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ʽʽLight Concentration solar cell: Temperature Proper and Dynamic Effects on Electrical Parameters Determined by Using J-V and P-V Characteristics,
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Discipline: Sciences physiques
Auteur(s): Mahamadi SAVADOGO, Amadou KONFE, Idrissa SOURABIE, Boubacar SORO, Ramatou KONATE, Martial ZOUNGRANA, Issa ZERBO, Dieudonné Joseph BATHIEBO
Renseignée par : SAVADOGO Mahamadi

The solar cell is assumed to be under light concentration (C=50 Suns) which leads us to take into consideration the electric field induced by electrons concentration gradient. We also take into consideration temperature influence on electron and hole diffusion parameters, on carrier generation rate, on carrier intrinsic concentration and on silicon energy gap. It emerges from results analysis that increase in temperature leads to decrease of open-circuit voltage and the photovoltaic parameters at the maximum power point (MPP) such as electric power, photo-voltage and photocurrent with however a slight increase of short-circuit photocurrent density. It also appears that temperature has a double effect on electrical parameters. The temperature dynamic effect which is characterized by parameters variations linked to operating point displacement caused by temperature variations. And the temperature proper effect which is characterized by parameters variation with temperature at a given operating point. Thus, the combination of these two effects represents temperature effective effect


Light Concentration, External Load Resistance, Dynamic Junction Velocity, Temperature Dynamic Effect, Temperature Proper Effect
