Publications (5656)
Structural and functional features of treatment-resistant depression: A systematic review and exploratory coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
Alessandro Miola MD, Nicola Meda MD, Giulia Perini MD, Fabio Sambataro
A third of people suffering from major depressive disorder do not experience a significant improvement in their symptoms even after adequate treatment with two different antidepressant medications. This common condition, termed treatment-resistant depression (TRD), severely affects the quality of life of millions of people worldwid(...)
depression, functional magnetic resonance imaging, mag-netic resonance imaging, treatment-resistant depression, voxel-basedmorphometry
Connaissances endogenes relatives a l’usage de Senna obtusifolia (l.) Irwin and barneby dans quelques localites du Burkina Faso
NACAMBO Haoua; NANEMA Kiswendsida Romaric ; KIEBRE Mariam; TRAORE Renan Ernest ; SAWADOGO Nerbewendé; OUEDRAOGO Mahamadi Hamed, TIAMA Diakalia ; BOUGOUMA Ali SOMBIE Eric SAWADOGO Boureima; BATIONO/KANDO Pauline; SAWADOGO Mahamadou
Senna obtusifolia L. encore appelé casse fétide en langue française, Katre nanguri en langue Mooré et krikri en langue Dioula est une plante qui contribue à l’amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle, à la sécurité alimentaire et à une meilleure protection sanitaire des populations rurales. Cependant, très peu d’études lui ont été consacrées(...)
Senna obtusifolia, connaissances endogènes, étude ethnobotanique, usages, Burkina Faso
Changement climatique et migrations transfrontalières : Stratégies adaptatives des éleveurs burkinabè
BASSOLE Alexis Clotaire
Dans la région du Sahel au Burkina Faso, l´élevage pratiqué est de type pastoral, avec un cheptel estimé à plus de 1,76 million bovins, 1,19 million ovins, 2,13 millions de caprins (DGPSE, 2012). Dans ce système d´élevage, l’alimentation des animaux provient essentiellement de l’exploitation des pâturages naturels par le biais de la conduite d(...)
Changement climatique, migration transfrontalière, région du sahel, éleveurs
Seroepidemiological Study of Dengue Virus Infection Suspected Cases in Burkina Faso
Kima Donatien1,2,3, Yeri Esther Hien1,3, Sawadogo Salam1, Nebié K. Yacouba1, Ilboudo P. Denise4, Abdoul Rahamani Nikièma5, Diallo Mariam1,3, Kafando Eléonore1,2, Yves Traoré1,3
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by four related but antigenically
distinct dengue viruses. In the last half-century, the prevalence of dengue
fever has increased dramatically (up to 30%) worldwide, especially in
Sub-Saharan Africa. In Burkina Faso, the last dengue epidemic occurred in 2016,
and the epidemiological situation(...)
Dengue, Seroepidemiology, Ouagadougou
Antimicrobial activity of bacterial strains isolated from Macrotermes bellicosus termite mound
SAWADOGO B. Joseph, HIEN E.T. Sandrine, PALE Dagoro, MAIGA Ynoussa, NIKIÈMA Mahamadi, MOGMENGA Iliassou, DABIRÉ Yerobessor, OUATTARA A.T. Cheik, OUATTARA S. Aboubakar
Natural environments like termite mounds can be a reservoir for novel microbial
strains and antimicrobial metabolite producers. Hence, this study aimed to investigate
the antimicrobial activities of bacterial strains isolated from Macrotermes bellicosus
(M. bellicosus) termite mound materials. These materials were sampled from active
Macrotermes bellicosus, Actinobacteria, Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity, Bacteria
Regional and country-level trends in cervical cancer screening coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic analysis of population-based surveys (2000-2020)
Lily Yang,Marie-Claude Boily,Minttu M. Rönn,Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah,Imran Morhason-Bello,Nicolas Meda,Olga Lompo,Philippe Mayaud,Michael Pickles,Marc Brisson,Caroline Hodgins,Sinead Delany-Moretlwe,Mathieu Maheu-Gir
Background: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the highest cervical cancer (CC) burden globally-worsened by its HIV epidemics. In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced a CC elimination strategy with goals for vaccination, screening, and treatment. To benchmark progress, we examined temporal trends in screening coverage, percent screen(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Production and Microbial Quality of "charmout", a Dried Meat Produced in Chad
Ali Haroun Hissein, François Tapsoba, Himeda Makhlouf, Cisse Hama, Abel Tankoano, Hassan Mahamat Ali, Cheikna Zongo, Abdessalam Tidjani, Aly Savadogo
The charmout is a meat product obtained by drying meat and used in the preparation of sauces in some Sahelian countries. However, charmout is produced and sold under unhygienic conditions. It is therefore susceptible to contamination by pathogenic and toxigenic microorganisms. The objective of this study was to isolate and identify bacterial a(...)
Mots clés non renseignés
Future climate or land use? Attribution of changes in surface runoff in a typical Sahelian landscape
Roland Yonaba, Lawani Adjadi Mounirou, Fowe Tazen, Mahamadou Koita, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Cheick Oumar Zoure, Pierre Queloz, Harouna Karambiri and Hamma Yacouba
In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is used to assess changes in surface runoff between the baseline (1995–2014) and future (2031–2050) periods in the Tougou watershed (37km²) in Burkina Faso. The study uses a combination of land use maps (for current and future periods) and a bias-corrected ensemble of 9 CMIP6 clima(...)
