Publications (5656)
Douamba S, Tiendrebeogo J, Sawadogo H, Toguieny L, Kaboré A, Nagalo K, Kafando E, Yé D
Introduction : Les leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques représentent environ 80 % des leucémies aigues de l'enfant. Les atteintes rénales sont fréquentes au cours des hémopathies malignes. Elles compliquent la prise en charge des patients et en grèvent souvent le pronostic. Le Burkina Faso a adhéré au Groupe Franco-Africain d’Oncologie Pédiatriqu(...)
leucémie, néphropathie, enfants, traitement
Offres de logements et étalement urbain à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
OUEDRAOGO Rawelguy Ulysse Emmanuel, SAWADOGO Salif
Ouagadougou à l’instar des autres villes africaines fait face à de nombreux
défis. Celui du logement se pose avec acuité pour les administrations locales qui
demeurent impuissantes face à une demande sans cesse en hausse. Les offres de logement
proposées par les différents acteurs (État- administration communale-société immobilière)
du dom(...)
Offres de logements, étalement urbain, développement urbain
Traoré C1, Sawadogo S2, Nebié Y2, Sanou A.F3, Diakité M4, Kaboré D5, Somé S5, Minoungou M5, Koulidiati J2, Kafando E2.
Notre étude a eu pour but de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et biologiques des leucémies aigues de l’adulte au Burkina Faso. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique à collecte de données rétrospective couvrant une période de 4,5 ans (2018-2022) dans deux centres hospitaliers et universitaires du Burkin(...)
Leucémie aiguë – adulte – épidémiologie – clinique –biologie.
Phytochemistry and hypotensive effect of Jatropha curcas L (Euphorbiaceae) leaves aqueous extract
Sawadogo Stanislas, Dabiré Anankpètinan Prosper, Somé Andouormwine Abel
High blood pressure (HBP) is the first risk factor for death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Several plant-based formula including Jatropha curcas leaves are proposed. This study aim at evaluating its hypotensive and antioxidant effects and to investigate the different chemical groups. In the study of hypotensive(...)
Jatropha curcas, Hypotensive, antioxidant, phytochemical contents
Assessment of heterocyclic aromatic amines contents in flamed and braised chicken in Burkina Faso
Bazoin Sylvain Raoul Bazié, Adjima Bougma , Aminata Séré, Judicael Thomas Ouilly, Hassane Sangaré , Elie Kabré, Aly Savadogo, Djidjoho Joseph Hounhouigan, Marie-Louise Scippo, Imaël Henri Nestor Bassolé
The nutritional status of meat is tarnished by its association with the induced cooking contaminants. The aim of this study was to assess the heterocyclic aromatic amines profile and contents in processed chicken in Burkina Faso. Eight polar and apolar heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) including 2-mino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinolone (IQ), 3(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Rawelguy Ulysse Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO
The issues of economic integration and poverty are at the heart of concerns in the cities of Burkina Faso in particular and those of sub-Saharan Africa in general. For example, in 2019, the ILO unemployment rate in the cities of Burkina Faso was 10% compared to 7.1% nationally [1]. Urban centers that were once an "El Dorado" for peo(...)
informal activities - living conditions - Pô-Burkina-Faso
Gouvernance universitaire et rationalité du choix d’université des bacheliers orientés par campus Faso à l’université Nazi Boni
ADIOLA Belo, Tionyélé FAYAMA, Bowendsom Claudine Valérie ROUAMBA OUEDRAOGO
L’enseignement supérieur burkinabè qui compte quinze (15) institutions d’enseignement publiques réparties dans
les treize (13) chefs-lieux de région du pays1, permettait au nouveau bachelier d’étudier dans une université de son
choix. Cependant, avec l’avènement de la plateforme Campus Faso, celui-ci a l’obligation de faire un dépôt de dos(...)
Orientation, Gouvernance universitaire, Campus Faso, Choix d’université
Déterminants de la pratique régulière de l’activité physique et sportive dans la ville de Ouagadougou
ILBOUDO Salfo, NANA Brigitte, TIAMA Adama, OUATTARA Daouda, SONGNABA Florent
Les bienfaits de la pratique régulière de l’activité physique et sportive (APS) sur la santé et la qualité de vie sont bien établis. Toutefois, la pratique régulière demeure un grand défi dans un contexte marqué par des changements majeurs de mode de vie. Objectif : L’objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer les facteurs déterminants de l(...)
