Nom | Type | Lieu | Titre communication | Role |
Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) | Conférences | Dakar, SENEGAL | Influence du zaï, cordons pierreux et la fertilisation organo-minérale sur les propriétés du sol et le rendement de l’arachide au zone Soudano-sahélienne du Burkina Faso | Communicateur |
Science for livelihood - Interdisciplinary Forum on Research-Based Approaches for Climate Resilience | Conférences | Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Impacts of agro-ecological practices on soil health and sorghum yield as influenced by climate change in the Sudan-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso | Communicateur |
Science for livelihood - Interdisciplinary Forum on Research-Based Approaches for Climate Resilience | Conférences | Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Impacts of agro-ecological practices on soil health and sorghum yield as influenced by climate change in the Sudan-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso | Communicateur |
Doctoriales de l’Institut 2IE | Conférences | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | Socio-economic indigenous drivers of soils and water conservation practices use to cope with climate change in the region of Plateau Central in Burkina Faso | Communicateur |
Doctoriales de l’Institut 2IE | Conférences | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | Socio-economic indigenous drivers of soils and water conservation practices use to cope with climate change in the region of Plateau Central in Burkina Faso | Communicateur |