Publications (5741)
Réaction du marché financier à la nomination de femmes au conseil d’administration : Cas de la France
Mamadou TOE, Robert BATIONO
Cette recherche porte sur la réaction du marché financier à la nomination de femmes au conseil d’administration des entreprises en France. L’objectif est de contribuer au débat sur la féminisation du conseil d’administration, et mettre en évidence les enjeux économiques de la diversité du genre à partir des discussions. L’étude empirique est m(...)
Gouvernance des entreprises, Diversité du genre, Conseil d'administration, Creation de valeur
Impact of human activities on the reproduction of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in Burkina Faso
Clément Daboné, Ralph Buij, Adama Oueda, Jacques Boko Adjakpa, Wendengoudi Guenda & Peter DM Weesie
During the last decades, the critically endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus has strongly declined across its African range. Although direct persecution has been suggested as a major cause of this decline, little is known about the impact of humans on reproductive output in West Africa. We studied the impact of human activities on th(...)
Burkina Faso, conservation, Hooded Vulture, human impact, reproduction
Evaluation of heavy metals and pesticides contents in market-gardening products sold in some principal markets of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Bakary Tarnagda, Flibert Guira, Bernadette Sourabié Pane, Oumarou Zongo, François Tapsoba, Cheikna Zongo, Maxime Drabo Koine, Yves Traoré, Aly Savadogo
Pesticides and heavy metals are persistent organic pollutants responsible for immune deficiency, certain types of cancer, and decreasedlength of pregnancy.In this study, 20 chemical pesticides and 4 heavy metals were detected from 120 samples of 4 types of vegetablesand 40 samples of babenda collected from Ouagadougou principal markets. The &q(...)
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Determination and characterization of women, infants and young children dietary diversity in period of Burkina Faso agricultural welding
Ousmane OUEDRAOGO, Ella Wendinpuikondo Raketa COMPAORE, Sabiba Kou’santa Emile AMOUZOU, Mamoudou Hama DICKO
Introduction: The increasing of the variety of foods and food groups in the diet helps to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients and promotes good health. In the present study, the main objective was to determine the quality of the diet of women, infants and young children in Burkina Faso.
Methods: A 24-hours open recall was used to co(...)
food, women, children, dietary diversity
Abakar Idriss L , Guira F , Tapsoba F , Zongo C , Abdoullahi Hissein O, Tidjani A and A Savadogo
De nombreux aliments fermentés à base de légumes-feuilles sont consommés dans le monde, particulièrement en Afrique et en Asie. Ces aliments très répandus, représentent le régime de base en plus de leurs matières premières disponibles et constituent une part importante dans l’alimentation des populations locales. Le kawal obtenu par
Kawal, feuilles fermentées, Senna obtusifolia, technologies
| Boureima Kagambèga 1 | Hama Cissé 1 | Adama Sawadogo 1 | Bakary Tarnagda 1 | Ismail Odetokun 2 | Cheikna Zongo 1 | Yves Traoré 1 | and | Aly Savadogo 1* |
Background: The porridges are fermented foods, more or less fluid, obtained from cereals or tubers. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the technological diversity of the porridges and the associated health risks during processing. Methods: A survey was conducted among 120 porridge producers. Collected information(...)
cereal, technology, porridges
Boureima Kagambèga, Hama Cissé, Adama Sawadogo, Bakary Tarnagda, Ismail Odetokun, Cheikna Zongo, Yves Traoré and Aly Savadogo
Background: The porridges are fermented foods, more or less fluid, obtained from cereals or tubers. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the technological diversity of the porridges and the associated health risks during processing.
Methods: A survey was conducted among 120 porridge producers. Collected information includ(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Assessment of safety and quality of fermented milk of camels, cows, and goats sold and consumed in five localities of Burkina Faso
Cissé Hama, Muandze- Nzambe J. Ulrich, Somda N. Siourimè, Sawadogo Adama, Drabo S. Moustapha, Tapsoba François, Zongo Cheikna, Traoré Yves, Savadogo Aly
Fermented milk is food produced and consumed all over the world and plays an important role in human nutrition. This work aimed to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical quality and mineral composition of fermented milk consumed in Burkina Faso.
A total of 114 samples of fermented milk from camels, goats, and cows were purchased in(...)
