Publications (5742)
Les missions chrétiennes au Sahel : une référence dans le domaine du développement
Dans cet article, nous avons montré la façon dont les missions chrétiennes – catholique et protestante – qui se sont implantées au Sahel à la fin des années 1950, et leurs ONG, réalisent des actions qui se déclinent sous les formes de services sociaux (santé et éducation), d’aide à l’autopromotion et au développement dans l’agriculture et l’él(...)
Sahel, missions chrétiennes, développement
Audit of cesarean delivery in Burkina Faso
Methods In a retrospective study, the medical charts were reviewed for 300 low-risk women who underwent intrapartum cesarean delivery at 10 referral hospitals in Burkina Faso between May 2009 and April 2010. In this context, cesarean deliveries were delegated to clinical officers who have less training than doctors. Results Among the 300 study(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
La super hypertension artérielle en milieu cardiologique au Burkina Faso
Super hypertension is defined as systolic BP≥ 250 mmHg and/or diastolic BP≥ 150 mmHg in presence or not of complications. The aim of our study was to describe the epidemiological and evolutive patterns of super hypertension in the cardiology department of the Yalgado Ouedraogo University Hospital. It was an observation cohort over a period of(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Multivalued problem with Robin boundary condition involving diffuse measure data and variable exponent
Stanislas Ouaro, Arouna Ouedraogo and Safimba Soma
We study a nonlinear elliptic problem with Robin type boundary condition, governed by a general Leray–Lions operator with variable exponents and diffuse Radon measure data which does not charge the sets of zero 𝑝( ⋅ )-capacity. We prove an existence and uniqueness result of a weak solution.
Robin boundary condition, diffuse measure, Biting Lemma of Chacon, maximal monotone graph, Radon measure data, weak solution, entropic solution, Leray–Lions operator, subdifferential operator
Machine Learning-Based Malware Detection for Android Applications: History Matters!
Abstract Machine Learning-based malware detection is a promising scalable method for identifying suspicious applications. In particular, in today's mobile computing realm where thousands of applications are daily poured into markets, such a technique could be valuable to guarantee a strong filtering of malicious apps. The success of machine-le(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Isolation and Characterization of hydrocarbondegrading Bacteria from Wastewaters in Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso
Sawadogo Adama, Otoidobiga C.Hamonie, Sawadogo B. Joseph, Kaboré Aminata, Traoré S. Alfred, Dianou Dayéri
Lubricants are very often found in nature under waste-oil forms and represent for the environment a real danger of pollution due to the difficulty of their biodegradation. The situation is especially worrying in most developing countries in particular those of Sub-Saharan Africa due to the absence of regulation or control. The present work aim(...)
Biodegradation, Hydrocarbon, Bacteria, Wastewater, Depollution
Molecular diagnosis of cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Herpes virus 6 among blood donors in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Lassina Traore, Issoufou Tao, Cyrille Bisseye, Florencia Djigma, Djénéba Ouermi, Theodora Zohoncon, Tegwindé Rebecca Compaoré, Birama Diarra, Maleki Asshi, Jacques Simpore
This study focuses on three herpes viruses, including EBV, CMV and HHV -6. Our study aims to determine the prevalence of these viruses in blood donors in Ouagadougou.
Material and methods
The study included 198 blood donors. We extracted DNA, using DNA extraction kit -Sorb -B. For amplification, we
used PCR Real -96 SaCycler o(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Studies in the Evaluation of Unconventional Oils from Burkina Faso Rich in Linoleic Acid, Oleic Acid or Other Unusual Fatty Acids
BAZONGO Patrice, Bassole IHN, Soren Nielsen, Mamoudou H. DICKO and Vijai KS Shukla
A study on unconventional seed oils from Burkina Faso was carried out to determine their potential usefulness. The highest oil content was obtained with Marantes polyandra (55.0%) and the lowest with Detarium microcarpum seed oil (12.0%). Linoleic and oleic acids were the most dominant fatty acids of Balanites aegyptiaca, Combretum aculeatum,(...)
Seed oils, ,Fatty acids
Analyse de la situation nutritionnelle de la population riveraine du barrage de Boura, Burkina Faso
SANOU Korotimi, ZEBA Augustin, DIPAMA Jean-Marie, CECCHI Philippe
Les potentialités offertes par les petits barrages ne sont plus à démontrer (culture
irriguée, pêche, élevage, usage domestique, confection de briques etc). Ces réserves
sont considérées comme des stratégies d'anticipation et de gestion de risque
alimentaire pour la communauté bénéficiaire, majoritairement agricole. La
combinaison d'inform(...)
Burkina Faso, Bourra, barrage, SIG, état nutritionnel
“Rural Traditional Life: The Idyllic and the Tragic in Elechi Amadi’s Novels"
KIEMA, Alfred
Cet article
Idyllic, Tragic, Traditional Life
“Rural Traditional Life: The Idyllic and the Tragic in Elechi Amadi’s Novels”
KIEMA, Alfred
cet article
Idyllic, Tragic, Traditional Life
Readiness of district and regional hospitals in Burkina Faso to provide caesarean section and blood transfusion services: a cross-sectional study
Health centres and hospitals play a crucial role in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity by offering respectively Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC). The readiness of hospitals to provide CEmONC depends on the availability of qualified human resources, infras(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Correlates of Product Quality of Soumbala, a West African Non-timber Forest Product
M. Kronborg, J.B. Ilboudo, I.H.N. Bassolé, A.S. Barfod, H.W. Ravn, and A.M. Lykke
Knowledge of the correlates of product quality is a prerequisite for further commercialization of soumbala, a food
product extracted from the leguminous tree Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don. In this study qualitative and quanti-
tative data derived from interviews of producers and expert users are used to estimate the influence of P. biglo-(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Assessment of shallow groundwater in Lake Nyos catchment (Cameroon, CentralAfrica) : implications for hydrogeoche mical controls and uses
Brice T. Kamtchueng, Wilson Y. Fantong, Akira Ueda, Edwige R. Tiodjio, Katsuro Anazawa, Mengnjo J. Wirmvem, Joseph O. Mvondo, Luc S. Nkamdjou, Minoru Kusakabe, Takeshi Ohba, Gregory Tanyileke, Joseph V. Hell
Cette étude a porté sur l’évaluation des eaux souterraines peu profondes du bassin versant du lac Nyos
et des implications pour le contrôle hydrogéochimique et l’usage par les rescapés de l’explosion du lac en
1986. Ils avaient pour objectif principal la caractérisation chimique des eaux souterraines en vue
d’identifier les processus hyd(...)
Lake Nyos catchment, Groundwater quality, Water-rock interaction
Arts et expressions culturelles dans les clips vidéos de Annou et Dibayagui de l’artiste Bil Aka Kora
GANOU Souleymane
Dans l’Afrique traditionnelle musique et danse, avec leurs formes diverses de théâtralisation, accompagnaient la quasi-totalité des cérémonies (mariage, baptême, lutte, culture, décès, funérailles, etc.). Des artistes africains vont s’inspirer de ces expressions artistiques traditionnelles de l’Afrique d’antan, dans l’optique de donner une tei(...)
Expressions culturelles, artistes africains, musiques, clips-vidéos, sociétés traditionnelles