Publications (5730)
Contribution à l'évaluation des potentialités d'Encarsia sp.(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) comme agent de lutte biologique contre la mouche blanche du cotonnier, Be...
Encarsia sp. is the main solitary endoparasitoid developing on the larvae of the cotton whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), in western Burkina Faso. The biological control potential of this parasitoid is currently under investigation. Studies of some population parameters and biological control assays have been undertaken in the laboratory an(...)
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Régénération sexuée de Boswellia dalzielii Hutch., un arbre médicinal de grande valeur au Burkina Faso
Résumé Boswellia dalzielii Hutch. est une plante principalement utilisée en pharmacopée traditionnelle. Elle compte parmi les espèces les plus menacées à l'est du Burkina Faso. L'espèce subit un écorçage intensif, qui la met en péril, et sa régénération est faible. Une collecte de fruits a été réalisée dans plusieurs peuplements pour étudier l(...)
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Nutrition rehabilitation of HIV-infected and HIV-negative undernourished children utilizing spirulina
The objective of this study was to assess the impact of an alimentary integrator composed of spirulina (Spirulina platensis; SP), produced at the Centre Médical St Camille of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the nutritional status of undernourished HIV-infected and HIV-negative children. We compared two groups of children: 84 were HIV-infected an(...)
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Structure et théorie de Frattini d’une algebre de Bernstein
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Epidemiological characteristics and clinical features of black African subject's resistant hypertension
INTRODUCTION: Few studies in sub-Saharan Africa were interested in resistant hypertension. The objectives of this study were to determine the frequency of resistant hypertension in hypertensive black African population, and to describe its clinical and therapeutic features. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From May 1, 2010 to May 31, 2012, we included co(...)
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Detection of G119S ace-1 R mutation in field-collected Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes using allele-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (AS-LAMP) met...
Malaria vectors have developed resistance to the four families of insecticides available for public health purposes. For example, the kdr mutation is associated with organochlorines and pyrethroids resistance. It is of particular concern that organophosphate and carbamate resistance associated with the G119S ace-1 R mutation has recently incre(...)
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Woody vegetation structure and composition at four sites along a latitudinal gradient in western Burkina Faso.
Understanding the distribution patterns of plant species and the underlying factors is crucial to the conservation and management of plant communities plant communities Subject Category: Miscellaneous see more details in savannah-woodland ecosystems. This article describes the species composition, structure and diversity of woody species at fo(...)
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Differences in hypertension between informal and formal areas of Ouagadougou, a sub-Saharan African city
Countries of sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly confronted with hypertension and urbanization is considered to favor its emergence. This study aims to assess the difference in the prevalence of hypertension between formal and informal urban areas of Ouagadougou and to determine the risk factors associated with hypertension in these urban popu(...)
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Comparative field evaluation of three synthetic repellents (DEET, IR3535 and KBR 3023) against members of the Anopheles gambiae complex
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Do natural methods count? Underreporting of natural contraception in urban Burkina Faso
Natural methods of contraception were widely used in developed countries until the late 1960s to space and limit childbirth. In France, when the first contraceptive surveys were conducted, researchers noticed that the use of natural methods was underreported, and questions to correct for this bias were subsequently added. The Demographic and H(...)
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Insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae: data from the first year of a multi-country study highlight the extent of the problem
Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is a growing concern in many countries which requires immediate attention because of the limited chemical arsenal available for vector control. The current extent and distribution of this resistance in many parts of the continent is unknown and yet such information is essential for the planning of effe(...)
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Sur les algèbres de Jordan génétiques
1. Algèbres de Jordan et décomposition de Peirce. 2. Les algèbres j4 (À). 3. Les algèbres gamétiques. 4. Les algèbres AT,". 5. Les algèbres type autofécondation. 6. Algèbres de Bernstein-Jordan. 7. Dérivations dans les algèbres de Bemstein-Jordan. 8. La dupliquée d'une algèbre. 9. Algèbres de Jordan spéciales. 10. Les algèbres gamétiques 11. N(...)
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Role of thrombolysis in massive pulmonary embolism
AIMS: Massive pulmonary embolism is a life threatening pathology with a high mortality over 20%. Thrombolysis is one of therapy ways that leads to a lower rate of death. The aim of the study is to show interest, limits and complications of thrombolytic therapy in massive pulmonary embolism. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This descriptive study presents(...)
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Etude comparée des effets anti-hépatotoxiques d’extraits d’Argemone mexicana L.(Papaveraceae), une plante utilisée dans le traitement traditionnel de la jaunisse...
Argemone mexicana L.(Papaveraceae) fait l'objet de nombreuses indications thérapeutiques en médecine traditionnelle dans la région des Cascades au Burkina Faso. Dans une étude préliminaire de 2006, il a été mis en évidence une activité anti-hépatotoxique du décocté aqueux lyophilisé des feuilles chez le rat Wistar préalablement ictérisé par un(...)
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Endosymbiont metacommunities, mtDNA diversity and the evolution of the Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) species complex
Bemisia tabaci, an invasive pest that causes crop damage worldwide, is a highly differentiated species complex, divided into biotypes that have mainly been defined based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Although endosymbionts can potentially induce population differentiation, specialization and indirect selection on mtDNA, studies have largely(...)
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