Publications (5742)
« La terre nourricière et le tellurisme : deux pôles de l’imaginaire romanesque africain »
KIEMA, Alfred
cet article
terre nourricière, tellurisme, imaginaire
Hadiza Bawa Ibrahim, Gertrude Bsadjo Tchamba, Touwendsida Serge Bagré, Soutongnooma Caroline Bouda, Alio Mahamadou Fody, Assèta Kagambèga, Isidore Juste O.Bonkoungou, Fidèle Tiendrebéogo, Cheikna Zongo, Aly Savadogo, Alfred S. Traoré and Nicolas Barro
Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli are zoonotic bacteria commonly present in animal gut. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of diarrheagenic E. coli isolated from raw meats and intestines in open markets of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A total of 450 samples were collected from beef, mutton, beef intestine and sheep intestine, in r(...)
Beef, Mutton, Raw intestines, Diarrheagenic E. coli, Burkina Faso
« Punctuation in Moore Literature »
André Kaboré
There are some important conventional and cultural aspects in punctuation. Quotation marks, for example, are different in French, English and German: « », “ ”, and„ ” respectively. Owing to these differences, languages may be identified
from the punctuation marks being used. Works on the writing of the Moore language such as the Institut Nat(...)
Punctuation, Moore, Culture, tradition, literature
Effect of post-treatment conditions on the inactivation of helminth eggs (Ascaris suum) after the composting process
DARIMANI Hamidatu S., ITO Ryusei, MAIGA Ynoussa, SOU Mariam, FUNAMIZU Naoyuki, MAIGA Amadou Hama
Safe and appropriate disposal of human waste is a basic requirement for sanitation and protection of public health. For proper sanitation and nutrient recovery, it is necessary to ensure effective treatment methods to complete pathogen destruction in excreta prior to reuse. Composting toilets convert faeces to a reusable resource such as ferti(...)
Ascaris suum, composting toilet, temperature, post-treatment
What Way out of Dilemma for Reuben Bourne in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Roger Malvin's Burial"
PODA Michel
“Roger Malvin’s Burial” is a tragic narrative portraying a wounded war hero, Reuben
Bourne, who is confronted by a complicated dilemma. The plight, which derives from how to
deal with his fellowman, chiefly Roger Malvin, brings about Reuben’s downfall, manifested
through an acute feeling of guilt for failing Malvin. Under the spell of an ev(...)
liberation, dilemma, vow, curse, burial
Diversity and seasonal distribution of parasites of Oreochromis niloticus in semi-arid reservoirs (West Africa, Burkina Faso)
Yamba Sinaré, Magloire Boungou, Adama Ouéda, Awa Gnémé and Gustave B. Kabré
This study aimed to investigate the diversity, abundance, intensity, and seasonal distribution of parasites of Oreochromis niloticus. A total of 254 specimens of O. niloticus was sampled in Loumbila and Ziga reservoirs in both rainy and dry season and examined for parasites. The total prevalence was 55.90% and the highest seasonal prevalence,(...)
Oreochromis niloticus, parasites, Loumbila reservoir, Ziga reservoir, Burkina Faso
What Way out of Dilemma for Reuben Bourne in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Roger Malvin's Burial"
PODA Michel
“Roger Malvin’s Burial” is a tragic narrative portraying a wounded war hero, Reuben
Bourne, who is confronted by a complicated dilemma. The plight, which derives from how to
deal with his fellowman, chiefly Roger Malvin, brings about Reuben’s downfall, manifested
through an acute feeling of guilt for failing Malvin. Under the spell of an ev(...)
dilemma, serment, malédiction, sépulture, libération
Mahamadi Hamed OUEDRAOGO, Lardia Ali BOUGMA, Nerbewende SAWADOGO, Zakaria KIEBRE, Nobila OUEDRAOGO, Ernest Renan TRAORE, Romaric Kiswendsida NANEMA, Pauline BATIONO-KANDO, Mahamadou SAWADOGO
In Burkina Faso, Abelmoschus esculentus is especially appreciated for its fruits, which are requested throughout the year by consumers. However, its production is based on local varieties which are little productive. In order to identify the characters of interest, to increase production and enhance the value of local genetic resources of the(...)
okra, participative selection, characrter of interest, heritability, Burkina Faso
Modes de gestion paysanne des semences de gombo (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) au Burkina Faso
Mahamadi Hamed OUEDRAOGO, Lardia Ali BOUGMA, Mahamadou SAWADOGO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Zakaria KIEBRE, Rasmata NANA
Dans une perspective de sélection participative, la présente étude a pour objectif de recenser les modes de gestion
paysanne des semences de gombo cultivé au Burkina Faso et déterminer leur influence sur la qualité germinative des
semences. Ainsi une prospection-collecte de semences de gombo et une enquête ethnobotanique ont été effectuées(...)
