Détails Publication
Hippotragus equinus (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803) and Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa (Rüppell, 1835) diet in semi-captivity in the urban park Bangr-Weoogo (Burkina Faso),
Auteur(s): Napoko Malika KANGOYÉ, Adama OUEDA, Idrissa OUÉDRAOGO and Wendengoudi GUENDA
Renseignée par : KANGOYÉ Napoko Malika

We have performed a study on the diet of Roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) and Defassa waterbuck
(Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa) from April to August 2006 in the urban park Bangr-Weoogo (Burkina Faso).
The aim of this survey was to determine plant species that constitute the diets of these two animals in the
park and to determine whether or not part of these diets was identical. To achieve this objective, we did a
microscopic analysis of the faeces to find out which fragments of plants appear. Then, we compared these
fragments to a selection of plants that we took from the survey area. Results from this research show that
both Roan antelope and Defassa waterbuck have a diversified diet. The Roan antelope consumes 26 species
of plants distributed into 18 families while the Defassa waterbuck integrate 14 species from 7 families in its
diet. These diets are correlated to the food resources availability. Roan antelope preferably feeds on woody
while Defassa waterbuck prefers woody plants as well as herbaceous but especially herbaceous in the wet
season. The ability of these two species to segregate their diet following resources scarceness allows them
to cohabit in the reduced space of zoological park in Bangr-Weoogo. Thus the two species could coexist (to
an optimum level of resources) without thereby threatening the survival of either species.


Diet, Hippotragus equinus, Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa, Bangr-Weoogo, Burkina Faso
