Publications (5648)
Review and Synthesis of Literature on Single and Multizone Thermodynamic Combustion in a Diesel Engine
Dabilgou Téré, Tubreoumya Guy Christian , Haro Kayaba , Zongo Sidiki , Kam S. Zakarie , Sandwidi Sayouba , Ouédraogo T. Léonard , Daho Tizane , Koulidiati Jean , Sanogo Oumar , Zeghmati Belkacem and Bere Antoine
This work is largely devoted to a review of existing works in the literature on single and multi-zone models of thermodynamic combustion in a diesel engine. It is found that numerical simulations of diesel engine operation based on thermodynamic models are of great interest in predicting engine performance and developing new concepts. Also, th(...)
Modelling; combustion; multi-zone thermodynamic; engine
Conséquences piézométriques des changements des unités d’occupation des sols dans le degré carré de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
OUEDRAOGO Joachim, KABORE Fidèle, DA Dapola Evariste Constant
Au Burkina Faso, les granitoïdes, très peu perméables, représentent 80 % des formations géologiques. L’urbanisation sans cesse galopante combinée à une variabilité climatique favorise la dégradation de la biodiversité avec pour conséquences une régression des formations végétales, l’érosion et l’encroutement des sols. La battance des unités pé(...)
Variabilité climatique, régression du couvert végétal, niveau piézométrique, degré carré de Ouagadougou
Natural Convection Modeling in a Solar Tower
Moctar Moctar Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice Ky, Amadou Konfé, Boureima Dianda, Salifou Ouédraogo, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiébo
Objectives: We present in this study a modeling of thermal laminar convection airflow in a solar tower. Methods: To formulate with precision, the boundary conditions of the solar chimney model chosen, the Cartesian equations are
transformed into hyperbolic coordinates. An orthogonal grid is elaborated. It then makes it possible to draw up the(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Natural Convection Modeling in a Solar Tower
Moctar Moctar, Thierry Sikoudouin Maurice Ky, Amadou Konfé, Boureima Dianda, Salifou Ouédraogo, Dieudonné Joseph Bathiébo
Objectives: We present in this study a modeling of thermal laminar convection airflow in a solar tower. Methods: To formulate with precision, the boundary conditions of the solar chimney model chosen, the Cartesian equations are
transformed into hyperbolic coordinates. An orthogonal grid is elaborated. It then makes it possible to draw up the(...)
Ossifying fibroma of the jawbones: Epidemiology and management in the Yalgado ouedrago university hospital
Motandi Idani*, Mathieu Millogo, Soutongnoma Ahmed Patrick Badini, Bevianda Vincent Ili, Adama Zango, Gilbert Nongkouni, Tarcissus Konsem
Introduction: The ossifying fibroma is a rare benign non-odontogenic tumor, with a desmodontal origin, made of
fibrous tissue and bone and/or cementum elements. It is most often discovered fortuitously in developed
countries and is diagnosed during functional complaints in our context. The aim of this study is to report
epidemiology and man(...)
Ossifying fibroma, Jawbones, Management
Development and Characterization of Geopolymers Based on a Kaolinitic Clay
Soungalo Ouattara, Brahima Sorgho, Moustapha Sawadogo, Youssouf Sawadogo, Mohamed Seynou, Philippe Blanchart, Moussa Gomina, Lamine Zerbo
Geopolymers today constitute an alternative to be considered with the aim, not of completely replacing cement, but of widening the possibilities available at the time of decision-making because this type of clay-based binder has a low impact environmental and thermal compared to Portland cement. The methods used to obtain eco-friendly building(...)
Clay, Development, Geopolymer, Characterization, Construction
Démocratie et élections en Afrique : comment sortir du spectre de la violence à l'approche des échéances électorales?
Ouédraogo Hamado
L’article « démocratie et élections en Afrique : comment sortir du spectre de la violence à l’approche des échéances électorales »? Nous remarquons que le concept de démocratie continue de mobiliser beaucoup d’acteurs en Afrique et dans le monde, mais sa mise en œuvre a déçu et désenchanté nombre de citoyens et citoyennes ainsi que se(...)
démocratie-élections-légitimité-mensonges électorales-violences
Les relations presse en contexte terroriste : regards croisés de communicants et de journalistes au Burkina Faso
BAZYOMO Emile Pierre
Le 15 janvier 2015 un commando jihadiste lance une attaque sur l’hôtel Splendide et le restaurant Capuccino. L’attaque fait 29 morts et une trentaine de blessés. Le Burkina Faso entrait dans une interminable série qui contraint les personnes morales et physiques à développer des attitudes, comportements et pratiques de résilience. Cet article,(...)
