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Plant communities on inselbergs in Burkina Faso.,
Auteur(s): Elycée Tindano, Gouwidida Elice Kaboré, Stefan Porembski, Adjima Thiombiano
Auteur(s) tagués: THIOMBIANO Adjima
Renseignée par : THIOMBIANO Adjima

The safeguarding and sustainable management of natural resources, particularly plant resources, requires the implementation of conservation strategies. The study of plant communities is an essential tool for monitoring the development of plant formations. The aim of this study was to identify the plant communities on inselbergs of Burkina Faso in West Africa, to provide a database to supporting the sustainable management of the plant resources withing these fragile ecosystems. Stratified and random sampling was carried out on selected inselbergs in different parts of Burkina Faso along a climatic gradient. In the different phytogeographical sectors, inselbergs consist of granite or sandstone. Plant surveys were conducted using 900 m2 plots for the woody stratum and 100 m2 plots for the herbaceous stratum. An exhaustive list of plant species was compiled and an abundance-dominance coefficient for each species was determined. A DCA, through PCord.6, was used to obtain preliminary groups. Indicator species were determined by a Monte Carlo test with p


Conservation, Fragile ecosystems, Indicator species, Natural resources, Plant groups, Rock outcrops