Abelmoschus esculentus, diversité, prospection-collecte, caractérisation ethnobotanique, germination
Fidèle Kouka TIENDREBEOGO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Romaric Kiswendsida NANEMA, Ernest Renan TRAORE, Pauline BATIONO-KANDO, Jean-Didier ZONGO, Mahamadou SAWADOGO
Le pourghère (Jatropha curcas L.) est une plante oléagineuse pérenne connue pour ses usages multiples. L'huile
extraite de ses graines est utilisée dans la fabrication de biodiesel et de savon. La plante possède également des vertus thérapeutiques et des propriétés insecticides. Au Burkina Faso, l'espèce reste sous exploitée. Malgré ses pote(...)
Jatropha curcas, variabilité génétique, Burkina Faso
External Magnetic Field Effect on Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell’s Electrical Parameters
Issa Zerbo, Martial Zoungrana, Idrissa Sourabié, Adama Ouedraogo, Bernard Zouma, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo
The aim of this work is to present a theoretical study of external magnetic field effect on a bifacial silicon solar cell’s electrical parameters (peak power, fill factor and load resistance) using the J-V and P-V characteristics. After the resolution of the magneto transport equation and continuity equation of excess minority carriers in the(...)
Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell, Fill Factor, Load Resistance, Magnetic Field, Peak Power
Distribution of high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes in precancerous cervical lesions in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Charlemagne Ouédraogo, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Esther M. A. Traoré, Souleymane Ouattara, Prosper Bado, Clarisse T. Ouedraogo, Florencia W. Djigma, Djénéba Ouermi, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Olga Lompo, Simon A. Akpona, Jacques Simpore.
Aims: We aimed at identifying the high-risk HPV genotypes associated with high-grade dysplastic cervical lesions in Burkina Faso. The available vaccines to Burkina Faso only protect against two high risk HPV genotypes: HPV 16 and 18. Are the genotypes identified in the high-grade precancerous lesions in this survey covered by the available vac(...)
HPV, cancer, CIN, cervix, Burkina Faso
Détection d’Acinetobacter baumannii, agent pathogène opportuniste et multirésistant dans les infections bucco-dentaires à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Wendpoulomdé AD Kaboré, Ali Konaté, Evariste Bako, Touwendsida Serge Bagré, Sylvie Boisramé, Fathia Chandad, Alfred S. Traoré, Nicolas Barro, Lassana Sangaré
Acinetobacter est une bactérie opportuniste multirésistante. Cette étude visait à détecter
Acinetobacter baumanii dans les infections bucco-dentaires au Burkina Faso. Cette bactérie a été retenue compte
tenu du caractère émergent de sa résistance aux antibiotiques dans le monde, de sa pathogénicité opportuniste,
de son pouvoir de diffusion(...)
Acinetobacter baumannii, Cellulite, Parodontite apicale, Totorésistance
An investigation into the use of common libraries in android apps
The packaging model of Android apps requires the entire code necessary for the execution of an app to be shipped into one single apk file. Thus, an analysis of Android apps often visits code which is not part of the functionality delivered by the app. Such code is often contributed by the common libraries which are used pervasively by all apps(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Characteristics of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus strains isolated from acute cellulitis of dental origin in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Wendpoulomdé A. D. Kaboré, Touwendsida Serge Bagré, Ali Konaté, Rasmata G. Traoré, Evariste Bako, Tarcissus Konsem, Sylvie Boisramé, Alfred S. Traoré, Nicolas Barro and Lassana Sangaré
Patients afflicted by acute cellulitis of dental origin are usually in need of urgent treatment. The most
frequently isolated bacterial strains associated with this condition are Streptococcal and Staphylococcal species, which are also most commonly implicated with cellulitis in general. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic r(...)
Acute cellulitis, tooth, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, antibiotics, resistance, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso