External magnetic field effect on bifacial silicon solar cell's electric power and conversion efficiencyIssa ZERBO, Martial ZOUNGRANA, Idrissa SOURABIE, Adama OUEDRAOGO, Bernard ZOUMA, Dieudonné Joseph BATHIEBOINFLUENCE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES PRODUCED BY AN AMPLITUDE MODULATION RADIO ANTENNA ON THE ELECTRIC POWER DELIVERED BY A SILICON SOLAR CELLI. ZERBO, M. ZOUNGRANA, A. OUEDRAOGO, B. KORGO, B. ZOUMA AND D. J. BATHIEBOExperimental characterisation and modelling of thin layer solar drying of amelie and brooks mangoesA. O. Dissa, J. D. Bathiebo, H. Desmorieux, O. Coulibaly; J. Koulidiati |