THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON THE EFFICIENCY OF A SILICON SOLAR CELL UNDER AN INTENSE LIGHT CONCENTRATIONMartial Zoungrana, Issa Zerbo, Boubacar Soro, Mahamadi Savadogo, Sanna Tiedrebeogo, Dieudonné Joseph BathieboEFFECT OF JUNCTION QUALITY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A SILICON SOLAR CELLI. Zerbo, M. Zoungrana, A. Ouedraogo and D. J. BathieboExternal Magnetic Field Effect on Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell’s Electrical ParametersIssa Zerbo, Martial Zoungrana, Idrissa Sourabié, Adama Ouedraogo, Bernard Zouma, Dieudonné Joseph BathieboResults of the Burkina Faso Women in Physics Working Group’s activities at the University of OuagadougouPétronille Kafando and Issa ZerboExternal magnetic field effect on bifacial silicon solar cell's electric power and conversion efficiencyIssa ZERBO, Martial ZOUNGRANA, Idrissa SOURABIE, Adama OUEDRAOGO, Bernard ZOUMA, Dieudonné Joseph BATHIEBO |