Climate change, Hydrological modelling, Land use/land cover change, Sahel, Surface runoff, SWAT, Tougou watershed Mot clés : Changement climatique, Modélisation hydrologique, Changement d’affectation des terres et de la couverture végétale, Ecoulement de surface
Caractérisation des processus orogéniques tardi-éburnéen par les mécanismes de mise en place des plutons alcalins de Wayen et de Déou
braham Seydoux TRAORE , Hermann ILBOUDO , Adama Ouédraogo YAMEOGO, Sâga SAWADOGO et Séta NABA
La structure et le contexte géodynamique de mise en place des granites alcalins ont été très peu étudiés.
Ces structures sont pourtant importantes pour interpréter les mécanismes de mise en place et déduire le
régime tectonique qui a prévalu à la fin de l’orogénèse éburnéenne (actif ou inactif). L‘objectif de ce travail
est d’utiliser la(...)
Wayen, Déou, syénite, granite alcalin, géodynamique, tardi-éburnéen, diapirisme
Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Survival of Breast Cancer: Data from the Population-Based Cancer Registry of the City of Parakou from 2017 to 2021
Luc Valère Codjo Brun, Rachidi Sidi Imorou, Nukunté David Lionel Togbenon, Marie-Claire Assomption Oloufoudi, Balle Pognon, Mawuton, Alphonse Renaud Aholou, Sèdjro Raoul Atade, Oumou Boukari, Freddy Houéhanou Rodrigue Gnangnon, Salmane Amidou, Falilath Séidou, Hierrhum Aboubacar Bambara, Kabibou Salifou, Marie Thérèse Akélé Akpo
Background: Breast cancer mortality remains high in the majority of developing countries. The Ministry of Health has established two population-based cancer registries in Benin: the first one in Cotonou in 2014 and the second one in Parakou in 2017. However, there is a scarcity of data on breast cancer survival and prognosis in Benin Republic.(...)
Breast Cancer, Survival, Cancer Registry
Future climate or land use? Attribution of changes in surface runoff in a typical Sahelian landscape
Roland Yonaba, Lawani AdjadiMounirou, Fowé Tazen,Mahamadou Koïta, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Cheick Oumar Zouré, Pierre Queloz, Harouna Karambiri and Hamma Yacouba
In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is used to assess changes in surface runoff between the baseline (1995–2014) and future (2031–2050) periods in the Tougou watershed (37 km²) in Burkina Faso. The study uses a combination of land use maps (for current and future periods) and a bias-corrected ensemble of 9 CMIP6 clim(...)
Climate change, Hydrological modelling, Land use/land cover change, Sahel, Surface runoff, SWAT, Tougou watershed
Use of supercritical CO2 for the sterilization of liposomes: Study of the influence of sterilization conditions on the chemical and physical stability of phospholipids and liposomes
Kouka Luc Delma, Noémie Penoy, Abdoul Karim Sakira, Sabrina Egrek, Rosalie Sacheli, Bruno Grignard, Marie-Pierre Hayette, Touridomon Issa Somé, Brigitte Evrard, Rasmané Semdé, Géraldine Piel
The effects of four potential supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) sterilization conditions on the chemical stability
of 9 phospholipids and on the physicochemical characteristics of liposomes consisting of stable phospholipids,
as well as their sterilization efficiency were evaluated. These conditions were : C1 (ScCO2/70 ◦C/150
bar/240 min(...)
Phospholipids, Liposomes, Supercritical carbon dioxide, Sterilization, Stability, Sterilizing efficacy
Yennenga, un pôle urbain futuriste alambiqué dans le Grand Ouaga au Burkina Faso
SOMA Assonsi
À l’instar des villes ouest-africaines, le problème de logements se pose avec acuité à Ouagadougou,
capitale du Burkina Faso. Afin de remédier à l’insuffisance de l’offre par l’autorité publique, des
promoteurs immobiliers privés s’y investissent. Le pôle urbain Yennenga, initié par un promoteur
immobilier privé à la périphérie sud-est du G(...)
Ouagadougou, nouvelle ville, Yennenga, Grand Ouaga
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Antibiotic Use and Antibiotic Resistance among Poultry Farmers in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Sawadogo Abdallah , Kagambèga Assèta , Moodley Arshnee , Ouedraogo Abdoul Aziz, Barro Nicolas and Dione Michel
Increased use of antibiotics in livestock is a public health concern, as it poses risks of antibiotic residues and antibiotic-resistant pathogens entering the food chains and infecting humans. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 216 poultry farms to study knowledge, attitudes and practices of poultry farmers on the use of antibiotics in(...)
attitudes, practises, knowledges
Analysis of Dengue Disease Transmission Model with General Incidence Functions
Harouna OUEDRAOGO and Aboudramane GUIRO
In this work, we propose a non-linear system of differential equations that models the dynamics of transmission of dengue fever. Then, we perform a stability analysis of this model. In particular, we prove that when the threshold of the model called the basic reproduction ratio is less than unity, the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymp(...)
dengue, general incidence function, mathematical analysis, basic reproduction number, Lyapunov function, stability analysis, sensitivity