Détails Publication
Assessment of the Aflatoxin Content of Maize Flours Produced in the Commune of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,
Auteur(s): Adama Sawadogo, Raoul Bazié, Hama Cissé, Latifatou Helbi, Cheikna Zongo, Aly Savadogo
Renseignée par : ZONGO Cheikna

Aflatoxins are toxic metabolites present in various foods, especially when production and conservation do not respect good hygiene practices (GHP). In Ouagadougou, maize flour is produced and sold in different structures by actors who do not always respect GHP. Thus, it is necessary to regularly control the quality of these flours. So, this is carried out with the aim to assess the aflatoxin content of maize flours produced in the municipality of Ouagadougou. For this, twenty-eight (28) samples were collected from households, markets and supermarkets in the city of Ouagadougou. Thus, LC/MS/MS analysis was used to assess the aflatoxin content of the samples. The results obtained reveal the presence of total aflatoxins (AFT) in 78.57% of samples analyzed with levels ranging from 0.89 to 64.25 μg/kg. The prevalence of different types of aflatoxins were 57.14% for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), 46.43% for aflatoxin B2 (AFB2), 42.86% for aflatoxin G1 (AFG1) and 4.6% for aflatoxin G2 (AFG2). The results also show that 80% and 60% of market samples, 70% and 30% of household samples and 37.5% and 25% of supermarket samples do not comply with European Commission standards for AFT and AFB1 respectively. For all the samples, 60.71% and 42.86% of the samples are compliant according to the limits established by the European Commission (EC) respectively for AFB1 and AFT. Regarding the results obtained, producers and processors must be supervised and trained in GHP for the production of better-quality flours.


Maize Flour, Sanitaty Quality, LC/MS/MS, Aflatoxins, Ouagadougou
