Publications (5742)
Logiques idéologiques et réformes scolaires : une approche socio-historique de l’évolution des politiques éducatives au Burkina Faso
SORE Zakaria
Depuis l’institution de l’école au début de la colonisation, le Burkina Faso a expérimenté plusieurs politiques éducatives. Les mots d’ordre qui ont conduit à ces différentes transformations tournent autour de l’indépendance politique et culturelle, l’unité nationale, l’adaptation de l’école à son milieu, l’éducation pour tous, etc. Le système(...)
politique éducative, réformes, éducation pour tous, école révolutionnaire, dépandance éducative
Homosexualité et répression : faut-t-il invoquer les droits de l’homme ?
Madeleine Kabore Epouse Konkobo
Au regard de l’importance des discussions autour de la question de l’homo sexualité, nous sommes proposés à travers ce travail porté un regard critique sur la question de la répression de ce phénomène. En effet au regard des nombreux conflits opposant hétéro et personnes Lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels et transgenres (LGBT), il apparaît important(...)
homosexualité, répression, droits de l'homme
Femme et vie politique au Burkina Faso
Madeleine Kaboré épouse Konkobo et Désiré Poussogho
Au cours de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle et à la place de la femme dans la vie politique au Burkina Faso. En effet, totalement écartée de la scène politique autrefois, la femme Burkinabé commence à jouer, même bien que timidement, un rôle important dans les instances décisionnelles. Cela a été rendu possible grâce aux multip(...)
participation, femme, vie politique
Spectroscopic study of the system 2Σ→ 2π of OHradical and determination of the rotational temperatures by using a numerical model
Samuel Ouoba, Tizane Daho, Arsène H. Yonli, Jean Koulidiati
We develop in this note a simple and practical method for the determination of the rotational temperatures based on the observation of molecular bands produced by the OH-radical. For this, we make an approach based on the concept of thermodynamic equilibrium and we proceed to a detailed study of OH. We carry out the simulation of this OH-radic(...)
Energy Levels, Spectrum, Rotational Temperature, OH-radical
Family size and intra-family inequalities in education in Ouagadougou
Lachaud James, Thomas K. LeGrand, Vissého Adjiwanou, Jean-François Kobiané
While the potential benefits for educational investment of decline in family size are
well known, some questions have emerged on the distribution of these benefits. Do all
the children in a family benefit equitably from the improved conditions brought about
by limiting their number? And what are the consequences of reduction in(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Construction du nouvel international aéroport de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) : les impacts sur les sites et biens archéologiques de la zone d’emprise
Le Burkina Faso dispose à ce jour de deux aéroports internationaux à Ouagadougou, la capitale et à Bobo-Dioulasso, la deuxième ville du pays. Au gré des avancées technologiques ou pour respecter les normes en vigueur en matière d'aviation civile, des aménagements sont régulièrement (constructions, réhabilitations…)
faits dans ces infrastructu(...)
aéroport, Ouagadougou, impacts, archéologie
Empyèmes intracrâniens : Aspects clinique, thérapeutique et pronostique à propos de 30cas
KABRE Abel, ZABSONRE Denléwendé Sylvain, HARO Yakouba, SANOU Abdoulaye
Introduction: Malgré les progrès de l’imagerie médicale, de l’antibiothérapie et des techniques le pronostic des empyèmes est encore réservé.
Matériel et méthodes : nous rapportons, par une étude rétrospective, les aspects étiologiques, cliniques et pronostiques de 30 cas colligés en 9 ans.
Résultats :Les EIC représentaient 21,13(...)
Empyème intracrânien, épidémiologie, dia- gnostic
Frequency and predictors of stroke after acute myocardial infarction: specific aspects of in-hospital and postdischarge events
Olivier Hachet, MD, Charles Guenancia, MD, Karim Stamboul, MD, Benoit Daubail, MD, Carole Richard, MD, PhD, Yannick Béjot, MD, PhD, Valentin Yameogo, PhD, Aurélie Gudjoncik, MD, Yves Cottin, MD, PhD, Maurice Giroud, MD, PhD, and Luc Lorgis, MD, PhD
Background and purpose: Stroke is a serious complication after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and is closely associated with decreased survival. This study aimed to investigate the frequency, characteristics, and factors associated with in-hospital and postdischarge stroke in patients with AMI.
Methods: Eight thousand four hundred eighty(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Non-communicable disease mortality and risk factors in formal and informal neighborhoods, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Evidence from a health and demographic...
The expected growth in NCDs in cities is one of the most important health challenges of the coming decades in Sub-Saharan countries. This paper aims to fill the gap in our understanding of socio-economic differentials in NCD mortality and risk in low and middle income neighborhoods in urban Africa. We use data collected in the Ouagadougou Heal(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
This article presents a one dimensional modeling of the influence of electromagnetic waves on the electric power
delivered by a silicon solar cell under monochromatic illumination in steady state. The electromagnetic waves are
produced by an amplitude modulation radio antenna of 2MW power of radiation and located at a variable distance of
Amplitude modulation, Radio antenna, Electromagnetic waves, Monochromatic illumination, Solar cell
Determination of processes suitable for cotton stalk carbonization and torrefaction by partial combustion using a metal kiln
Ibrahim G. Harouna, Oumar Sanogo, Tizane Daho, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Abouzeidi Dan-Maza, Bernard Nana, Jean Koulidiati
n this work, the technical feasibility of cotton stalk carbonization and torrefaction was studied. A metallic homemade cylindrical furnace 60 cm in diameter and 90 cm in height was used for the experiments. A partial combustion process was used both for carbonization and torrefaction. Three carbonization methods were defined based on the amoun(...)
cotton stalks, carbonization, torrefaction
Determination of processes suitable for cotton stalk carbonization and torrefaction by partial combustion using a metal kiln.
Ibrahim G. Harouna, Oumar Sanogo, Tizane Daho, Salifou K. Ouiminga, Abouzeidi Dan-Maza, Bernard Nana, Jean Koulidiati.
In this work, the technical feasibility of cotton stalk carbonization and torrefaction was studied. A metallic homemade cylindrical furnace 60 cm in diameter and 90 cm in height was used for the experiments. A partial combustion process was used both for carbonization and torrefaction. Three carbonization methods were defined based on the amou(...)
cotton stalks carbonization torrefaction partial combustion
La baisse de la qualité de l’enseignement primaire au Burkina Faso, les avatars d’un système éducatif tourné vers la massification
MAIGA Alkassoum,
Mots clés non renseignés
Determination of arsenic (III) at a nanogold modified solid carbon paste electrode
Abdoul Karim Sakira, Touridomon Issa Some, Bieke Dejaegher, Dominique Mertens, Philippe Hubert, Eric M Ziemons and Jean‐Michel Kauffmann
A selective and sensitive electroanalytical method was developed for arsenic determination based on a nanogold (AuNP) modified solid carbon paste working electrode (SCPE) modified in two steps (i) physisorption and (ii) additional electrodeposition of nanogold particles in the presence of iodide. Copper (II) interference was solved by covering(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites
Background Mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a major global issue, as other categories of mortality have diminished and life expectancy has increased. The World Health Organization's Member States have called for a 25% reduction in premature NCD mortality by 2025, which can only be achieved by substantial reductions in risk fa(...)
Mots clés non renseignés