terrorisme, médias, relations presse, communication asymétrique, éthique
2. Education aux médias. Prolégomènes d’un retournement paradigmatique : les adultes à l’école des jeunes
BAZYOMO Emile Pierre
En portant un regard panoramique critique sur les théories et pratiques en éducation aux médias, force est de constater que l’« ainé-centrisme », une sorte de gérontocratie éducative persiste même dans les travaux qui ont réussi à encourager l’abandon de la pédagogie centrée sur le maître pour l’adoption d’une nouvelle pédagogie qui accorde p(...)
Education aux médias, jeunes, adultes, pratiques, usages, réseaux sociaux numériques
Species Diversity of Cyanobacteria and Desmids of a Drinking Water Source under Anthropogenic Pressure, and Their Implication in Toxin Production and Water Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, Western Africa)
OUATTARA Minata, ZONGO Frédéric, ZONGO Bilassé
Drinking water sources in many African countries have been progressively degraded over the past decades. This degradation due to human activities leads to the proliferation of algae, especially toxin-producing cyanobacteria. The presence of toxigenic algae in water has adverse consequences on human and animal health. This study aimed to determ(...)
Desmids, Diversity, Microcystis aeruginosa, Toxin Production
Frédéric Nikiema , Zoïnabo Savadogo , Somdouda Sawadogo and Blaise Some
In the literature on multi-criteria group decision support, many
methods have been discussed. In general, these methods are based on
collective aggregation functions that, through the judgments given by
each decision maker on the actions according to each criterion, must
determine an action that is the best or that represents a consens(...)
geometric mean, median, collective aggregation function
Systematic Review of Potential Anticancerous Activities of Erythrina senegalensis DC (Fabaceae)
Souleymane Fofana, Moussa Ouédraogo, Rafaèle Calvo Esposito, Windbedema Prisca Ouedraogo, Cédric Delporte, Pierre Van Antwerpen, Véronique Mathieu, and Innocent Pierre Guissou.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the substances isolated
from the African medicinal plant Erythrina senegalensis, focusing on compounds harboring activities
against cancer models detailed in depth herein at both in vitro and in vivo preclinical levels. The
review was conducted through Pubmed and(...)
: Erythrina senegalensis; prenylated isoflavonoid; erysenegalensein; alpinumisoflavone; anticancer
Communication parlementaire au Burkina Faso : la durabilité en question
BAZYOMO Emile Pierre
Le rapport du parlement à la communication est fait d’un cycle interminable d’actions de conciliation entre différents et antagonistes intérêts (intérêts personnels de chacun des députés, des partis dont sont issues les députés, de leurs circonscriptions électorales, de leurs régions, de l’intérêt général et enfin de l’intérêt de l’institution(...)
communication parlementaire, Assemblée nationale, conciliation, démocratie représentative, durabilité
Thermal Performance Assessment of a Box-type Solar Cooker with an Inclined Collecting Surface and Kapok Wool Insulation
Jacques Nébié , Sidiki Zongo , Augustin. Zongo , Guy. Tubreoumya , Zacharie S. Kam , Serge W. Igo , Tizane Daho , Ilyassé Konkobo , Antoine Béré and Belkacem Zeghmati
The present work reports the thermal performance of a box-type solar cooker insulated with kapok
wool, a local plant with a low thermal conductivity. The experimental results obtained indicate that
the absorber plate reached a maximum temperature of 155.2 °C. Moreover, the maximum power of
the cooker was 87.5 W with an efficiency of 35.45 %(...)
Solar cookers; fuel wood; performance; solar energy.
Total, Patient and System Diagnostic Delays for Pulmonary Bacilliferous Tuberculosis in the Six Diagnostic and Treatment Centers in the Five Health Districts of the Central Region, Burkina Faso, 2018
Pauline Kiswendsida Yanogo, · Clarisse Balima, · Nicolas Meda
Introduction Long diagnosis delay contributes significantly to the failure to eradicate tuberculosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the total, patient and system delays in diagnosis of pulmonary bacilliferous in the six tuberculosis Diagnostic and Treatment Centers in the five health districts of the central region in Burkina Fas(...)
Pulmonary tuberculosis · Diagnostic delays · Ouagadougou · Burkina Faso