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Prospective Study of Percutaneous Ozone Treatment of Cervicobrachial Neuralgia (CBN) Due To Disc Herniation,
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Auteur(s): ZABSONRE Denlewende Sylvain, TIENDREBEOGO/ ZABSONRE Wendlassida Joelle Stephanie, HARO Yakouba, OUEDRAOGO Trabguesgo Jean Marcel, SANOU Abdoulaye, ZOUNGRANA Inoussa, KABORE Fulgence, MAULE Lucie Tiziana, KYELEM/KAFANDO Julie Marie Adeline Wendlamita, KINDA Boureima, KABRE Abel
Renseignée par : HARO Yakouba

Introduction: In case of conservative treatment failure in cervical disc herniation, many surgical procedures are
offered. Percutaneous surgery seems to have the best benefits. Ozone discolysis is one of the emerging treatments.
However, no standardized procedure for this discolysis is yet available. The purpose of this work was to describe
our procedure that we have been practicing since 2016 and to assess its results.
Methods: From July 2016 to June 2021, we conducted a prospective study in the neurosurgery department of
Yalgado Ouedraogo. All consenting patients with cervical disc herniation and conservative treatment failure who
have benefited ozone discolysis were included. These patients were reassessed (VAS and neurological examination)
at one week, two weeks, one month, three months.
Results: Thirty-four cases were retained, representing 39.5% of cervical disc herniation surgeries. Main
indications were disabling cervicobrachial neuralgia (CBN) (88.2%) and hyperalgesia CBN (8.8%). Discolysis
concerned 1 (52.9%); 2 (29.4%) and 3 (17.6%) levels. At 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 months after discolysis
were respectively noted 61.8%; 85.3%; 85.3% and 91.2% asymptomatic patients. Pending conventional surgery,
discolysis was performed in 1 case (2.9%) of left C5 root plegia resulting in total recovery. No complications were
noted. No complications were noted.
Conclusion: Cervical discolysis with ozone had very satisfactory results with certain benefits for the patient and
his surgeon. It was a good alternative to surgery in our country where the neurosurgeon is the first and only resort
in case of cervical disc herniation with failure of conservative treatment.


Herniated disc, Cervicobrachial neuralgia, Ozone, Surgery
