Publications (60)
Association of 410L, 1016I and 1534C kdr mutations with pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and development of a one‑step multiplex PCR method for the simultaneous detection of 1534C and 1016I kdr mutations
Aboubacar Sombie, Wendegoudi Mathias Ouédraogo, Manabu Oté, Erisha Saiki, Tatsuya Sakurai, Félix Yaméogo, Antoine Sanon, Philip J. McCall , Hirotaka Kanuka , David Weetman and Athanase Badolo
Since 2000, Burkina Faso has experienced regular dengue cases and outbreaks, making dengue an increasingly important health concern for the country. Previous studies in Burkina Faso reported that resistance of Aedes aegypti to pyrethroid insecticides was associated with the F1534C and V1016I kdr mutations. The current study report(...)
Aedes aegypti, Pyrethroids, Resistance, Malathion, Multiplex PCR, Kdr, Burkina Faso, Dengue
Seasonal diversity and dynamics of entomofauna associated with the decomposition of pig (Sus scrofa domesticus L.) carcasses in a Peri‑urban area of Central Burkina Faso, West Africa
Kientega Honoré D. · Edith M. Ilboudo · Antoine Waongo · Zakaria Ilboudo· Moctar T. A. Zeba· Antoine Sanon
This study aimed to determine the effects of seasons on the diversity and dynamics of insects associated with pig carrion in Gampela, Plateau Central Region, Burkina Faso, West Africa. Pig carcasses (Sus scrofa domesticus L.) were exposed in an open area to monitor their decomposition process and their colonization by insects during a warm and(...)
Sus scrofa domesticus · Cadaver decomposition · Cadaver-associated insects · Seasonal diversity · Climatic variations · Trophic groups
Standing genetic variation and chromosome differences drove rapid ecotype formation in a major malaria mosquito
Scott T Small, Carlo Costantini , N'Fale Sagnon, Moussa W Guelbeogo, Scott J Emrich, Andrew D Kern, Michael C Fontaine, Nora J Besansky
pecies distributed across heterogeneous environments often evolve locally adapted ecotypes, but understanding of the genetic mechanisms involved in their formation and maintenance in the face of gene flow is incomplete. In Burkina Faso, the major African malaria mosquito Anopheles funestus comprises two strictly sympatric and morphologically i(...)
Anopheles funestus; chromosomal inversions; genome re-sequencing; local adaptation; malaria vector.
Assessing the variability in experimental hut trials evaluating insecticide-treated nets against malaria vectors
Challenger, J. D., Nash, R. K., Ngufor, C., Sanou, A., Toe, K. H., Moore, S., Tungu, P. K., Rowland, M., Foster, G. M., N'guessan, R., Sherrard-Smith, E. & Churcher, T. S.
Experimental hut trials (EHTs) are used to evaluate indoor vector control interventions against malaria vectors in
a controlled setting. The level of variability present in the assay will influence whether a given study is well
powered to answer the research question being considered. We utilised disaggregated data from 15 previous EHTs
Experimental hut trials, Insecticide-treated nets, Long-lasting insecticidal nets, Vector control, Anopheles, Power analysis
. Emergency response to the Spodoptera frugiperda invasion in Africa: What do maize producers in Burkina Faso think and do?
Manoé René Sanou, Idrissa Compaoré and Antoine Sanon
Spodoptera frugiperda, the fall armyworm (FAW), has become a major pest of maize since its
appearance in Burkina Faso in 2017 requiring appropriate emergency response. A survey was
conducted with 161 maize farmers from 9 regions and 48 villages in the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanese
agro-climatic zones, the main maize-growing areas in Burkina(...)
Spodoptera frugiperda, perception survey, maize farmers, pest control, chemicals, health
Les effets à court terme de certaines activités de restauration sur la diversité et l'abondance des bousiers dans quatre Micro bassins versants au Burkina Faso
ILBOUDO Mayouré Edith, WAONGO Antoine, YAMKOULAGA Marcellin, ILBOUDO Zakaria, SANON Antoine
De nombreuses activités humaines affectent la diversité des bousiers (Scarabaeidae)utiles pour le bon fonctionnement de l’environnement. Les Scarabaeidae interviennent dans le recyclage des nutriments et la dispersion secondaire des semences. La présente étude a été menée en 3 ans pour évaluer les changements dans la diversité et l'(...)
Scarabaeidae, indicateur biologique, gestion environnement
Inventaire de l’entomofaune associée aux canaux d’évacuation d’eaux usées dans la ville de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso
DINGTOUMDA Oswald Gilbert, ILBOUDO Edith Mayouré, KAM Wenceslas Koï, ILBOUDO Zakaria, SANON Antoine
Les insectes aquatiques constituent une source principale d’aliments des poissonset des amphibiens. Ils contribuent àla dégradationde la matièreorganique dont dépendle fonctionnement écologique des écosystèmes. Ilssont très utilisés de nos jours comme bioindicateurs pour leurs facultés à refléter les différentes perturbatio(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Criblage de cinq variétés de tomate contre Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, 1960 (Acari: Tetranychidae),acarien ravageur de la tomate en culture au Burkina Faso
La tomate est le second légume produit après l’oignon au Burkina Faso. Elle est très sensible à la pression des acariensrouges. La présente étudevise à évaluerla sensibilité de cinq variétés de tomateàTetranychusevansi.Pour se faire,une infestationvolontairedes acariens a été réalisée à raison de 110 acariens (100 femelles pour(...)
tomate, variétés, sensibilité, T.evansi
Impact of Aedes aegypti breeding containers physicochemical parameters on their productivity and adult mosquito body size in Ouagadougou City, Burkina Faso
Ouédraogo , W.M, Toé, K.H., Sombié, A. , Viana, M. , Bougouma, C. , Sanon, A , Weetman, D. , McCall, P.J, Kanuka, H., Badolo, A.