Burkina Faso, camel, cow, fermented milk, goat, sanitary quality
Assessment of safety and quality of fermented milk of camels, cows, and goats sold and consumed in five localities of Burkina Faso
Hama Cissé, Jean Ulrich Muandze-Nzamb , Namwin Siourimè Somda, Adama Sawadogo, Soungalo Moustapha Drabo, François Tapsoba, Cheikna Zongo, Yves Traoré, Aly Savadogo
Background and aim: Fermented milk is food produced and consumed all over the world and plays an important role in human nutrition. This work aimed to evaluate the microbiological and physicochemical quality and mineral composition of fermented milk consumed in Burkina Faso.
Materials and methods: A total of 114 samples of fermented milk fr(...)
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A study of cadmium, copper and lead by two clays from Burkina Faso
Brahima Sorgho, Boubié Guel, Lamine Zerbo, Moussa Gomina, Philippe Blanchart,
Water pollution caused by natural and anthropogenic causes become a major problem for many countries around the world in trying to find adequate and accessible means of treating polluted water. For more than a decade, research is focused on local adsorbent materials such as clays. It is in this dynamic that two clays extracted in Burkina Faso(...)
Clay; adsorption; heavy metals; waste water; removal
Stem bark of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloïdes a possible substitute of root bark for the conservation of the species in Burkina Faso
Lassané Ouédraogo, Aminata P. Nacoulma, Moussa COMPAORÉ, Latifou Lagnika and Martin Kiendrebeogo
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloïdes (Lam.) est une plante utilisée à des fins médicinales au Burkina Faso. Cependant, l'action anthropique a entrainé la disparition ou la rareté de Z. zanthoxyloides. Ainsi l'objectif principal de cette étude est de discriminer des échantillons de Z. zanthoxyloïdes provenant de différentes localités afin de trouver de b(...)
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloïdes, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR)spectroscopy, multivariate data analysis, vanillic acid
Global dynamics of a seasonal mathematical model of schistosomiasis transmission with general incidence function
TRAORE Bakary, KOUTOU Ousmane, SANGARE Boureima
In this paper, we investigate a nonautonomous and an autonomous model of schistosomiasis transmission with a general incidence function. Firstly, we formulate the nonautonomous model by taking into account the effect of climate change on the transmission. Through rigorous analysis via theories and methods of dynamical systems, we show that the(...)
Schistosomiasis, Nonautonomous Model, General Incidence Function, Basic Reproduction Ratio, Uniform Persistence, Global Stability, Numerical Simulations
Glycaemic variability is associated with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes and acute myocardial infarction
M Benalia 1, M Zeller 2, B Mouhat 1, C Guenancia 1, V Yameogo 3, C Greco 4, H Yao 1, M Maza 1, B Vergès 5, Y Cottin 1
Background: In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), glycaemic variability (GV), another component of glycaemic abnormalities, is a novel potentially aggravating factor for coronary artery disease (CAD).
Objectives: The aim of our study was to identify interactions between GV and severity of CAD in diabetes patients admitted for acute myocar(...)
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Baseline data on the bionomics of Aedes aegypti to support dengue control strategies in Burkina Faso
A. Badolo, A. Sombie, P. Pignatelli, F. Yaméogo, A. Sanon, W.D. Wangrawa, H. Kanuka, D. Weetman, P.J. McCall
Purpose: In the last two years Burkina Faso has experienced dengue outbreaks resulting in 2,600 cases and 21 deaths in 2016, and 14,944 cases, 30 deaths in 2017. Lack of preparation and of updated information on Aedes populations hinders responses to the first outbreaks of dengue.Wecarried out a three-month surveillance
study to collect basel(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Residual risk of HIV, HCV, and HBV transmission by blood transfusion between 2015 and 2017 at the Regional Blood Transfusion Center of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Arzouma Paul Yooda,1–3 Salam Sawadogo,3 Serge Théophile Soubeiga,1,2 Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah,4 Koumpingnin Nebie,3 Abdoul Karim Ouattara,1,2 Birama Diarra,1,2 Abibou Simpore,3 Yetema Dieudonné Yonli,3 Abdoul- Guaniyi Sawadogo,3 Bia Emile Drabo,3 Seimbou Zalla,3 Anita Pierrette Siritié,3 Rodrigue Sosthène Nana,3 Honorine Dahourou,3 Jacques Simpore1,2
Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, the high endemicity of blood-borne infections is a
serious threat to transfusion safety. In order to improve transfusion safety, Burkina Faso has
undertaken in recent years a reorganization of its blood-transfusion system through the creation
of a National Blood Transfusion Center, which is the only bloo(...)
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