale, le mot a subi une atomisation de son sens. La question fondamentale qui se(...)
Afrique de l'Ouest, Crise sécuritaire, Crisologie, Terrorisme
Analysis of Depigmenting Substances of Interest (Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid, and Clobetasol Propionate) Contained in Lightening Cosmetic Products Marketed in Burkina Faso
Boumbéwendin Gérard Josias Yaméogo, Lydiane Sandra B. A. Ilboudo, Nomtondo Amina Ouédrago , Mohamed Belem , Ouéogo Nikiema , Bertrand W. Goumbri , Bavouma Charles Sombié , Hermine Zimé-Diawara , Elie Kabré and Rasmané Semdé
The practice of voluntary depigmentation is still prevalent in Africa, with a wide range of lightening cosmetics used. Our objective was to research and quantify three regulated and / or prohibited depigmenting ingredients present in lightening cosmetics sold in Ouagadougou. Twenty-nine lightening cosmetic samples were collected from vendors a(...)
lightening cosmetic; hydroquinone; clobetasol propionate; kojic acid; HPLC analysis
Analysis of Depigmenting Substances of Interest (Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid, and Clobetasol Propionate) Contained in Lightening Cosmetic Products Marketed in Burkina Faso
Boumbéwendin Gérard Josias Yaméogo 1,2,*, Lydiane Sandra B. A. Ilboudo 1, Nomtondo Amina Ouédraogo 3, Mohamed Belem 2, Ouéogo Nikiema 2, Bertrand W. Goumbri 2, Bavouma Charles Sombié 1, Hermine Zimé-Diawara 1, Elie Kabré 2 and Rasmané Semdé
Abstract: The practice of voluntary depigmentation is still prevalent in Africa, with a wide range of lightening cosmetics used. Our objective was to research and quantify three regulated and/or prohibited depigmenting ingredients present in lightening cosmetics sold in Ouagadougou. Twenty- nine lightening cosmetic samples were collected from(...)
lightening cosmetic; hydroquinone; clobetasol propionate; kojic acid; HPLC analysis
Le sens du récit d’une crise sécuritaire en train de se faire : le cas des hommes de média traditionnel du Centre-Nord
DAKUYO Elie Corneille
La crise sécuritaire peut s’expliquer par l’individuel et le social. Pour S. Moscovici (1984) la psychologie sociale est la science du conflit entre l’individu et la société. Quant à G. Moser (2006) l’accent y est mis sur la cognition, le comportement et les modes de construction du savoir divergent. Le Burkina Faso connait une crise sécuritai(...)
Psychologie sociale, récit, opinions, communication
C1 – Thromboses veineuses cérébrales dans les CHU de Ouagadougou
Introduction : Les thromboses veineuses cérébrales (TVC) représentent moins d’1% des AVC dans
les pays occidentaux, probablement plus en Afrique subsaharienne. Le but de ce travail était d’étudier
les TVC dans les CHU de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso. Patients et méthodes : Il s’est agi d’une
étude transversale à collecte prospective, mult(...)
TVC ; hypertension intracrânienne ; sinus latéral ; causes gynéco-obstétricales ; Ouagadougou
Influence des variables physico‐chimiques sur la structuration du peuplement des crevettes des eaux intérieures des zones arides : cas du Burkina Faso
KABORE Idrissa , KABORE Boudnoma Laetitia , BANCE Victor, OUEDA Adama
En Afrique de l’Ouest, en particulier au Burkina Faso, les crevettes constituent une
ressource naturelle importante pour les populations locales à cause de leur valeur économique et
nutritive. Cependant, les travaux sur les effets des variables physico-chimiques sur la composition
des crevettes restent encore très limités au Burkina Faso. P(...)