Outbreaks of dengue fever caused by viruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are repeated occurrences in West Africa. In recent years, Burkina Faso has experienced major dengue outbreaks, most notably in 2016 and 2017 when 80% of cases were recorded in Ouagadougou City (Central Health Region). In order to better understand t(...)
Ae. aegypti, Breeding sites, Larvae, Pupae, Stegomyia index, Body size, Dengue
Essential oils of plants and their combinations as an alternative adulticides against Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) populations
Mahamoudou Balboné, Ignace Sawadogo, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Samuel Fogné Drabo, Moussa Namountougou, Koama Bayili, Rahim Romba, Georges Benson Meda, Honorat Charles Roger Nebié, Roch K. Dabire, Imaël H. N. Bassolé & Olivier Gnankine
The persistence of malaria and the increasing of resistance of Anopheles gambiae species to chemicals remain major public health concerns in sub-Saharan Africa. Faced to these concerns, the search for alternative vector control strategies as use of essential oils (EOs) need to be implemented. Here, the five EOs from Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbop(...)
resistance, essential oil, combination, major compound
Alternatives to Pyrethroid Resistance: Combinations of Cymbopogon nardus and Ocimum americanum Essential Oils Improve the Bioefficiency Control Against the Adults’ Populations of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Mahamoudou Balboné, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Samuel Fogné Drabo, Moussa Namountougou, Hamadou Konaté, Georges Benson Meda, Ignace Sawadogo, Rahim Romba, Etienne Bilgo, Roger C H Nebié, Imaël H N Bassolé, Roch K Dabire, Olivier Gnankine
Dengue vector control strategies are mostly based on chemicals use against Aedes aegypti populations. The current study aimed at investigating the insecticidal effects of essential oils (EOs) obtained from five plant species, Cymbopogon citrates (D. C.) Stapf. (Poaceae), Cymbopogon nardus (Linn.) Rendle (Poaceae), Eucalyptus camaldulensis Linn(...)
resistance, essential oil, combination, major compound
Perception des producteurs sur les insectes ravageurs du mil au Burkina Faso : place de la mineuse de l’épi de mil, Heliocheilus albipunctella De Joannis (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)
Aboubacar Boly, Antoine Waongo, Adama Kaboré, Fousséni Traore, Malick N. Ba, Antoine Sanon
Objectif : l’étude visait à recueillir la perception des producteurs du mil sur les principaux insectes ravageurs du mil, la place de la mineuse de l’épi de mil (MEM) et son incidence dans les zones Sahélienne, Nord et Sud Soudanienne du Burkina Faso.
Méthodologie et résultats : les producteurs ont d’abord été soumis à une enquête de percept(...)
Pennisetum glaucum, Perception des producteurs, Insectes ravageurs, Mineuse de l’épi de mil
Toé, H. K., Zongo, S., Guelbeogo, M. W., Kamgang, B., Viana, M., Tapsoba, M., Sanou, A., Traoré, A., McCall, P. J., & Sagnon,
Toé, H. K., Zongo, S., Guelbeogo, M. W., Kamgang, B., Viana, M., Tapsoba, M., Sanou, A., Traoré, A., McCall, P. J., & Sagnon,
The response to recent dengue outbreaks in Burkina Faso was insecticide-based, despite poor knowledge of the vector population's susceptibility to the insecticides used. Here, we report on the susceptibility to the main insecticide classes and identify important underlying mechanisms in Aedes aegypti populations in Ouagadougou and Banfora, in(...)
Aedes aegypti, arbovirus, Burkina Faso, dengue, insecticide resistance, kdr mutations, vector control
Indigenous knowledge system associated with the uses of insects for therapeutic or medicinal purposes in two main provinces of Burkina Faso, West Africa
Mamadou Ouango, Rahim Romba, Samuel Fogné Drabo, Noufou Ouedraogo & Olivier Gnankiné
Background: Some insects are harmful to humans, plants and animals, but some of them can also be a source of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and be of therapeutic value. The therapeutic potential requires that medicinal insects and their derived products need to be scrutinized. This study highlights the indigenous knowledge related to th(...)
Entomotherapy, Insect-derived products, Associated pathologies, Folk medicine
Influence des facteurs climatiques sur les insectes pollinisateurs potentiels du Moringa oleifera lam. Au Burkina Faso
BAZIE Babou Frédéric,DAO Madjelia Cangré Ebou, DRABO Fogné Samuel, DA Nomwine, KABRE Salifou, GNANKINE Olivier
Les paramètres climatiques tels que la température, la pluviométrie, l’humidité relative et le vent sont essentiels dans la répartition et l’abondance des insectes visiteurs floraux. Moringa oleifera Lam. Espèce ligneuse cultivée dans les différentes zones climatiques du Burkina présente une floraison abondante avec de nombreuses et fréquentes(...)
Moringa oleifera, insectes pollinisateurs, température, humidité relative, vent