Publications (5742)
Effets de la date de semis et du régime hydrique sur la réponse agromorphologique de deux variétés de niébé (KN1 ET KVX 61-1) au Burkina Faso [Effects of planti...
Abstract Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is a basic food product which is cultivated in the savannas of west Africa. Its cultivation is confronted to biotic and abiotic constraints. The abiotic constraints are primarily of climatic types (recorded rainfall, temperature). The bad spatiotemporal distribution of recorded rainfall, as well as(...)
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Nonlinear optical properties of natural laccaic acid dye studied using Z-scan technique
S. Zongo, K. Sanusi, J. Britton, P. Mthunzi, T. Nyokong, M. Maaza, B. Sahraoui
We have investigated the nonlinear optical properties, including the optical limiting behaviour for five different concentrations of laccaic acid dye in solution and a thin film obtained through doping in poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer. The experiments were performed by using single beam Z-scan technique at 532 nm with 10 ns, 10 Hz(...)
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Phenolic compounds, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of three Ericaceae from Algeria
Herbs of the Ericaceae family are commonly found in Algeria and used in traditional medicine as antiseptic, diuretic, astringent, depurative, and to treat scalds and wounds. The methanolic extracts of three species, Arbutus unedo L.(A. unedo, leaves), Erica arborea L.(E. arborea, flowered aerial parts), and Erica multiflora L.(E. multiflora, f(...)
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Analyse des facteurs d’évolution de l’utilisation des terres dans le bassin versant de la Kompienga (Burkina Faso)
KABORE Oumar, OUEDRAOGO Lucien, OUEDRAOGO Blaise, DIPAMA Jean Marie et DA Evariste Dapola
Les changements dans l‟utilisation des terres affectent les écosystèmes ainsi que les conditions de vie de l‟homme. Ils sont déterminés par des facteurs socioéconomiques dont la connaissance permet de mieux appréhender certaines modifications de notre environnement. Le présent article a pour objet de contribuer à mieux connaitre ces
Kompienga, utilisation des terres, facteurs socioéconomiques
On the capacitance of crystalline silicon solar cells in steady state
In this work, an analytical approach is presented for modeling the capacitance of crystalline silicon solar cells. Based on a one-dimensional modeling of the cell, the excess minority carrier density, the photovoltage, and the capacitance are calculated. The motivation of this work are two-fold: to show base doping density and illumination eff(...)
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Nutritional composition of five food trees species products used in human diet during food shortage period in Burkina Faso
Thiombiano Daniabla Natacha Edwige, Parkouda Charles , Lamien Niéyidouba , Séré Aminata , Castro-Euler Ana Margarida and Boussim Issaka Joseph
The proximate compositions, minerals and amino acids contents of Detarium microcarpum, Gardenia
erubescens, Parkia biglobosa, Adansonia digitata pulp, seeds of Boscia senegalensis and leaves of A.
digitata were studied and quantified in Burkina Faso. Using the conventional procedures described by
the Association of Official Analytical Chemi(...)
Food composition, nutrition, food insecure, wild trees
Cloning and Characterizat ion of a Novel Agarase from a Newly Isolated Bacterium Simiduia sp. Strain TM-2 Able to Degrade Various Seaweeds
Mika Tawara , Akihiro Sakatoku, Rosine E. Tiodjio, Daisuke Tanaka & Shogo Nakamura
Dans le cadre de cette etude, une nouvelle souche bactérienne marine de Simidiuia sp (TM-2) a été isolée
des sédiments marins d'Uozu dans la préfecture de Toyama, au Japon et caractérisée par des méthodes
biochimiques et chimiotaxonomiques, une analyse du gène de l'ARNr 16S et des analyses physiologiques.
L’étude a démontré la capacité de(...)
Agarase, Degradation, Seaweeds
Energy-free Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
Adel Elgaber, Julien Bernard, Yacouba Ouattara
Wireless sensor networks are often deployed in open and uncontrolled environments that make them more vulnerable
to security attacks. Cryptographic algorithms can be used to protect the data collected by the sensors against an intruder. The cost in terms of energy to provide enough security can be quite large as these algorithms may be very c(...)
Wireless sensor networks; security; compression; energy
Bottom-up adoption of software product lines: a generic and extensible approach
Abstract Although Software Product Lines are recurrently praised as an efficient paradigm for systematic reuse, practical adoption remains challenging. For bottom-up Software Product Line adoption, where a set of artefact variants already exists, practitioners lack end-to-end support for chaining (1) feature identification,(2) feature location(...)
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and persistence, along with the production of quorum sensing-dependent virulence factors, are disrupted by a triterpeno...
Recently, extracts of Dalbergia trichocarpa bark have been shown to disrupt P. aeruginosa PAO1 quorum sensing (QS) mechanisms, which are key regulators of virulence factor expression and implicated in biofilm formation. One of the active compounds has been isolated and identified as oleanolic aldehyde coumarate (OALC), a novel bioactive compou(...)
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Inégalités des ménages face à la réception de transferts informels. Quelques leçons issues de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Moussa Soufianou et Jean-François Kobiané
En Afrique de l’Ouest, la crise macroéconomique persistante empêche tout développement d’une protection sociale institutionnelle volontariste. Les plus vulnérables ne peuvent compter, en termes de soutien, que sur les transferts qu’ils reçoivent de leur entourage familial. C’est dans ce contexte que nous traitons de l’architecture des aides re(...)
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Diversity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from Borassus akeassii palm wines from Burkina Faso in comparison to other African beverage
François Tapsoba ⁎, Jean-Luc Legras , Aly Savadogo , Sylvie Dequin , Alfred Sababenedyo Traore
In South-West of Burkina Faso, palm wine is produced by spontaneous fermentation of the sap from a specific
palm tree Borassus akeassii and plays an important role in people's lives. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the main
agent of this alcoholic fermentation but little is known about the diversity of the isolates from palm. In this work, 39 Sa(...)
Palm wine Borassus akeassii Diversity Saccharomyces cerevisiae Microsatellite typing Flow cytometry
Caught in a human disturbance trap: Responses of tropical savanna trees to increasing land-use pressure
Oumarou Ouédraogo, Loyapin Bondé, Joseph I. Boussim, Anja Linstädter
Increasing land-use pressure threatens the persistence of tree populations in West Africa’s savannas. We do not fully understand yet why tree species respond differently to human disturbances, hampering the design of appropriate management strategies. To identify typical response pathways, we compared tree populations in three land-use types w(...)
Burkina Faso, Regeneration, Sudanian savannas, Size-class distribution, Tree populations
Dynamics of the human infectious reservoir for malaria determined by mosquito feeding assays and ultrasensitive malaria diagnosis in Burkina Faso
Background Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes are essential for malaria transmission. Malaria control measures that aim at reducing transmission require an accurate characterization of the human infectious reservoir. Methods We longitudinally determined human infectiousness to mosquitoes and P. falciparum carriage by an ultrasensitive RNA-based(...)
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Guiguimdé Wendpouiré Patrice Laurent, Ouattara Seydou, Garé Wendkuni Jocelyne Valérie, Yonaba/Oken’go Caroline, Sawadogo Augustin, Fall Médina, Millogo Mathieu, Sérémé Moustapha, Konsem Tarcissus
Introduction : Des dents présentes en bouche à la naissance sont dites « dents natales ». Ces présences peuvent entrainer des complications médicales ou socio culturelles pour l’enfant et sa famille pouvant conduire à leur extraction.
Observation C’est ainsi que le but de ce travail a été de rapporter le cas inhabituel d’une fillette née avec(...)
nouveau-né, dents natales, superstition, avulsion dentaire