Zone aride, crevette, distribution, physico-chimie, Burkina Faso
Quality and in vitro bioequivalence evaluation of different brands of amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (500 + 62.5) mg tablets distributed in Burkina Faso
Yaméogo B. Gérard Josias, Zombré S. Mathias, Zimé-Diawara Hermine, Sombié B. Charles, Goumbri Bertrand, Zoungrana-Somé Wendpouiré, Sanfo/Diasso Aïssata, Kabré Elie, Semdé Rasmané
In a previous study, we reported the evaluation of the physicochemical quality and in vitro bioequivalence of
different brands of amoxicillin capsules 500 mg marketed in Burkina Faso. As our goal was to document the
quality and biopharmaceutical performance of essential antibiotics marketed in resource-limited countries, we
investigated her(...)
Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid, Tablets, Quality, Dissolution
Etude de stabilité d’infusettes à base de Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae) dans différents conditionnements
H. Hermine Gani ZIME-DIAWARA, Togalem Florentin YODA, Josias B. G. YAMEOGO, Charles B. SOMBIE, Rasmané SEMDE
Etude de stabilité d’infusettes à base de Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae) dans différents conditionnements
Communication affichée au 3ème Congrès de la Société Ouest Africaine de Pharmacie Galénique et Industrielle (SOAPGI)
Mots clés non renseignés
Knowledge and Practices of the Prescription of Physical and Sports Activities (PSA) by Doctors in Ouagadougou: Inventory
Nana Brigitte, Lamien David Prosper, Sawadogo Amidou, Daboné Moussa
Introduction: The prescription of physical and sports activities (PSA) is discussed
by doctors in Burkina Faso. Objective: To analyze the medical doctors’
knowledge and practices of the prescription of PSA in Ouagadougou
city. Method: A mixed-method exploratory study, data were collected using
an online google forms survey of 135(...)
Physicians, PSA, Prescription, Protocol
Knowledge and Practices of the Prescription of Physical and Sports Activities (PSA) by Doctors in Ouagadougou : Inventory
Brigitte, N. , Prosper, L. , Amidou, S. and Moussa, D.
Introduction: The prescription of physical and sports activities (PSA) is discussed by doctors in Burkina Faso. Objective: To analyze the medical doctors’ knowledge and practices of the prescription of PSA in Ouagadougou
city. Method: A mixed-method exploratory study, data were collected using an online google forms survey of 135 doctors in(...)
Physicians, PSA, Prescription, Protocol
Feasibility of Efficient Pyrolysis of Wood Chips and its Product Yield in Developing Countries
Jean Fidele Nzihou a*, Pierre Girod b , Salou Hamidou c , Yann Rogaume b , Bila Gerard Segda d and Frederic Ouattara a
This paper is about the feasibility of combustibles gases like methane, ethane and carbon monoxide
production from wood pyrolysis. This first laboratory experimental stage objective was to see what
products can be obtained from wood pyrolysis in absence of oxygen and presence of nitrogen. The
effect of temperature on the product yields w(...)
Pyrolysis; wood chips; charcoal; combustibles gases; carbon dioxide
Bulk and Interface Configuration on the Performances of Perovskite Solar Cells
Issiaka, S., Ouédraogo, S., Oubda, D., Traoré, B., Kébré, M. B., Zongo , A. & Zougmoré , F.
The ongoing search for energy conversion technologies that are more efficient, affordable, and sustainable than traditional solar cells have led researchers to look at other technologies. Among these technologies, perovskite-based solar cells seem increasingly credible, as they have the potential to achieve high energy conversion efficiencies(...)
Perovskite, Defect Density, Thickness, Solar Cell
Unravelling the Impacts of Climate Variability on Surface Runoff in the Mouhoun River Catchment (West Africa)
Cheick Oumar Zouré, Arsène Kiema, Roland Yonaba and Bernard Minoungou
This study assesses the impacts of climate variability on surface runoff generation in the Mouhoun River Catchment (MRC) in Burkina Faso, in the West African Sahel. The study uses a combination of observed and reanalysis data over the period 1983–2018 to develop a SWAT model (KGE = 0.77/0.89 in calibration/validation) further used to reconstit(...)
climate variability, hydrological response, Mouhoun River Catchment, surface runoff, SWAT model, West African Sahel