Détails Publication
Evaluation of contamination risks due to the sale and storage conditions of smoked, dried and fresh fishes in Ouagadougou,
Auteur(s): Arouna Ouedraogo, Cheikna Zongo, François Tapsoba, Hama Cissé, Yves Traoré, Aly Savadogo
Renseignée par : CISSE Hama

Aims: Fish is a product more and more consumed in Burkina Faso, especially in Ouagadougou. Poor sale and storage conditions can impact on the hygienic quality of fish. The objective of this study was to identify the contamination risks due to the sale and storage conditions of smoked, dried and fresh fishes.

Study Design: A descriptive design was used to identify the different types and origins of fish on the markets in Ouagadougou and the practices and conditions of sale that could be sources of chemical and microbiological contamination.

Place and Duration of Study: Relevant data was collated in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) from February 2019 to July 2019.

Methodology: A survey was conducted among traders of dried and smoked fish from 50 markets and major sales sites in Ouagadougou. Data collection was done using a questionnaire developed with Sphinx Plus2 software.

Results: The results indicated a higher proportion of men (75%) than women (25%) with an age between 21 and 45 years old were participated in fish trade. The fish encountered in the markets of Ouagadougou come from Sourou, Kompienga and Bagré, as well as from external suppliers such as Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal. The different types of fish sold were dried or smoked carp (36.67%), smoked catfish (23.33%), dried Nanani or Djêdjê wala (concorde) (13.33%), smoked Macharon (10%), smoked Racok (10%) and smoked eels or Roolgo in mooré (local language) (6.67%). The types of fish most purchased by consumers, in order, were: Carp, Catfish, Macharon, Nanani. In addition, the study detected risks of contamination of the fish, namely: exposure material consisting of tables and baskets, conservation at room temperature, storage period of 10 to 30 days, no training in hygiene, fish served with bare hands, exposed to dust and stray animals.

Conclusion: In sum, the study revealed some characteristics of the fish industry in Ouagadougou and also risks of contamination of fish sold on the markets.

