This study deals with the use of peroxidases (POXs) from Allium sativum, Ipomoea batatas,
Raphanus sativus and Sorghum bicolor to catalyze the degradation of free phenolic compounds as well
as phenolic compounds contained in wastewater from leather industry. Secretory plant POXs were able to
catalyze the oxidation of gallic acid, ferulic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, pyrogallol and 1,4-tyrosol
prepared in ethanol 2% (v:v). Efficiency of peroxidase catalysis depends strongly on the chemical
nature of phenolic substrates and on the botanical source of the enzymes. It appeared that POX from
Raphanus sativus had the highest efficiency. Results show that POXs can also remove phenolic compounds present in industrial wastewater such as leather industry. Removal of phenolic compounds in wastewater from leather industry by POX was significantly enhanced by polyethylene glycol.
Peroxidase Leather Wastewater Biodepollution Phenolic compound