Déterminant, Activité Physique et Sportive, Régularité
Phenological, Morphological and Agronomic Characterization of Bambara Groundnut Genotypes on Plinthite Soil in East-centre Area, Burkina Faso
Hervé Nandkangre a* , Koulibi Fidèle Zongo a , Diane Judicaëlle Kambou b , Barkoindé Yannick Ilboudo a , Moussa N’Golo Konate , Adjima Ouoba , Aimé Sévérin Kima , Hamed Mahamadi Ouedraogo , Ernest Renan Traore and Mahama Ouedraogo
Bambara groundnut has long been a neglected and understudied crop. Thanks to the new
orientations for the développement of agriculture and achievement of food security in Burkina Faso,
in recent years, studies on Bambara groundnut have experienced renewed interest. Despites
nutritional, agronomic and socio-economic importance and some st(...)
Bambara nut; Burkina Faso; characterization; morphological; phonological; variability
Development of Sensible Heat Storage Materials Using Sand, Clay and Coal Bottom Ash
Boubou Bagre, Ibrahim Kolawole Muritala, Tizane Daho, Makinta Boukar,Yomi Woro Gounkaou, Babajide Epe Shari, Aissatou Ndiaye, Antoine Bere,Adamou Rabani
In this paper, the mechanical and thermal properties of a sand-clay ceramicwith additives coal bottom ash (CBA) waste from incinerator coal power plantare investigated to develop an alternative material for thermal energy storage(TES). Ceramic balls are developed at 1000 ̊C and 1060 ̊C using sintering orfiring method. The obtained ceramics wer(...)
Ceramic Ball, Sand, Clay, Coal Bottom Ash, Thermal Energy StorageMaterial, Thermocline
Anemia in Parturients within the Mother-Child Department of Tengandogo Teaching Hospital, Burkina Faso
Kain, D.P., Zamané, H., Kiemtoré, S., Ouédraogo, A., Ouédraogo, A. and Bonané/Thiéba, B.
Objective: Study the epidemiological, clinical, para-clinical and therapeutic aspects as well as the maternal and perinatal prognosis of anemia in partu-rients. Background: Anemia is a public health problem in Burkina Faso. It mainly affects pregnant women. Patients and Methods: This was a descrip-tive and analytical cross-sectional study with(...)
Anemia, Pregnant Women, Delivery
Phytodiversity and Vulnerability of Protected Areas in Burkina Faso: Case of Péni Classified Forest
TIENDRÉBEOGO Nebnoma Romaric, OUOBA Paulin, BASTIDE Brigitte, OUOBA Yempabou Hermann, NACOULMA Blandine Marie Ivette, SOMDA Irénée, NACRO Bismarck Hassan, BOUSSIM Issiaka Joseph
Protected areas contain most of Burkina Faso’s plant biodiversity which con- fer different benefits for the communities. However, the composition of some of them remains unknown. In a context of overexploitation and climate change, it is important to have a detailed knowledge of the vegetation of forests that have not been studied, such as Pén(...)
Biodiversity, Ecology, Anthropic Pressures, Classified Forests
Child Gender Related Vulnerability and Chronic Malnutrition in Burkina Faso: The Moderating Role of The Maternal Education
Pengdewendé Maurice Sawadogo, Jean-François Kobiané, Eric Tchouaket Nguemeleu, Drissa Sia, Yentéma Onadja
Background: Chronic malnutrition in children is a growth disorder resulting from a prolonged lack of nutrient intake. It is a widespread health issue in West and Central Africa where it affects one third (1/3) of children under five (05). This paper highlights the mitigation of child’s genderbased chronic malnutrition risk through maternal edu(...)
Chronic malnutrition, Maternal education, Child’s gender, Interaction analysis
Child Gender Related Vulnerability and Chronic Malnutrition in Burkina Faso: The Moderating Role of The Maternal Education
Pengdewendé Maurice Sawadogo, Jean-François Kobiané, Eric Tchouaket Nguemeleu, Drissa Sia, Yentéma Onadja
Background: Chronic malnutrition in children is a growth disorder resulting from a prolonged lack of nutrient intake. It is a widespread health issue in West and Central Africa where it affects one third (1/3) of children under five (05). This paper highlights the mitigation of child’s genderbased chronic malnutrition risk through maternal edu(...)
Chronic malnutrition, Maternal education, Child’s gender, Interaction analysis
Child Gender-Related Vulnerability and Chronic Malnutrition in Burkina Faso: The Moderating Role of The Maternal Education
Pengdewendé Maurice Sawadogo, Jean-François Kobiané, Eric Tchouaket Nguemeleu, Drissa Sia, Yentéma Onadja
Background: Chronic malnutrition in children is a growth disorder resulting from a prolonged lack of nutrient intake. It is a widespread health issue in West and Central Africa where it affects one third (1/3) of children under five (05). This paper highlights the mitigation of child’s genderbased chronic malnutrition risk through maternal edu(...)
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