Participation à des rencontres scientifique(8)
Nom Type Lieu Titre communication Role
Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) Conférences Dakar, SENEGAL Influence du zaï, cordons pierreux et la fertilisation organo-minérale sur les propriétés du sol et le rendement de l’arachide au zone Soudano-sahélienne du Burkina Faso Communicateur
Science for livelihood - Interdisciplinary Forum on Research-Based Approaches for Climate Resilience Conférences Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Germany Impacts of agro-ecological practices on soil health and sorghum yield as influenced by climate change in the Sudan-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso Communicateur
Science for livelihood - Interdisciplinary Forum on Research-Based Approaches for Climate Resilience Conférences Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Germany Impacts of agro-ecological practices on soil health and sorghum yield as influenced by climate change in the Sudan-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso Communicateur
Doctoriales de l’Institut 2IE Conférences Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Socio-economic indigenous drivers of soils and water conservation practices use to cope with climate change in the region of Plateau Central in Burkina Faso Communicateur
Doctoriales de l’Institut 2IE Conférences Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Socio-economic indigenous drivers of soils and water conservation practices use to cope with climate change in the region of Plateau Central in Burkina Faso Communicateur